The director of the Center for Studies and Development of Cambodian Agriculture (CEDAC), Dr. Y. S. Koma, first tried SRI methods in 1999 after reading about them in an ILEIA newsletter article. During 2000, only 28 farmers participated in the SRI experimentation. Due to the early successes of SRI, the Cambodian government, especially its Minister of Agriculture, H.E. Chan Sarun, officially started endorsing and promoting SRI in 2005. Since then, SRI has been promoted in all provinces of Cambodia. Subsequently, SRI was included in the National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) for 2006-2010 to raise productivity in the rice sector, and then in the revised NSDP for 2009-2013.
There are also at least 47 NGOs and development projects involved in promoting SRI in different parts of Cambodia. Since 2004, there is a national SRI secretariat hosted by MAFF's Department of Agronomy and Agriculture Land Improvement with technical support from CEDAC and funding support from GTZ (German Technical Cooperation Agency), Oxfam America and GB, FAO and HEKS (a Swiss NGO). Since then, the Secretariat began playing an important role in coordinating and assisting SRI activities in Cambodia, While the secretariat has been less active during 2010-2013, there are plans to strengthen its role in the near future. (See Koma's 2008 note on proposed strategies to utilize the potential of rice production in Cambodia.)
On August 21, 2009, the Minister of Agriculture directed that SRI is to become a mainstay of the agricultural development for Cambodia. According to Mr. Ngin Chhay, director of MAFF's Rice Department, by the end of 2009 there were 110,530 farmers using SRI methods in Cambodia on 59,785 hectares in 4,534 villages; the average SRI yield was calculated at 3.48 t/ha, about 1 t/ha more than the national average. During the 2010 Annual Conference of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), the Minister of Agriculture, H.E. Chan Sarun, emphasized the importance of SRI in his opening speech and the Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen spoke highly about the benefits of SRI for rice production in Cambodia in the closing ceremony. On July 6, 2010, the Cambodian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) convened a meeting to discuss setting up a SRI National Advisory Board (SRI-NAB).
CEDAC estimated that as of 2011, 100,000 families in Cambodia have applied SRI through the promotion of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, their own NGO and other NGOs in Cambodia. During 2011, CEDAC promoted SRI to 75,395 families on 24,293 ha of arable area in 2,317 villages across 268 communes in 45 districts of 13 Provinces. As of 2012, CEDAC was reportedly supporting 140,000 farmer families in twenty-one provinces. CEDAC's president, Yang Saing Koma, was awarded the prestigious Philippines-based Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation, largely for his work with SRI, on July 25, 2012. During the 4th National Farmers Conference (April 4, 2013), Chan Sarun, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries said that national paddy productivity increased from 2.74 t/ha in 2008 to 3.13 t/ha in 2012, with a good part of this increase attributable to wider use of SRI methods. The Ministry reports that at least 101,719 hectares are under SRI crop management, which means 150,000-200,000 households.
Beginning in 2013, the System of Rice Intensification in the Lower Mekong River Baisn (SRI-LMB) project, which is led by the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and sponsored by the European Union (EU), partnered with Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Oxfam America in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) to enhance resilience of rain-fed regions facing climate change in Cambodia and several other LMB countries. The regional project titled "Sustaining and Enhancing the Momentum for Innovation and Learning around the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in the Lower Mekong River Basin (SRI-LMB)," works in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. In Cambodia, provinces include Takeo, Kampong Speu, and Kampot. During 2014, CFPAR, a season-long intensive training on rice production, was implemented by General Directorate of Agriculture (GDA) of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) Cambodia in collaboration with Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). During 2015, CEDAC organized a national and provincial SRI Planter Championship 2015 to raise awareness of SRI principles and to demonstrate effective SRI methods. Winners will be announced in June 2015. A July 2015 article in Paddy and Water Environment concludes that the key factors for improving the degree of SRI adoption (in three rain-fed villages in southern Cambodia) are farmer zeal and careful attention rather than the home-to-plot distance and availability of labor.
In conjuntion with the SRI-LMB Project, 170 Farmer Participatory Research (FPAR) were conducted in Cambodia from 2014 to 2016 with 3,393 farmers (2,061 women) involved. The Cambodian SRI-LMB experience was reported at the Regional Review and Planning Workshop of the SRI-LMB Project organized in Hanoi, Vietnam on 24-25 April 2017. The Centre for Research on Optimal Agricultural Practices (CROAP), which is associated with the the Karuna Battambang Organization (KBO) in Battambang, has been evaluating and promoting the SRI beginning in 2016. By 2019, SRI methods were being used by 80+ farmers in the provinces of Battambang, Buntheiey Meanchai, and Kompong Chhnang; these numbers increased increased to over 240 during 2020.
Progress and Activities
2021 Updates
Jesuit Programs Continues to Assist with SRI Efforts as the COVID Crisis Worsens
[July 14, 2021] An article by Br. Noel Oliver Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific website covers the SRI efforts by Jesuit programs in Cambodia to continue working with SRI efforts despite the rapid increase in COVID cases. An event on February 20 involving a violation of quarantine protocols caused the virus to spread in Cambodia and create some increased panic. In a little over four months the number of cases, which was only 522 for over a year, is now over 61,000 and nearly 825 deaths. Programs involving school children are facing major setbacks because of school closures. Schools can open in August or September depending on the situation, but that is a few months after the beginning of the rice planting season. Nonetheless, at Xavier Jesuit School, seedlings were prepared for some students to practice SRI. With this project, students will be able to compare the input cost per yield per hectare of SRI with traditional rice planting methods.
The Jesuit program is Br. Oliver and and his colleagues are also reaching out to schools in distant rural areas through their Community Development Project and Fe y Alegria Project. One of the schools is Beng Kangaok School, which Br. Oliver and the projects helped to renovate. For this, the participation and contribution of the parents and the community were important. Materials and food were provided, while the community did the actual work for free and cooked the meals. Parents and other community members stepped in for students who couldn’t come to the school to continue the SRI efforts. It is hoped that the parents and their children can see the difference in yield, especially if they do not have to face a flood situation which their children faced last year. Many of the Jesuit projects are carried out together with the Centre for Research on Optimal Agricultural Practices (CROAP).
In June 2020, CROAP reported that a total of 250 farmers who adopted SRI on some of their fields. This year, while four of those farmers dropped out for various reasons, 166 new farmers have joined. Hence this year we will be having a total of 412 farmers for the 2021 planting season. The total area of their farms which will be used for SRI is about 124 hectares. [See article article in the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific website for details.]
SRI Provides Farmers with Livelihood Opportunities during COVID Crisis
[August 28, 2020] An article on the Jesuitenwelte website describes some of the ways in which farmers have found opportunities to succeed during the COVID crisis in Cambodia. The experiences of these farmers, who have learned about SRI from Br. Noel Oliver, are detailed in his August newsletter. Oliver, who works with the Centre for Research on Optimal Agricultural Practices (CROAP) through the Karuna Battambang Organization (KBO), also expands on his SRI work with womens' and childrens' groups as well as youth, including both those who have migrated and returned and those who did not migrate. He believes that once youth learn the value of their farmland they will have different ideas about migrating. So far, these efforts are providing positive livelihood options during the COVID crisis. [See Oliver's newsletter and the Jesuitenwelte article for details.]
Karuna Battambang Organization SRI Efforts Reap Success in Cambodia
[May 28, 2020] The Centre for Research on Optimal Agricultural Practices (CROAP), which is associated with the the Karuna Battambang Organization (KBO) in Battambang, Cambodia, has been evaluating and promoting the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) for the past several years. Led by CROAP's project director, SRI was being used by in 2019 by 80+ farmers in the provinces of Battambang, Buntheiey Meanchai, and Kompong Chhnang, with numbers increasing to 240+ during 2020. Some of the farmers who have learned about SRI at the CROAP demonstration farm are featured in this video produced in March 2020. The SRI outreach efforts are especially targeted at women and children, with additional efforts recently made to scale up activities in schools. A recent KBO video entitled the 7 Steps of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in now available in Khmer with both English and German subtitles.
SRI-LMB Project Findings Shared at Workshop in Vietnam
[May 19, 2017] Farmers from 11 provinces of Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam have reported near doubling of profit for paddy grown with the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) management practices. This was a result of higher yield coupled with reduced cost of seed, seedlings, and pesticides; along with better quality of food-grains, thereby commanding a higher market price. These results and other project details were shared at Regional Review and Planning Workshop of the SRI-LMB Project organized in Hanoi, Vietnam on 24-25 April 2017. The results were reported from 172 action research sites spread over 33 districts in 11 provinces — three in Cambodia (Kampot, Kampong Speu and Takeo); three in Thailand (Uttaradit, Sisaket and Surin); two in Vietnam (Bac Giang and Ha Tinh); and three in Laos (Khammouan, Savannakhet and Vientiane). The event, was organized by the Asian Institute of Technology in collaboration with FAO and Oxfam and hosted by the Plant Protection Department, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Vietnam. For more, information, contact SRI-LMB or see the workshop report. [See ThaiPR article, workshop powerpoints and the SRI-LMB website for details.]
Presentations entitled Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) in Cambodia by Chuong Sophal and Key FPAR Learning and Draft Work Plans, Cambodia by Kong Kea highlighted Cambodia's project progress and lessons learned over the past several years. One hundred seventy Farmer Participatory Research (FPAR) were conducted in Cambodia from 2014 to 2016 with 3,393 farmers (2,061 women) involved. Seventy two post-FPAR were conducted from year 2015 until 2016 in three provinces namely Kampong Speu, Takeo and Kampot province involving 1,738 farmers (1,201 women). From 2014 to 2016, there were 680 participants (349 women) participated in seven FPAR Field Days. An Oversea Farmer Exchange Visit was made to Thailand in November 2014 by 10 participants. The project found that even though it was difficult to use all SRI principles with rainfed conditions, using even some of the practices improved yield and economic efficiency when transplanting or direct seeding was practiced. Additionally, FPAR farmers have built the skills to set up their own experiments in the future.
Video on YouTube about Yang Saing Koma, Cambodia's Best-Known SRI Champion
[July 26, 2016] A Khmer language video (right) on the work of Yang Saing Koma, founder of the Cambodian NGO CEDAC and the first person to test and promote SRI in Cambodia, was released on July 26, 2016, on the YouTube's khmer kakasekar channel. (The 17-minute video, which was shown on Cambodian TV, was released in December 2015 on the Kimsarn Ps channel.)
Study Explores Factors Affecting Variability in Rice Yields in a Rain-fed Lowland Ecosystem in Southern Cambodia
[July 26, 2016] A recent article by Ly et al in the Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences investigated key factors influencing yields in a rain-fed lowland rice ecosystem in Cambodia under farmer’s SRI and conventional management practices (CMP). Variables contributing significantly to yield variation included: number of cattle (access to farmyard manure [FYM]), farmer’s SRI practices, planting density and soil organic carbon (SOC). These four variables explained 39% of variance in rice yield. Keeping other variables constant, rice yields were increased by 14% (458 kg ha−1) by shifting from CMP to farmer’s SRI practices. The change of one unit in cattle (head), hill density (hill m−2) and SOC (g kg−1) results in an increase of rice yield by 5% (153 kg ha−1), 2% (66 kg ha−1) and 9% (289 kg ha−1), respectively. The higher rice yield obtained by transplanting with narrower spacing suggests that the wider spacing recommended by SRI is less advisable in nutrient-poor soil. Although the application of manure did not emerge as a key variable, three out of the four key variables (farmer’s SRI, access to FYM, and SOC) are directly linked to its use. Farmer’s SRI was strongly associated with the use of FYM, and the plots that received more FYM and belonged to farmers with more cattle had higher total soil N. Total soil N was positively correlated with SOC. The results highlighted the important role of livestock in crop-animal integration and the contribution of animal manure to increase agricultural productivity within smallholder farmers on infertile sandy Cambodian soils.
Paddy and Water Environment Article Assesses Labor Requirements for SRI in Cambodia
[July 22, 2015] An article by Ches and Yamaji in the journal Paddy and Water Environment compared distinct aspects of SRI labor requirements and conventional practices that could potentially lead to more intensive SRI adoption. A household survey and field observations were conducted in three rain-fed villages in the southern part of Cambodia: two in Kampot Province and one in Kampong Speu Province. Findings showed little or no difference between SRI labor requirements and conventional practices. Laborers are in high demand when preparing land and nurseries, transplanting seedlings, and harvesting. Hired labor costs depend on the supply of farmer-family labor and the efficacy of the ‘‘sharing-hand’’ system, not on farming techniques per se. This system helps alleviate hired labor costs, one of the highest cost factors. The findings also indicated that the degree of SRI adoption shows no correlation between the home-to-plot distance and availability of farmer-family labor or hired labor. The article concludes that the key factors for improving the degree of SRI adoption are farmer zeal and careful attention rather than the home-to-plot distance and availability of labor. (If you cannot access the full article, contact the authors or SRI-Rice for assistance).
SRI-Lower Mekong Basin Project Holds Regional Review and Planning Workshop in Siem Reap
[June 4, 2015] A regional review and planning workshop (year 2015) for the project Sustaining and Enhancing the Momentum for Innovation and Learning around the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in the Lower Mekong River Basin (SRI-LMB) was held in Siem Reap, Cambodia, June 2-3, 2015. The workshop's aim was to share the initial learning derived from 60 action research sites, to jointly review project activities undertaken since 2013, and to collect feedback from various stakeholders and feed into the next cycle of action research to strengthen the project actions. (Click on map at right to see project sites). The event was organized by AIT in collaboration with FAO and Oxfam with local support from the General Directorate of Agriculture (GDA), MAFF Cambodia that hosts the SRI-LMB Project office in Cambodia. Participants included project partners, ministry representatives, country coordinators, local provincial coordinators, district trainers and farmer’s trainers from the host country, as well as universities from all four countries involved in the project. The regional review workshop was preceded by a National Review and Planning Workshop in Cambodia, which was held May 28-29, 2015, in Phnom Penh.(See workshop document for details. For more information on the SRI-LMB project, see the project website.)
SRI Planting Championship 2015!
[May 8, 2015] CEDAC has been working with rice farmers in Cambodia since 2000 to develop and disseminate principles and methods of SRI. As of 2015, there are more than 200,000 rice farmers throughout Cambodia who have been using SRI principles to improve rice production. The best SRI farmers have proved that SRI methods enable farmers to increase their rice yields by two to three times compared to conventional methods while the reducing their requirements for seeds and other inputs. They also report less labor requirement for transplanting rice through improved planting techniques and skills. However, many farmers still complain that using SRI practices requires more labor, and transplanting only good seedlings one by one is complicated and risky.
In order to encourage more farmers to plant rice using SRI principles effectively --especially to transplant only good seedlings one by one--
CEDAC is organizing the first SRI planting competition among SRI farmers, The SRI Planter Championship 2015. The objectives are: 1) to raise awareness among farmers about SRI methods and 2) to demonstrate more effective ways of crop establishment for SRI. The winners will demonstrate how quickly and at what low labor cost SRI crops can be established, and others can learn from the techniques that they have developed and use for themselves.
CEDAC invites all interested farmers to participate in the competition, which will be conducted at two levels, namely, at provincial level and at national level. The best two SRI planters from each province (one man and one woman) will be invited to participate in the national competition. The three winners selected for national SRI planter awards and will receive the following: First prize: 250 USD, Second prize: 200 USD, and Third prize: 150 USD. The competition at provincial level will be conducted between May and June 2015, and the final competition at national level will be conducted around last week of June. CEDAC team in cooperation with the FNN will be responsible in organizing the competition in each participating province and at national level. The winners of the SRI championship prizes will be evaluated based on the performance of farmers in 1) uprooting seedlings and 2) planting them according to SRI principles. The criteria of the evaluation are as follows: - Number of good seedling uprooted during 15 minutes’ time, and - Time needed to plant on 100 m² and the quality of spacing. The standard spacing for the competition is 25 x 25 cm or 16 seedlings per m². CEDAC will organize an official ceremony to announce the winners as part of the national campaign to raise awareness on SRI. The winners will be invited to share their knowledge and experience with other farmers on how to plant rice with SRI methods most effectively. Videos of the national competition will be made for widespread circulation so that other farmers can see and appreciate the winning techniques.
The Rice Dragon (Niek Srer) Weeder Campaign Continues in Cambodia
[January 2015] During November 2014, the Cambodian Television Network (CTN) broadcast a program on the Rice Dragon (Niek Srer), a weeding tool innovated by women farmers to reduce weeds in rice paddies. Several videos produced by Oxfam also describe the Rice Dragon (Niek Srer) weeder as well as the marketing campaign for it in Cambodia spearheaded by Oxfam to distribute it during 2014. (See Niek Srer Promotion Activities 2014 and No Weed, More Rice). The Rice Dragon was the eventual result of testing begun by the NGO Rachana in 2008. After farmers tried a number of models over the years, the Rice Dragon was finally selected by women farmers as the most effective, user-friendly design. During 2014, a Rice Dragon business model, which was assisted by Oxfam, was drawn up to include local fabricators, distributors (agri-shops, farmer champions) and farmers. The weeders are currently being promoted through radio, newspapers, leaflets, posters, banners, and billboards, as well as through SRI-NGO meeting and workshops.
Sopheavy Ty, Deputy Regional Director for Oxfam America in Cambodia, made a presentation on the Rice Dragon at the Workshop on Crop Production Equipment for the System of Rice Intensification, held at the Asian Institute for Technology (AIT) in Pathumthani, Thailand, on November 1-3, 2014. The Rice Dragon was also on display at the SRI booth at the 4th International Rice Congress, held in Bangkok, October 27-31, 2014.
For 1999-2014 SRI activities, see SRI Cambodia Archives
Reports and Articles
(additional material can be found on the documents page of the Cambodia SRI website maintained in Phnom Penh)
- 2020. Neue wege im reisanbau führen aus der krise. Jesuitenweltweit website. August 28. [Story about farmers in Jesuit programs in Cambodia using SRI during the COVID crisis.]
- Oliver, Noel. Br. Noel Oliver's newsletter. [Updates on SRI and other activities carried out by Karuna Barrambang Organization, CROAP, and SORIYA.] [uploaded September 1, 2020]
- Scheidel A., B. Lim, K. Sok, and P. Duk. 2017. Leapfrogging agricultural development: Cooperative initiatives among Cambodian small farmers to handle sustainability constraints. In: Fraňková E., Haas W., Singh S. (eds) Socio-Metabolic Perspectives on the Sustainability of Local Food Systems. Human-Environment Interactions, vol 7. Springer, Cham. 10.1007/978-3-319-69236-4_8
- Tech, Chey. 2006. Ecological System of Rice Inensification (SR) impact assessment in 2001-2005. SRI-Rice website (21p.,367KB pdf) [Assessment for the NGO CEDAC in Cambodia].
- ALiSEA. date? A model farmer in Kampong Speu province. AliSEA website. [access September 17, 2017]
- ACISAI. 2017. Second Regional Review and Planning Workshop - Hanoi, Vietnam. SRI-LMB website. [Report on the workshop of the SRI-LMB Project -- Sustaining and Enhancing the Momentum for Innovation and Learning around the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in the Lower Mekong River Basin (SRI - LMB). Includes information from Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam] [accessed July 2017]
- CTIP. 2016. Rice farming system equips vulnerable farmers to triple rice profits and decrease risk of trafficking. Counter Trafficking-in-Persons (CTIP) in Cambodia website. October 6.
- Sreymom, Sam, and Ouch Chhuong. 2015. Agricultural technological practices and gaps for climate change adaptation. CDRI Working Paper Series No. 100. Phnom Penh: CDRI. [accessed October 23, 2017]
- 2016. Community resilience in East Asia. Oxfam website. [SRI listed as one of programmatic interests (sustainable livelihoods) in Cambodia.]
- Levine, Caryl. 2015. Market incentives for eco-friendly SRI rice production in Cambodia Landscapes for People, Food and Nature website. September 10.
- Hufstader, Chris. 2015. Learning new rice technique inspires growers in Cambodia. Oxfam America website. September 2.
- SRI-LMB project. 2015. Regional review and planning workshop (year 2015) for the project: Sustaining and Enhancing the Momentum for Innovation and Learning around the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in the Lower Mekong River Basin (SRI-LMB). SRI-LMB website. May 2015.
- 2014. Central Farmer's Participatory Action Research (CFPAR) field day in Cambodia. SRI-LMB website. November 28.
- 2014. SRI project to help farmers with climate change. Khmer Times. May 22. (Cambodia) [Workshop from the SRI Lower Mekong Basin project led by the Asian Institute of Technology.]
- 2014. CEDAC. CEDAC organizes final round selection for best SRI farmers 2013. CEDAC website. May 10.
- 2014. CEDAC. Cambodian organic fragrant rice produced with System of Rice Intensification. CEDAC website. May.
- 2013. Technology Learning Exchange Partnership: Connecting successful solutions in sustainable technologies. CEDAC website. October 28.
- Uphoff, Norman. 2013. Report on meeting of Cambodian SRI farmer-promoter, April 4, 2013. System of Rice Intensification website. April. (14p., 303KB pdf). [Trip report for SRI-Rice Center, Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development]
- Viphou, Meas. 2013. Using new techniques for cultivating rice in Mondulkiri. Cambodian Rural Development Team website. January 16. [The NGO CRD T begins promoting SRI in Mondulkiri Province with good results.]
- Brink. Rachel. 2013. Sharing the gift of improved rice fields. World Renew website. January 7. [World Renew, a Christian Reformed Church in N. America, shares info on one of the 12 Farmer Field Schools they sponsor in Cambodia that includes SRI]
- CEDAC. 2012. Yang Saing Koma - 2012 Magsaysay Awardee. Box website.
- Hufstader, Chris. 2012. Building a better life, one plant at a time. Oxfam Impact. June. [Article on the Oxfam website about farmers using SRI in Cambodia growing bigger, stronger plants that can better withstand flooding.]
- Fisher, Danny. 2012. International Women's Day 2012: Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi on addressing the often "subordinate status of girls and women." Buddhadharma Quarterly, March 8. [Buddhist Global Relief partners with Oxfam on SRI projects in Cambodia and Vietnam]
- Koma, Yang Saing. 2011. Building experiences with SRI development and dissemination in Cambodia (2000-2011). CEDAC website. (8p. pdf). [Document detailing the history of SRI in Cambodia 2000-2010, with special reference to the NGO CEDAC]
- Hirschbein, Maia. 2011. “Consumer Investing” Creates Opportunity for Cambodian Rice Farmers. Triple Pundit website. April 14.
- 2011. Mechanical advantage. Oxfam America website. March 17. [article on weeders in Cambodia. A similar article is entitled Rice farming in Cambodia: Mechanical advantage]
- Koma, Yang Saing. 2011. Building experiences with SRI development and dissemination in Cambodia (2000–2010). In Agroecology and Advocacy: Innovations in Asia, 3-11. Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy website. October. [This publication was produced by Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy and the Asian Farmers' Association for Sustainable Rural Development]
- 2010. Grow to feed: Improving food security. In MDGs Success Stories from Asia and the Pacific, 14-15. End Poverty 2015 Millennium Campaign website. (46p., 3.18MB pdf) [The section on SRI in Cambodia is one of 15 success stories highlighted in this publication from the UN High-Level Plenary Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals. (See page 14 of the publication or page 24 of the pdf)]
- 2010. CEDAC exports organic rice. Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst website, DED in Cambodia section.
- Seang, Soleak. 2010. Yem Neang spreads the word on a new way to grow rice. Oxfam America. April 27.
- Channthla, An. 2009 (Dec. 16-31). SRI takes hold. Economics Today. 2(53):14-17. [Article can be downloaded for $.40 from]
- Channthla, An. 2009 (Dec. 16-31). Cambodian organic rice enters US. Economics Today 2(53): 20-21. [Article can be downloaded for $.40 from]
- 2009. System of Rice Intensification (SRI) practice. Cambodian Farmers association Federation of Agricultural Producers (CFAP Cambodia) website.
- Resurreccion, Bernadette P. and Edsel E. Sajor. 2008. Gender Dimensions of the Adoption of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Cambodia. Oxfam America. System of Rice Intensification website. (90 p. pdf)
- Perera, Andrea. 2008. Food on the table and savings on hand. Oxfam America website. October 20.
- Hoering, Uwe. 2008. Rich Harvest - The System of Rice Intensification: A success story from Cambodia. Church Development Service (EED) website. September. (20p. pdf) [see also German version: Reiche ernte eine erfolgsgeschichte aus Kambodscha]
- Koma, Y.S. 2008. Proposed Strategies to utilize the potential of rice production in Cambodia. CEDAC, Cambodia. System of Rice Intensification website. June. [Agriculture and Rural Development Discussion Note]
- Uphoff, Norman T. 2008. Report on a Visit to Cambodia to Review SRI Progress. System of Rice Intensification website. January 3-7, 2008. [Trip report for the Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development]
- 2008 (March). Soth, Im. Report on the progress of System of Rice Intensification in Cambodia - 2007. Department of Agronomy and Agricultural Land Improvement (DAALI) / Cambodian Center for Study and Development in Agriculture (CEDAC). System of Rice Intensification website. (18p., 290 KB pdf)
- Taft, Katie. 2008. Movie Helps Farmers Learn New "Language" to Grow More Rice. Oxfam America website. March 25.
- Uphoff, Norman T. 2007. Report on a Visit to Cambodia to Review SRI Progress. System of Rice Intensification website. July 14-18. (21p. pdf) [Trip report for the Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development]
- 2007. The Rice Revolution. Oxfam (Australia) News Magazine (online), June edition. [A longer version is available in the pdf version of the entire magazine]
- Lyman, John, Jean Lyman, Som Rasmei, Yi Kim Than and Lang Chantheaet. 2007. Rice production in the Family Food Production Project. LDS Charities Report. System of Rice Intensification website. (10p., 376KB pdf)
- Tech, Chey and Heang Ratana. 2006. Annual activities report of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Secretariat (Jan.-Dec. 2005). SRI Secretariat DAALI/MAFF, Phnom Penh. System of Rice Intensification website. (24p., 512KB pdf)
- Uphoff, Norman T. 2006. Report on trip to Cambodia to review SRI Progress SRI Trip Report. System of Rice Intensification website. January 14-18. (20 p. pdf) [Trip report for the Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development]
- Pariphan Uawithya. 2005. SRI at work: higher rice yields for poor farmers. October article, Oxfam website.
- Uphoff, Norman T. 2005. Cambodia/Philippines SRI Trip Report. System of Rice Intensification website. March 17-25. [Trip report for the Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development. (30p. pdf)]
- Anthofer, Jürgen. 2004. Potential of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) for Cambodia. SRI-Rice website. (600KB, 92p. pdf) [GTZ report for the Food Security and Nutrition Policy Supposrt Project (FSNPSP) and the Rural Development Program Kampot & Kampong Thom (RDP)]
- Anthofer, Jürgen. 2004. The Potential of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) for poverty reduction in Cambodia. Presentation at the Conference on Rural Poverty Reduction through Research for Development and Transformation: International research on food security, natural resource management and rural development. Deutscher Tropentag, October 5 - 7, at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
- PADEK. 2004. Report of the System of Rice Intensification in PADEK Project Areas. Partnership for Development in Kampuchea. Phnom Penh. System of Rice Intensification website. (7p., 237KB pdf)
- Cowled, David V., and the SAFE Project Team. 2004. ADRA Cambodia SRI Report - September 2004. System of Rice Intensification website. (9p. pdf) [Report of an AusAid-funded ADRA project]
- Uphoff, Norman T. 2003. Cambodia SRI Trip Report. System of Rice Intensification website. January 14-18. (14p., 205KB pdf). [Trip report for the Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development]
- Deichert, Georg and Y.S. Koma. 2002. Experiences with the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Cambodia, a summary of an oral presentation at the conference Challenges to Organic Farming and Sustainable Land Use in the Tropics and Subtropics, October 9 - 11, in Kassel-Witzenhausen.
- Koma, Y.S. 2002. Experiences with the SRI in
Cambodia. Paper presented at the international conference on Assessments of
the System of Rice Intensification (SRI), April 1-4, in Sanya, China.
Items in the Press and on Blogs
- Hufstader, Chris. 2019. Clean water for farmer families. Oxfam website. August 20. [Story of how farmers in Pursat province improved their lives with SRI and water purification in a program by Oxfam and partner Srer Khmer.]
- Hufstader, Chris. 2019. Chickens and smart farming bring more money to family in Cambodia. OXFAM website, stories section. July 8. [With SRI, Saren went from 2.7 tons/ha to 3.5 tons andwent from being a subsistence rice farmer to someone with a surplus, making money selling 50 percent of her production.]
- Brown, Annie. 2018. Climate change and pollution threaten Cambodia's poorest villages - but Scots are helping to make a difference. Daily Record, February 10. [Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) is promoting SRI in Cambodia.]
- 2017. Replacing chemicals with agroecology increases Cambodian farmers’ income by four-folds. PAN Asia Pacific blog. March 18.
- Salvá, Ana. 2016. Desperate times for Cambodia's farmers. The Diplomat. August 9.
- Oxfam. 2016. Community resilience in South East Asia. Oxfam International website. [In Pursat province, Cambodia, Oxfam partner organization Srer Khmer teaches farmers to improve their rice harvest through SRI]. [accessed July02-16]
- Hufstader, Chris. 2016. Fathers: Some are not so terrible. First Person Blog (Oxfam America). June 16.
- Hufstader, Chris. 2016. A daughter in Cambodia doubles rice harvest, and surprises her parents. Oxfam America website. June 14. [Also published on the Cambodia Oxfam site.]
- Hufstader, Chris. 2016. A farmer declares victory. First Person Blog. March 10. [Oxfam interview with a Cambodian rice farmer on International Women's Day.]
- ESCAP. 2014. What's ahead ESCAP: 16-31 August 2014. UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) website. August 15.
- Hufstader, Chris. 2014. Leaving behind Cambodia’s troubled legacy. First Person Blog, Oxfam website. February 19.
- Narith, Por. 2014. The beneficial use of SRI techniques. Cambodian Rural Development Team (CRDT) blog. January 4. [Farmer doubles yield with SRI in Stung Treng, Cambodia, project by CRDT, WWF, and the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF)]
- 2013. Cambodia hopes to accelerate niche organic rice export market. Oryza website. December 13.
- Kimseng, Men. 2013. Cambodian agricultural research center honored. VOA Cambodia website. June 25.
- 2013. In Cambodia, Uphoff touts SRI successes, Cornell Chronicle, May 2.
- Quismorio, Ellson A. 2013. PH to import rice from Cambodia [Article attributes some of Cambodian rice success to SRI] Open Development Cambodia blog. April 7. [Article attributes some of Cambodian rice success to SRI]
- 2012. Magsaysay awardees teach farmers science and business, PhilStar, October 14.
- Quismundo, Tarra. 2012. Cambodian rice expert produces 'more with less', Inquirer Global Nation, August 30.
- Bondoc, Jarius. 2012. Northern Metro Manila sinking fast - experts, Philippine Star, August 29, Opinion section.
- Ng, Jennifer. 2012. Ramon Magsaysay awardee pushes SRI for palay production, Business Mirror, August 28.
- Khortieth, Him. 2012. CEDAC's president Dr. Yang Saing Koma has been selected for the 2012 Ramon Magsaysay award
KI-Media. July 26. - Hufstader, Chris. 2012.For Cambodian farmers, poverty can be just one tragic accident away. Oxfam America blog. March 2.
- Yim, Sok Sophors. 2012. Rice Yield increased after applying the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). Yim Sok Sophors blog. February 17.
- Sherrell, Daniel. 2011. Climate changed considered as flooding hits Cambodia, Phnom Penh Post, August 15. (reposted in [reference to SRI in 21st paragraph]
- Yim Sok Sophors' blog reports several times a week on CEDAC activities, primarily about SRI. (See blog for most recent 2011 posts)
- Yim, Sok Sophors. 2011. Attitude change of farmer. Yim Sok Sophors blog. April 29.
- Yim, Sok Sophors. 2011. SRI Plan for 2011. Yim Sok Sophors blog. April 7.
- Yim, Sok Sophors. 2011. Case study of an SRI farmer .
- Yim, Sok Sophors. 2011. Yield of SRI vs Conventional Practices in 2010. Yim Sok Sophors blog. April 1.
- Yim, Sok Sophors. 2011. Ecological System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Mondulkiri Province. Yim Sok Sophors blog. February 25.
- Tivea, Koam and Jake Schoneker 2010. From seed to sale. Phnom Penh Post (Cambodia). July 21.
- Seang, Soleak. 2010. Yem Neang spreads the word on a new way to grow rice . Oxfam America website. April 27.
- 2010, 2009. Yim, Sok Sophors. Various posts about SRI from 2009 and 2010. Yim Sok Sophors blog (WordPress).
- 2009. Cambodia to make first export of organic rice to U.S., Xinhua New Agency. Reposted on the iStockAnalyst website. November 20.
- Perera, Andrea. 2007. Feeding a nation. Oxfam America blog. October 1.
- Kunthear, Mom. 2007. Video shows how to increase rice yields. Phnom Penh Post. May 21.
- 2004. Imported growing methods sprout local farmer's collective. Source: Phnom Penh Post, Issue 13/13, June 18 - July 1.
Research and Evaluations
(organized by date received)- Mishra, Abha, Jan Willem Ketelaar, Norman Uphoff and Max Whitten. 2021. Food security and climate-smart agriculture in the lower Mekong basin of Southeast Asia: evaluating impacts of system of rice intensification with special reference to rainfed agriculture. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability doi:10.1080/14735903.2020.1866852
- Akiho, Sayaka. 2020. How "Khmer product" is made through development process: Focusing on changing the value of agricultural products in comtemporary Cambodia. Journal of Asian Rural Studies 4(1): 71-87
- Lee, Yun-ho, et al. 2018. On-farm study of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) of rainfed lowland in southern Cambodia (캄보디아 남부 천수답지역의 벼 집약관리재배 시스템(SRI)에 대한 현장 연구). Korea International Agricultural Development Association 30(4): 285-291
- Ly, Proyuth, Lars Stoumann Jensen, et al. 2016. Factors explaining variability in rice yields in a rain-fed lowland rice ecosystem in Southern Cambodia. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences (in press). doi:10.1016/j.njas.2016.05.003 [accessed July 27, 2016]
- Ches, Sophy, and Eiji Yamaj. 2015. Labor requirements of system of rice intensification (SRI) in Cambodia. Paddy and Water Environment (Springer Link online first, July 2015) doi:10.1007/s10333-015-0503-1
- Tann, Huyly, Chaiwat Makhonpas, Aram Utthajadee, and Kasem Soytong. 2012. Effect of good agricultural practice and organic methods on rice cultivation under the system of rice intensification in Cambodia. Journal of Agricultural Technology 8(1): 289-303.
- Ly, Proyuth. 2012. Low external input tropical agriculture: livelihoods, greenhouse gasses and sustainability: a study on the role of the system of rice intensification (SRI) in rain-fed lowland rice ecosystem in Cambodia. PhD disseration, University of Copenhagen. 143p.
- Ly, Proyuth, Lars Jensen, Thilde Bruun, Dominik Rutz, and Andreas de Neergaard. 2012. The System of Rice Intensification: Adapted practices, reported outcomes and their relevance in Cambodia. Agricultural Systems 113: 16-27. doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2012.07.005
- Tsurui, Jun, Ymiji Eiji, and Sovannara Suk. 2010. Accepting System of Rice Intensification (SRI) by farmers in rainfed lowland paddy area of Cambodia. International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development 1-2: 129-135.
- Kristof Dumas-Johansen, Marc. 2009. Effect of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) on Livelihood strategies for Cambodian farmers and possible carbon storage and mitigation possibilities for greenhouse gas emissions. Master's thesis. University of Copenhagen. (87p., 4.06MB pdf)
- Mao, M., P. Tongdeelert and P. Chumjai. 2008. The adoption of the system of rice intensification (SRI) in Tram Kak District, Takeo Province, Cambodia: The case study of leading farmers. Kasetsart Journal, Social Sciences 29:303-316.
- Feuer, Hart Nadav. 2008. Sustainable agricultural techniques and performance oriented empowerment, an actor-network theory approach to CEDAC agricultural and empowerment programmes in Cambodia. Master of Philosophy thesis, University of Oxford. (116p., 1.0 MB pdf)
- Tech, Chey. 2004. Ecological System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Impact Assessment (2001-2003). Centre d’Etude et de Développement Agricole Cambodgien/Cambodia Center for the Study and Development of Agriculture. System of Rice Intensification website. May. (18p. pdf) [CEDAC Field Document. 2 page summary also available]
- Koma, Y.S. and Suon Siny (eds). 2004. An Assessment of ecological System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Cambodia in wet season 2002. Cambodia Center for the Study and Development of Agriculture. System of Rice Intensification website. (8p. pdf). [Field document providing analyses of SRI yield and adoption rates as well as summaries of farmer perceptions and technology adaptation]
- Anthofer, Jürgen. 2004. The potential of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) for poverty reduction in Cambodia. Paper presented at the Conference on Rural Poverty Reduction through Research for Development and Transformation: International research on food security, natural resource management and rural development. Deutscher Tropentag, October 5 - 7, at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (full paper, pdf)
Cambodia SRI Groups and Websites
- SRI Working Group (see also link on government Food Security and Nutrition site)
- CEDAC's SRI Update
-maintained by CEDAC, the Cambodian Center for Study and Development of Agriculture, is an NGO with a large SRI program
Video and Audio
- Video: 2020 (April 2). 7 Steps of System of Rice Intensification (SRI). 5:43 min. Karuna Battambang channel, YouTube. [See also German subtitle version]. [An SRI video on the work of the Karuna Battambang organization, a aid group by the Catholic Church in Cambodia.]
- Video: 2020 (March 2). Karuna Battambang Org. Agriculture research study of farmers best practices; English subtitle. 22:11 min. Karuna Battambang channel, YouTube. [Study of farmer best practices by Karuna Battambang Org in Cambodia.]
- Video: 2020 (February 17). System of Rice Intensification CROAP Project Cambodia. 3:15 min. Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific channel, YouTube. [Farmer opinions of the SRI being promoted by the Centre for Research on Optimal Agricultural Practices (CROAP) project, a
- Video: 2019 (February 20). Thirsty Rice. 8:11 min. Chan S. Nara channel, YouTube. [Farmers in Traing district, Takeo province, Cambodia talking about drought and also there SRI experiences.]
- Video: (October 29, 2018). Rice farming: The physical challenges for women. 6:29 min. Oxfam American channel, YouTube. [Video shown at the 5th International Rice Congress in Singapore during keynote address delivered by Le Minh.]
- Video: 2014. (July 28). ស្រែម៉ាប់ និងស្វិត Mab & Svet Peddy Fields. 27 min. មណ្ឌលព័ត៌មាន ស្ត្រីកម្ពុជា (Women's Media Centre of Cambodia) channel, YouTube. [Drama by Cambodian farmers about SRI produced by the Women's Media Centre in conjuntion with Oxfam and other partners.]
- Video: 2017 (May 3). SRI LMB developing a more intelligent pathway for sustainable rice intensification. 7:59 min. SRI LMB channel, YouTube. [The AIT is implementing an EU-financed project entitled: “Sustaining and Enhancing the Momentum for Innovation and Learning around the System of Rice Intensification (SRI)in the Lower Mekong River Basin”. The objective is to enhance resilience of rainfed small-scale farmers of Lower Mekong region confronting climate change.]
- Video: 2017 (February 17). NHK World Japan. 28:09 min. Khmer Farmer channel, YouTube.[Video about Yang Saing Koma, CEDAC, and SRI in Cambodia.]
- Video: 2016 (July 26). Who is Doctor Yang Saing Koma. 17:19 min. khmer kaksekar channel, YouTube. [Khmer language video about Yang Saing Koma's work with SRI and other development efforts with the NGO CEDAC in Cambodia.]
- Video: 2016 (July 11). SRI CEDAC. 24:05 min. Agriculture Information channel, YouTube. [Khmer language video comparing SRI methods with traditional methods.]
- Video: 2016 (June 16). Thirsty rice. 8:11 minutes. Oxfam in Cambodia channel, YouTube. [Water shortage in Traing district, Takeo province, Cambodia, has led Oxfam to introduce SRI there.]
- Video: 2015 (August 20). System of Rice Intensification in Cambodia. 6:10 minutes. Switchcomms channel, YouTube. [Oxfam video from 2011 reuploaded on the Swithcomms channel. Farmers from Oxfam partners in Cambodia tell how SRI has improved their lives.]
- Audio: 2015 (August 12). Khmer hot news today | Officials advised farmers to learn growing rice intensification system (Khmer language). 8:04 min. News4u channel, YouTube. [Khmer language news program in Cambodia.]
- Video: 2015. (January 11). Niek Srer Promotion Activities 2014. Supachai Pitiwut channel, YouTube. 4:18.
- Video: 2014 (November 10). Leading Cambodian Television Network (CTN) broadcasts Neak Srer ( Rice Dragon) November 2014. 18:37 min. Oxfam in Cambodia channel, YouTube. Khmer Language. [Cambodian Television Network (CTN) broadcast about the Rice Dragon, Niek Srer, a weeding tool innovated by women farmers to reduce weeds in the rice paddy.]
- Video: 2014 (November 9). No Weed, More Rice. 4:18 min. Oxfam in Cambodia channel, YouTube. Khmer Language with English subtitles. [The Rice Dragon, Niek Srer, is a weeding tool innovated by women farmers to reduce weeds in the rice paddy. The video is about a marketing campaign by Oxfam to distribute it in Cambodia.]
- Video: 2014 (February 12). CODEGAZ agit pour les populations du Cambodge par la promotion du SRI. 49:48 min. CODEGAZVIDEO channel, YouTube.
- Video: 2014 (February 3). System of Rice Intensification SRI transplanting. FIDR Cambodia channel, YouTube. [Khmer with English subtitles]
- Video: 2013 (June 13). SRI 2013: Dr Yang Saing Koma - "Experiences with SRI in Cambodia 2000-2013. 1:05:51 min. Noorazimah Taharim channel, YouTube. [Keynote speech at the 2nd National SRI Conference in Malaysia, June 2013.]
- Video: 2013 (March 22). Cambodian agriculture - The System of Rice Intensification - SRI and using fertilizer. 24:35 min. khmersexystars channel, YouTube. [from a Khmer language TV show.]
- Video: 2012 (June 24). System of Rice Intensification. 45:01 min. veasna nida channel, YouTube.
[Khmer language video about SRI in Cambodia] - Video: 2011 (August 16). System of Rice Intensification in Cambodia. Produced by Oxfam. 6:11 min. cambodianmediagroup channel, YouTube. [Overview of SRI adopters and practices used by 100,000+ farmers in Cambodia. Average yields increased from 2.6 t/ha to 3.5 t/ha with SRI methods]
- Video: 2010 (January 9). SRI Farming in
Cambodia. Produced by Hermit Cave Films. 10:00 min. Permascience channel, YouTube.
(Khmer language with English subtitles.) [This is a shortened version of the
video originally created by Mind's Eye Productions for CEDAC, The Cambodian
Center for Study and Development in Agriculture].
- The longer version Of SRI Farming in Cambodia (on YouTube since Dec. 12, 2009) is available in 5 parts:
[Part 1: 5:47 min.] [Part 2: 6:54 min.] [Part 3: 8:48 min.] [Part 4: 6:32 min.] [Part 5: 8:07 min.] - Video: System of Rice Intensification. Produced by CEDAC. 45.00 min. The Water Channel. (Khmer Language.) [Video about SRI in Cambodia].
- Video: CEDAC and OXFAM. 2008. Do You Speak SRI? Produced by Mind's Eye. 36:31 min. (Khmer with English subtitles.) [Video production on growing rice with the System of Rice Intensification was prepared by Oxfam America and the Cambodian Center for Study and Development in Agriculture (CEDAC). Contact CEDAC for more information on the contents of the video below.]
- Video: 2008 (November 6). Systéme de Riziculture Intensive - Cambodge: Le Riz du lLespoir. Produced by Corinne Lalo. 15:13 min. Tefy Saina website. Also published on the Daily Motion website. (French language).
- Audio: (Khmer language broadcast on VOA.)
Soth, Kong. 2008 (Sept. 16): Neighbors Survey 'Rice Intensification' Gains. Audio podcast on Voice of America.
Khmer audio aired 16 Sept. 2008 (1.20 MB) - Listen (MP3) - Audio: (Khmer language broadcast on VOA.)
Sothea, Ros. 2008. (March 18) Report from Phnom Penh
[About an Oxfam plan to distribute a video to promote a System of Rice Intensification video, "Do You Speak SRI?," which it produced with the Cambodian Center for the Study and Development in Agriculture, will help farmers implement the method. English translation of report: The aid group Oxfam will distribute a video to promote a system of rice growing that improves yields, as the growing season approaches. The System of Rice Intensification, or SRI, can improve rice yields by 150 percent, the group said Tuesday, creating a larger surplus that leads to more income and farm improvements. At first, farmer Rum Mao did not believe in the new method. But, he said Tuesday, after practicing it, his yields were higher than in the past. He was pleased with the new system, he said, as it allowed him to sell more rice and earn a better living. The group's information video, "Do You Speak SRI?," which it produced with the Cambodian Center for the Study and Development in Agriculture, will help farmers implement the method.]
PowerPoint Presentations
(Notes: Click here to see all SRI Cambodia presentations on Transcripts are at the bottom of each presentation. There is a "full screen" button at the lower right corner of the presentation to enlarge the presentation. If you have trouble viewing the slideshow, make sure you have Flash installed and JavaScript enabled.)
- Pay, Cheth. 2018. Women-led agriculture service team in inclusive food system programme. FAO website. [Poster about Oxfam work in Cambodia presented at the 2nd Agroecology Conference, April 3-5, FAO, Rome.]
- 2015. Agroecology for farmers in irrigated areas - SRI
PowerPoint presentation by Sophal Chhong at the Regional Symposium on Agroecology in Asia and the Pacific, in Bangkok, November 24-26, 2015. FAO channel, 22 slides.[Presentation on Farmer and Nature Net's (FNN) promotion of organic agriculture and ecological agriculture practices.] -
System of Rice Intensification Adaptation in Cambodia
PowerPoint presentation by Hour Sreng, East Asia Rice Working Group (EARWG) and Cambodian Center for Study and Development in Cambodia (CEDAC), at the ASEAN Food Security Conference, Singapore, June 16-18, 2010. 38 slides. - 2010.
Overview of SRI application and adoption in Cambodia
- PowerPoint presentation by Ngin Chhay, Director of the Department of Rice Crop, MAFF, at the Workshop on Consolidation of SRI Experiences, Lessons and Networking, a national SRI workshop convened in Hanoi, Vietnam, January 21-22, 2010. 34 slides. - 2009.
System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Development, Implementation and
Dissemination in Cambodia
- PowerPoint presentation by Heang Ratana, SRI Secretariat, given at the Workshop on Regional Knowledge Exchange on SRI: Producing More with Less Water held at Asian Institute for Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, June 22-23, 2009. 29 slides. - 2007.
Overview of System of Rice Intensification in Cambodia
- PowerPoint presentation by Chou Cheythyrith (National FAO-IPM Project Coordinator, Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries, in collaboration with Regional-FAO Vegetable IPM Program) given at the 2nd National SRI Symposium, Agartala, India - 2007.
Survey of SRI and Other Rice Management Practices on Acid Soils in Prey Veng
- PowerPoint presentation given by Mr. Pin Vannaro Maharishi Vedic University . 26 slides. - 2007.
Experiences with SRI in Cambodia 2000-2007
- PowerPoint presentation by Yang Saing Koma, Cambodian Center for Study and Development in Agriculture (CEDAC), given at Cornell University, April 30, 2007. 32 slides [see also 2.7 MB pdf version] - 2003.
Comparison of the System of Rice Intensification with Conventional Practice in
Dung Toung, Kampot Province
- PowerPoint by Chuong Sophal and Sras Phanny (supported by Cambodian Agricultural Research Fund). 88 slides. - 2002. Experiences with
System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Cambodia.
- Slide presentation by Georg Deichert and Y.S. Koma at the Deutscher Tropentag 2002. (10 slide pdf)
Photo Archive
The SRI-Rice Cambodia Photo Collection that is running at the top of the page contains pictures obtained from Y.S. Koma (CEDAC), Norman Uphoff and others. (Click on the photo showing to enlarge it and to see captions). If you do not have Flash installed, click here to see individual photos which are made available on the SRI-Rice Picasa site.