Progress and Activities
- WFP/IMF Project Report Indicates SRI Doubled Yield and Improved Productivity of Seed Inputs 19-fold
[December 13, 2023] Guinea Bissau is one of the pilot countries for collaboration between the World Food Program (WFP) and International Monetary Fund (IMF). The WFP's System of Rice Intensification (SRI) project has shown that SRI methods can facilitate growth of rice plants with less inputs. Data from six sites in Guinea Bissau reporteded average SRI yield was 3.75 tons/ha as opposed to 2 tons/ha for the traditional methods. Ten time less seed was used with SRI. According to WFP staff, SRI methods drastically reduces use of seeds while doubling yield, improving productivity of seed inputs by 19-fold. [See p.35 of IMF report for details.]
- World Food Program and FAO Undertake Train Farmers in 15 Villages on SRI Methods
[October 1, 2022] According to a WFP Guinea-Bissau Country Brief, during July and August 2022, the World Food Program and UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) identified and trained 150 farmers in 15 villages in Gabú, Bafatá and Quinara regions of Guinea-Bissau on the principles of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) as it allows smallholder farmers to increase rice crop productivity while decreasing the quantity of water, seeds and chemicals used. Previously tested in Guinea-Bissau by local agronomists, SRI methods led to a four-fold increase in yields compared to traditional techniques. Through this pilot, funded by the SDG Joint Fund, WFP and FAO wish to further test this technique with local communities to appraise its potential for rice production in the country. Participants received rice seeds, created the nurseries for rice germination, and prepared the fields for transplant of sprouts in September.
- 2023. System of Rice Intensification (SRI) project of the WFP. IMP Country Report #23, International Monetary Fund (IMF) website. p.35. [Page 35 of this document has a table showing data from six sites in Guinea Bissau. Average SRI yield was 3.75 tons/ha as opposed to 2 tons/ha for the traditional methods. Ten time less seed was used with SRI.]
- 2022. WFP Guinea-Bissau Country Brief, July and August 2022. reliefweb website. September 30. [Between July and August, WFP and FAO Identified and trained 150 farmers in 15 villages in Gabú, Bafatá and Quinara regions]