Mid-2005 was a busy time for Rajendra Uprety, District Agricultural Development Officer, who has been promoting SRI in Morang District and other parts of Nepal. SRI publicity in Nepal. On August 7-8, he hosted an international correspondent for the BBC who visited SRI fields in his district to do a feature story on SRI experience there. We will inform about time of program broadcast as soon as this is known.
Immediately following this, the Director-General of the Department of Agriculture, together with the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, visited Morang for their annual program review. One field that the DG visited had an SRI plant with 119 tillers just 45 days after transplanting (10-day-old seedling). The Minister was not able to visit the field because of security considerations (this is a contested area); however, his son and other relatives are already SRI users with a 1-hectare field, so he has already become acquainted with SRI personally.
Also, two environmental journalists from a Nepali national magazine visited Morang to do a feature article on SRI. Uprety has provided the following pictures.SRI farmer Danbahadur Rajbansi showing an SRI rice plant with 56 tillers transplanted 35 days earlier.
BBC reporter interviewing an SRI farmer at Anantaram Majhi for a video feature to be broadcast internationally on SRI in Nepal.
Environmental journalists interviewing SRI farmers and taking pictures at Anantaram Majhi.
For recent article on SRI in Nepal, see Kunda Dixit's article The miracle is it's no miracle In The Nepali Times, 256, July 15 - 21,2005. (