SRI-Rice Press Release: April 4, 2016
NEW BOOK: The System of Rice Intensification (SRI), Responses to Frequently Asked Questions by Dr. Norman Uphoff
In his new book, The System of Rice Intensification (SRI), Responses to Frequently Asked Questions, Norman Uphoff offers explanations, resources, and concrete examples of this climate-smart, agroecological methodology for all who are interested in the development of practicable, sustainable food systems.
Uphoff first learned about SRI in Madagascar in 1993 while serving as director of the Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development (CIIFAD). SRI had only been described a decade earlier by a French priest working there with local farmers. At first, he thought it implausible that SRI methods could actually increase yields while reducing inputs. But he put aside his skepticism after seeing farmers -- who had been getting rice yields of just two tons per hectare -- produce four times more rice for three years in a row on their very poor soils, not changing their varieties or relying on agrochemical inputs, and using less water. This book explains how, “In an unprecedented way, SRI methods raise the productivity of land, of labor, of water, of seeds, and of capital all at the same time.”
Uphoff, a professor of government and international agriculture at Cornell University, has spent over 20 years studying, compiling experiences, and writing about the practice and spread of SRI in all the rice-growing regions of the world. He has connected countless farmers and development workers to the knowledge and training needed to implement this system to improve livelihoods, and has linked researchers to people and resources that helped them study the underpinnings of SRI.
From these decades of experience, Uphoff has authored a book addressing the most frequently asked questions about SRI, which has now proven effective in nearly 60 countries in Asia, Africa and the Americas (See the SRI-Rice website at This book can serve a resource to farmers and researchers who have never heard of SRI, assist farmers to adapt their practices, offer explanations behind the methodologies for skeptics, and benefit extension agents and development workers in spreading the knowledge. Some highlights of this book include the benefits of SRI for women farmers; the potential for SRI to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; the possibilities for adapting these methodologies to numerous agroecological conditions; and the spread of the methods to other crops, the System of Crop Intensification (SCI).
The System of Rice Intensification (SRI), Responses to Frequently Asked Questions is an essential resource for anyone interested in climate-smart agriculture and accessible pathways to development for farmers.How to Get a Copy
1) PDF download (SRI-Rice website) FREE
2) Color paperback (Amazon) $41.33
3) Black & White paperback (Amazon) $8.83
4) Kindle edition (Amazon) $2.99
Chinese and Spanish languages versions by SRI-Rice partners are forthcoming..

-- Hillary Mara and the SRI-Rice Communications Team
-- Photo by Lucy Fisher