The following bibliography includes 1,700+ journal articles and communications about the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) that are published in scientific journals. They are arranged alphabetically within years. [Read more about the SRI-Rice research acquisition project.]
To search the metadata of these articles, go to the Zotero database. While the collection below does not include conference proceedings or theses, many of these items can be found in the complete searchable Zotero database. [NOTE! For a database of ONLY peer-reviewed SRI journal articles, see the new SRI Global Research Network collection].
Unfortunately, many of the journal articles listed below are not free. The red dot (•) below indicates free access to an article. Pay-per-view items may also be accessible through nearby libraries or research institutions, or AGORA (for those who are eligible), or by contacting the author. See also notes on using the CNKI database for accessing Chinese articles.
Read more about the new SRI Global Research Network here.
2025 ARTICLES (• = free access)
- • Bwire, Denis, Hirotaka Saito, et al. 2025. Water management for rice production: a key component of food security in East Africa. Discover Water 5(7). doi:10.1007/s43832-025-00196-z
- • Hosseinpour, Shayan, and Hesan Mousavi. 2025. Climate-smart agriculture: the promise of system of rice intensification (SRI) for sustainable paddy production. CABI preprint. doi:10.31220/agriRxiv.2025.003
- • Prismantoro, Dedat, Kah-Ooi Chua, Kelly Wan-Ee Teo, et al. 2025. Whole genome sequence data of Trichoderma yunnanense strain TM10, a plant growth-promoting fungus and biocontrol agent. Data in Brief (in press). doi:10.1016/j.dib.2025.111283.
- • Sabarmatee, C. S. Prasad, H. Maat, and D. Glover. 2025. Masculine Tools and Feminine Tasks: The Dynamic Interplay of Gender and Technology Through System of Rice Intensification. International Journal of Rural Management. doi:10.1177/09730052241312477. [accessed February 20, 2025]
- • Sidauruk, Lamria, Ernitha Panjaitan, et al. 2025. Penerapan pertanian terpadu di daerah pesisir Desa Paluh Subur Kecamatan Hamparan Perak Sumatera Utara. Reswara Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 6(1): 21-30.
- • Theerthana, Thangamuthu, Shivalli BoregowdaYogananda, Salekoppal Sannegowda Prakash, et al. 2025. Nano fertilizer application under different establishment techniques for sustainable paddy (Oryza sativa L.) production. BioResources 20(1): 1136-1160.
2024 ARTICLES (• = free access)
- Abrol, V., P. Sharma, et al. 2024. Synergistic benefits of biochar and polymer integration in Rice-Wheat System: Enhancing productivity, soil health, water use efficiency, and profitability. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition doi:10.1007/s42729-024-01886-8
- • Ajatasatru, A., V. Prabhu, B.D. Pal, et al. 2024. Economy-wide impact of climate smart agriculture in India: a SAM framework. Economic Structures 13(4). doi:10.1186/s40008-023-00320-z
- • Alfatih, Muhammad, Ika Daruwati, et al. 2024. Pengaruh umur pindah bibit pada metode SRI (The System of Rice Intensification) terhadap perubahan morfologi dan fisiologi benih padi varietas Inpari 49 (Oryza Sativa L). PUCUK: Jurnal Ilmu Tanaman 4(2): 111-120.
- • Amrullah, A., V. Prasetyo, et al. 2024. Kajian pemilihan pompa berdasarkan karakteristk topografi untuk sawah padi di Desa Bululondong. Majamecha 6(1): 1–15. doi:10.36815/majamecha.v6i1.2967
- • Arif, Chusnul, Satyanto Krido Saptomo, Budi Indra Setiawan, et al. 2024. Water saving rice cultivation using sheet-pipe subsurface irrigation. Heliyon (in press). doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e30799
- • Azam, Kamaran, A.K. Singh, Manju Singh, et al. 2024. Effect of crop establishment methods and nano urea compared to urea on quality and nutrient uptake in rice crop (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of Experimental Agriculture International 46(7): 586-98. doi:10.9734/jeai/2024/v46i72612 [accessed June 29, 2024]
- • Azam, Kamaran, A.K. Singh, Vikash Singh, et al. 2024. Evaluation of crop establishment methods and nano urea versus conventional urea on growth indices in rice crop (Oryza Sativa L.). Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 27 (7):493-501.doi:10.9734/jabb/2024/v27i71010.
- • Bajpai, Yash, Sudhakar Singh, Deepak Pandey, et al. 2024. Effect of methods of establishment and zinc management on growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Asian Research Journal of Agriculture 17(4): 793-804.
- • Behura, D., S. Haldar, et al 2024. Resilient farm technologies in achieving sustainable development: Performance and adoption of Sri under constraints in Odisha, India. Preprints 2024, 2024080353. doi:10.20944/preprints202408.0353.v1
- • Chang, S.H.E., E.O. Benjamin and J. Sauer. 2024. Factors influencing the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices for rice cultivation in Southeast Asia: A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 44(3): 27. doi:10.1007/s13593-024-00960-w
- • Dahlgreen, James, and Adam Parr. 2024. Exploring the impact of alternate wetting and drying and the System of Rice Intensification on Greenhouse Gas emissions: A review of rice cultivation practices. Agronomy 14: 378. 10.3390/agronomy14020378
- •* Debbarma, V.,T. Abraham, et al. 2024. Agronomic response of System of Finger Millet Intensification technique on growth and yield of organic finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.). International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 14(2): 174–188. doi:10.9734/ijecc/2024/
- Dossou-Yovo, Elliott Ronald, Aminou Arouna, et al. 2024. A participatory framework for prioritizing climate-smart agriculture innovations in rice-based systems: A case study of Mali. Smart Agricultural Technology 7: 100392. doi:10.1016/j.atech.2023.100392
- • Gusril, Afdhi, Nalwida Rozen, and Musliar Kasim. 2024. Pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman padi (Oryza sativa L.) metode SRI dengan pemberian berbagai jenis mulsa organik. Jurnal Pertanian Agros 26(1): 5361-5367.
- •* Hekmat, Abdul Wahab, Mohammad Daud Ahmadzai and Nazir Khan Mohammadi. 2023. Comparing System of Wheat Intensification with normal practices under different levels of organic and inorganic fertilizer in southeast region of Afghanistan Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology 2(2): 182-192. doi:10.55544/jrasb.2.2.27
- • Hetta, Gaytri, G.D. Sharma, et al. 2024. Influence of crop establishment methods and nutrient management practices on productivity and profitability of red rice in wet-temperate north-western Himalayas. Himachal Journal of Agricultural Research 50(2): 252-260.
- • Kabir, A. M., N. Murtala, M. Garba, M., and I. A. Abu. 2024. Determinants of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) practices among male rice farmers in Kano State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, 4(4B): 270–281
- • Kharim, Muhammad Nurfaiz Abd, and Aimrun Wayayok. 2024. Market survey, perception and acceptance of farmers on SRI-tray technology for rice farming. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2799(1). AIP Publishing.
- • Koda Djerma Adam, Abdel Karim, Alexis Hougni, and Jacob Afouda Yabi. 2024. Facteurs socio-économiques susceptibles d’influencer l’adoption du Système de Riziculture Intensive par les exploitants agricoles de la Vallée du Niger. Moroccan Journal of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management 9(1&2): 15-33.
- Lee, Yun-Ho, Seong-Woo Cho and Tae-Young Hwang. 2024. On-farm assessment of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) under rainfed lowland fields of southern Cambodia. 한국국제농업개발학회지 36(1): 63-75
- • Li, T., S.S. McDermid, R.O. Valdivia, et al. 2024. Climate change mitigation and adaptation for rice-based farming systems in the Red River Delta, Vietnam. CABI Agriculture and Bioscience 5(1): 109. doi:10.1186/s43170-024-00308-0
- • Kovilpillai, B.. G.J. Jothi, D.L. Antille, et al. 2024. Assessing the impact of climate change on methane emissions from rice production systems in Southern India. Atmosphere 15(11): 1270. doi:10.3390/atmos15111270
- Marimuthu, S., M. Gunasekaran, M. Raju, et al. 2024. Green manuring–system of rice intensification–rice fallow pulses cropping system for enhancing the crop productivity and soil health: a sustainable farming solutions. Paddy and Water Environment. doi:10.1007/s10333-024-00989-3
- • Mhango, Solomon S. 2024. Factors influencing adoption of System of Rice Intensification among smallholder farmers in Mvomero District, Tanzania. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis 7(2): 780-786. doi: 10.47191/ijmra/v7-i02-33
- • Mohanty, A., S. Padhan, et al. 2024. Rice-based climate resilient farming practices influencing the soil physical parameters, carbon dynamics and system productivity in inceptisols under coastal agro-ecosystem. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 14(4): 209–225. doi:10.9734/ijecc/2024/v14i44109
- • Moore, Maya, Kimmerling Razafindrina, V. Ernesto Méndez and Meredith T. Niles. 2024. An analysis of the adoption of the “system of rice intensification” (SRI): Why a homegrown technique has yet to take seed among rice farmers in Madagascar. Cogent Food and Agriculture 10(1):2319932. doi:10.1080/23311932.2024.2319932
- • Nagarajan, K., V. Geethalakshmi, et al. 2024. Root growth, nutrient uptake and soil enzyme activity influenced by aerobic, System of Rice Intensification and conventional method of irrigation in rice Indian Journal of Agricultural Research 1:6. doi:10.18805/IJARe.A-6126
- • Nagargade, M., M K. Singh, et al. 2024. Ecological weed management and square planting influenced the weed management, and crop productivity in direct-seeded rice. Scientific Reports 14: 10356. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-56945-y
- • Nongmaithem, D., S. Dolie, et al. 2024. Influence of transplanting date and integrated weed management in system of rice intensification of aromatic black rice (Oryza sativa). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 94(5): 472–477. doi:10.56093/ijas.v94i5.143355 [accessed June 12 2024]
- • Panchabhai, S. N., S. Acharya, T. K. Mandal, and R. Tayade. 2024. Estimating impact of conventional and System of Rice Intensification (SRI) methods of rice production management on sustainable livelihood generation in the context of climate change in Maharashtra, India: A factor analysis. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 14(3): 673-681 doi:10.9734/ijecc/2024/v14i34075
- • Putri, L. E., A. Anhar, et al. 2024. The effect of giving Trichoderma asperellum on rice plant height in organic and inorganic cultivation. Jurnal Biologi Tropis 24(2): 100-105. doi:10.29303/jbt.v24i2.6736
- • Prasath, P. Naveen, P. Stalin, et al, A. 2024. Studies on integrated plant nutrient supply system for maximizing the growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in SRI. Indian Journal of Applied & Pure Biology 39(1): 531-536.
- • Premnath, K., K. Suseendran, C. Kalaiyarasan, and S. Jawahar. 2024. Effect of integrated weed management practices in rice (Oryza sativa) under SRI. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports 30(10): 22-27. 10.9734/jsrr/2024/v30i102426
- Pratibha, G., I. Srinivas, et al. 2024. Do rainfed production systems have lower environmental impact over irrigated production systems? Science of The Total Environment 917: 170190. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.170190
- • Ouma, M.A., L.O. Ouma, J.M. Ombati, and C.A. Onyango. 2024. A cost benefits analysis of the adoption of system of rice intensification: Evidence from smallholder rice farmers within an innovation platform in Oluch irrigation scheme, Kenya. PLoS ONE 19(1): e0290759. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0290759
- • Rantung, R., J. Paulus, et al. 2024. The effects of substituting straw compost for NPK fertilizer on field rice growth and yield using the SRI (System of Rice Intensification) method. Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Terapan 5(1): 52–57. doi:10.35791/jat.v5i1.54192
- • Rozen, Nalwida, Musliar Kasim, et al. 2024. Application of liquid rlganic fertilizer to Improve yields in System of Rice Intensification (SRI). Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 27: 365-372. doi:10.3923/pjbs.2024.365.372
- • Saribanon, Nonon, Fauziah Ilmi, et al. 2024. Peran pendampingan dalam proses adopsi teknologi pertanian padi organik di Desa Rahayu, Kabupaten Tuban, Jawa Timur. Populis: Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora 9(1); 79-89.
- Sebastian, Sapunii, and Karuna Kalita. 2024. Theoretical analysis and design of inter cum intra-row wetland paddy field weeder. Crop Protection 106696. doi: 10.1016/j.cropro.2024.106696
- • Setyawan, S., and S. Santi. 2024. Respons tanaman padi sawah (Oryza sativa L.) terhadap perlakuan metode tanam dan limbah biogas. Journal of Mandalika Literature 6(2): 355-370.
- • Shahane, Amit Anil, and Yashbir Singh Shivay. 2024. Interactions of microbial inoculations with fertilization options and crop establishment methods on modulation of soil microbial properties and productivity of rice. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management 15(4): 01-17. doi:10.23910/1.2024.5072
- *• Sharma, Jyoti, B.C. Sharma, et al. 2024. Root characteristics, microbial population, yield and uptake by wheat crop influenced by priming and plant geometry under modified system of wheat intensification. preprint (Researchsquare) doi:10.21203/
- • Some, Shreya. 2024. Unlocking synergies and managing trade-offs: how climate actions in Indian agriculture support the Sustainable Development Goals. Discover Sustainability 5(207). doi:10.1007/s43621-024-00379-z
- • Susanti, W.I., S.N. Cholidah, and F. Agus. 2024. Agroecological nutrient management strategy for attaining sustainable rice self-sufficiency in Indonesia. Sustainability. 2024; 16(2):845. doi:10.3390/su16020845
- Siéwé, François, Henry Egwuma, et al. 2024. Best-Bet System of Rice Intensification and poverty alleviation in Zamfara State, Nigeria: A mixed method analysis. Agricultural Systems 213: 103805. doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2023.103805
- • Uphoff, Norman. 2024. Introduction to special issue on “The System of Rice Intensification (SRI)—Contributions to agricultural sustainability.” Agronomy 14(5): 909. doi:10.3390/agronomy14050909
- • Uphoff, Norman. 2024. The principles that constitute System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and the practices for applying them at field leve/. Journal of Rice Research 17(1): 1-19. doi:10.58297/OYVY8558
- • Yadav, Preeti, R N Padaria, et al. 2024. Farmer-led conservation of paddy landraces in Western Odisha. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 23(8): 760-770. doi: 10.56042/ijtk.v23i8.4780
- • Yadav, Shubh Pravat Singh, Netra Prasad Ghimire, et al. 2024. Advancing effective methods for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from rice (Oryza sativa L.) fields. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment 3(4): e70012 ,doi:10.1002/sae2.70012
- • Abdullahi, M.D., M.A. Oyebode, et al. 2023. Determination of water requirement of paddy rice under the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) methodology at Kadawa Kano River Irrigation Project. Nigerian Journal of Soil And Environmental Research 22: 13-28.
- • Abdullahi, M.D., A.A. Ramalam, et al. 2023. Improving grain yield, water productivity, and savings of paddy rice production under regulated deficit irrigation (DI) management through the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) practices. Nigerian Journal of Soil And Environmental Research 22: 13-28.
- • Abdulkarim, H. A., O. G. Bello, et al. 2023. Determinants of the adoption of System Rice Intensification innovative practices among smallholder farmers in North-West, Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture and Home Education10 (2): 1-11.
- Agnese, Federica, Zakirah Othman, Anni Mitin, and Wan Ahmad Jaafar Wan Yahaya. 2023. Participatory monitoring in farmer field school program through Whatsapp among indigenous farmers in rural Sarawak, Malaysia. Interactive Learning Environments (online first June 14, 2023) doi:1080/10494820.2023.2223241
- • Al-Esawi, Abood Waheed Abood. 2023. Response of Jasmine rice to different levels of irrigation and organic fertilization under SRI cultivation method. Kufa Journal For Agricultural Sciences 15(2): 74-83. doi:10.36077/kjas/2023/v15i2.10351
- • Al Mamun, Abdullah, Md. Ferdous Hossain Khan, and Md. Mojaherul Haque. 2023. Effect of SRI and AWD technology in comparison to traditional methods on yield contributing characters of rice (Oryza sativa). Big Data in Agriculture 5(1): 15-21. doi:10.26480/bda.01.2023.15.21
- • Andesmora, E., R. Aprianto, D. Novallyan, and F. Aprisi. 2023. Pertumbuhan tanaman padi payo kerinci menggunakan System of Rice Intensification (SRI). Jurnal Budidaya Pertanian 19(2): 117-123. 10.30598/jbdp.2023.19.2.117
- • Baboo, Kaptan, and Vishuddha Nand 2023. Effect of crop establishment methods and fertility management on growth parameters of rice (Oryza sativa L.). International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 35(16): 24-32. doi: 10.9734/ijpss/2023/v35i163125
- • Banjade, Dhurba, Dipak Khana, Aman Shrestha and Karuna Shrestha. 2023. Effects of seedling and plant spacing on the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) for spring rice (Oryza sativa L. Chaite 2). AgroEnvironmental Sustainability 1(3): xx-xx
- Bashir, Moneesa, et al. Influence of irrigation scheduling and crop establishment methods on growth parameters: Periodic LAI, SPAD and PAR in rice (Oryza sativa L.). SKUAST Journal of Research 25(2): 354-362. doi:10.5958/2349-297X.2023.00035.1
- Bhargavi, G., and A. Sundari. 2023. Effect of nano urea on the growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa) under SRI in the Cauvery delta zone of Tamil Nadu. Crop Research 58: 12-17. doi:10.31830/2454-1761.2023.CR-885
- • *Biswas, Saikat, and Rupa Das. 2023. System of Finger Millet Intensification. Indian Farming 73(5): 35-38.
- • Budianto, Muh Bagus. 2023. Analisis pengaruh metode SRI dan konventional terhadap luas layanan irigasi pada Bendungan Meninting. GANEC SWARA 1(17): 100-107.
- • Chintalapati, Padmavathi, et al. 2023. Insect pest incidence with the System of Rice Intensification: Results of a multi-location study and a meta-analysis. Agronomy 13(4): 1100
- Dash, P. K., et al. 2023. Lifecycle greenhouse gases emission from five contrasting rice production systems in the tropics. Pedosphere 33. doi:10.1016/j.pedsph.2022.11.001 (online first Nov. 4, 2022).
- Devi, G. Karthiga, et al. 2023. Intensification save water and increase yield of paddy?: A study of tank irrigated area. Journal of Land and Rural Studies (Online First May 24). doi:10.1177/23210249231164032
- Dey, Shiladitya, Piyush Kumar Singh, et al. 2023. Climate-resilient agricultural ploys can improve livelihood and food security in Eastern India. Environment, Development and Sustainability. doi: 10.1007/s10668-023-03176-2
- • Dhamira, Aura, and Fadilla Ristya Aminda. 2023. Rice risk in main producing countries 1961-2021. Buletin Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Haluoleo 25(2): 143-150 doi:10.37149/bpsosek.v25i2.921
- • Doni, Febri, Anizan Isahak, F. Fathurrahman, and Wan Mohtar Wan Yusoff. 2023. Rice plants’ resistance to sheath blight infection is increased by the synergistic effects of Trichoderma inoculation with SRI management. Agronomy 13(3): 711 doi:10.3390/agronomy13030711
- • Dwiningsih, Yheni. 2023. Utilizing the genetic potentials of traditional rice varieties and conserving rice biodiversity with System of Rice Intensification management. Agronomy 13(12): 3015. doi:10.3390/agronomy13123015
- • Dwipa, Indra, Nalwida Rozen and Musliar Kasim. 2023. Effect of land flooding in controlling weeds to several rice varieties in System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Indra. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1177(1): 012019. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1177/1/012019
- • Flora , G. Jennifer, et al. 2023. Effect of System of Rice Intensification practices in increasing the yield of traditional varieties of rice. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 13(8): 1175–1180. doi:10.9734/ijecc/2023/v13i82057
- Gangopadhyay, Sohini, et al. 2023. A new methodological approach to the establishment of sustainable agricultural ecology in drought vulnerable areas of eastern India. Ecological Informatics (pre-proof). doi:10.1016/j.ecoinf.2023.102013
- • Gund , R., P. Dhananchezhiyan, R. Kavitha, et al. 2023. Optimizing nursery trays for minimizing seedlings per pick of transplanter in SRI. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 13(10): 2813–2824. doi:10.9734/ijecc/2023/v13i102946
- • Gurung, Suk B., Ram B. Khadka, and Narayan B. Dhami. 2023. Effects of finger-millet intensification on yield and disease-resistance in the central hills of Nepal . Nepalese Journal of Agricultural Sciences 24: 5-21.
- • Hameed, Khidhir A., and Abdulkadir J. Musa. 2023. Iraqi stratgey for mitigating the impact of climate change using System of Rice Intensification (SRI). ICDA-2023 Lead/Keynote Proceedings Book, p. 21-27. [Presentation at the 1st International Conference on Decarbonizing Agriculture, Nov. 25-27, 2023, in Mangalore, Karnataka]
- • Hellin, J., E. Fisher, M. Taylor, et al. 2023. Transformative adaptation: from climate-smart to climate-resilient agriculture. CABI Agriculture and Biosciencei 4(30). doi:10.1186/s43170-023-00172-4
- • Humayun, S.M. Ali, Gajendra Chandrakar, et al. 2023. Comparative study of stem borer Scirpophaga incertulas Walker in different transplanted rice cultivation system and correlation with maximum and minimum temperature. The Pharma Innovation 12(6): 5127-5129.
- Hussain, Ashaq, Aabid Hussain Lone, et al. 2023. Seedling vigour and quality as influenced by soil media in SRI and conventional rice nursery methods. SKUAST Journal of Research 25(4): 578-584. doi:10.5958/2349-297X.2023.00071.5 [accessed January 2, 2024]
- • Iqbal, M., W. Qarni, and M. I. 2023. Penerapan metode System of Rice Intensification (SRI) dalam upaya peningkatan produksi dan peningkatan kesejahteraan petani Kecamatan Sakti. Jurnal Informatika Ekonomi Bisnis 5(3): 989-994. doi:10.37034/infeb.v5i3.698.
- • Jain, Meha, Christopher B. Barrett, Divya Solomon,and Kate Ghezzi-Kope. 2023. Surveying the evidence on Sustainable Intensification strategies for smallholder agricultural systems. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 48(1): 347-369. doi:10.1146/annurev-environ-112320-093911
- • Kamara, Lamin Ibrahim, Baqir Lalani, and Peter Dorward. 2023. Towards agricultural innovation systems: Actors, roles, linkages and constraints in the system of rice intensification (SRI) in Sierra Leone. Scientific African 19: e01576. doi:10.1016/j.sciaf.2023.e01576 [accessed June 26, 2024]
- • Kapur, L. T., M. M. Gajjar and R. F. Thakor Gujarat. 2023, Impact of frontline demonstration of SRI method in rice on productivity and profitability. Journal of Extension Education 36(1): doi: 10.56572/gjoee.2023.36.1.0013 [accessed June 26, 2024]
- Kesh, H., and M. Khan. 2023. Varietal characterization and variables investigation for Basmati Rice genotypes adaptation in wet direct seeding and System of Rice Intensification. International Journal of Plant Production 17: 617-635. doi:10.1007/s42106-023-00261-4
- • Kimaro, Oforo Didas, et al. 2023. Handheld NDVI sensor-based rice productivity assessment under combinations of fertilizer soil amendment and irrigation water management in lower Moshi irrigation scheme, North Tanzania. Environmental Earth Science 82(3): 78. doi:10.1007/s12665-022-10730-0
- Komba, M.E., and G.J. Sanga. 2023. Increasing water scarcity downstream the Kilombero River Catchment: Are the upstream rice farmers using the right irrigation technologies? African Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2(2)
- M., Vikram Sai, Murugan G., et al. 2023. Evaluation of weed management approaches on weed dynamics, yield and economics of puddled rice under different plant techniques. ORYZA- An International Journal on Rice 60(4): 597-602. doi:10.35709/ory.2023.60.4.12
- Majumder, Saddam Hossen, and Biswajit Mondal. 2023. System of Rice Intensification in Tripura: A reflection. Indian Journal of Economics and Development (online first May 16 2023). doi:10.35716/IJED-22412
- • Mallareddy, Maduri, Ramasamy Thirumalaikumar, et al. 2023. Maximizing water use efficiency in rice farming: A comprehensive review of innovative irrigation management technologies. Water 15(10): 1802. doi:10.3390/w15101802
- • Maurya, Shivanand, et al. 2023. Effect of different crop establishment methods and weed management practices on growth indices and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Biological Forum - An International Journal 15(7): 27-31.
- • Maurya, Shivanand, Rajesh Kumar, et al. 2023. Effect of different crop establishment methods and weed management practices on growth indices and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.). International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 35(17): 31-37. doi:10.9734/ijpss/2023/v35i173180
- • Mehra, Mamta, Eric Toensmeier, and Chad Frischmann. 2023. Multifunctionality of agricultural solutions address climate change mitigation and adaptation while helping achieve the SDGs. Preprint (not associated with any journal yet). doi:10.21203/
- • Mohapatra, Kiran Kumar, et al. 2023. Multi-criteria assessment to screen climate smart rice establishment techniques in coastal rice production system of India. Frontiers in Plant Science 14: 11305. doi:10.3389/fpls.2023.1130545
- • Mubangizi, A., J. Wanyama, N. Kiggundu, and P. Nakawuka. 2023. Assessing suitability of irrigation scheduling Decision Support Systems for lowland rice farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa—A review. Agricultural Sciences 14(2): 219-239. doi:10.4236/as.2023.142015.
- Nazir, Aijaz M., Anwar Bhat, et al. .2023. Impact of crop establishment techniques and weed management practices on Oryza sativa L. growth and yield. Agronomy Journal (preprint. Online first April 28, 2023). doi:10.1002/agj2.21363
- • Niraula, Rochak, and Rahul Bikram Karki. 2023. Efficacy of different weed management practices on growth and yield of spring rice under System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Bara, Nepal. Journal of the Plant Protection Society 8:125-137. doi:10.3126/jpps.v8i1.56454
- • Padma, Sayam, et al. 2023. Impact of different crop establishment methods on yield attributes, yields and economics of rice: A comparative study. ORYZA- An International Journal on Rice 60(2): 315-324
- Pal, Biplab, et al. 2023. Soil fertility and zinc application influences yield and zinc-iron nutrition in rice (Ia) under system of rice intensification and conventional methods. Indian Journal of Agronomy 64(2): 191-199.
- • Pandey, Menuka, Hemant Raj Awasthi, Roshan Subedi, and Kamal Joshi. 2023. Crop intensification practices for better finger millet growth. Reviews in Food And Agriculture 4(2): 71-77.
- • Panomjan, Nantiya. 2023. Cost reduction of rice production with the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). Songklanakarin Journal of Plant Science 10(1): (Online First, February 2023)
- • Patnaik, Girija Prasad. 2023. Selenium application improves drought tolerance during reproductive phase of rice. Sustainability 15(3): 2730 (1-13). doi:10.3390/su15032730
- • Paul, Subrata, Bidhan Chandra Nath, et al. 2023. Development and fabrication of manually push-pull type conical weeder for Bangladesh condition. Agricultural Sciences, 14(5): 685-709. doi:10.4236/as.2023.145046.
- • Phu Hao, Dong, Nguyen Thanh Binh, and Le Hoang Anh. 2023. Current situation and solutions for methane (CH4) emission in paddy rice cultivation in Vietnam. VNU Journal of Science: Earth and Environmental Sciences 39(1): 28-41. doi:10.25073/2588-1094/vnuees.4909
- • Rai, Khushubu, et al. 2023. Response of different seedling establishment methods on growth and yield of rice in Terai Region of Nepal. Reviews In Food And Agriculture 4(1): 07-12.
- • Rathod, Aurn, Shimpy Sarkar, et al. 2023. Prevalence of nematode population in two different rice cultivation systems and its impact on crop growth. Journal of Survey in Fisheries 10(1S): 6921-6932. doi:10.53555/sfs.v10i1S.2284
- • Rozen, Nalwida, Musliar Kasim, and Indra Dwipa. 2023. The effect of different types of organic mulch in system of rice intensification on yield components of Batang Piaman rice. American Institute of Physics Conference Series. 2730(1): 020007-1- 020007-5.
- • Rozen, N., et al. 2023. The early heading growth stage of rice plants in using the SRI method by giving liquid organic fertilizer of coconut husk and banana stems. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 160(1): 012006. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1160/1/012006
- *• Sachin, K.S., Anchal Das, et al. 2023. Sensor-based precision nutrient and irrigation management enhances the physiological performance, water productivity, and yield of soybean under system of crop intensification. Frontiers in Plant Science 14: 1282217.
- • Sapthagiri, S., K. Lavanya, et al. 2023. Effect of spacing and nutrient management on Dhaincha-Rice-Rice cropping system's productivity profitability. Biological Forum – An International Journal 15(4):
- • Saxena, Raka, et al. 2023. Does India need a different rice ecosystem to harness the export advantages and manage the virtual water exports? Sustainability mapping for rice cultivation. Current Science 124(04): 407-413
- Siéwé, François, Henry Egwuma, et al. 2024. Best-Bet System of Rice Intensification and poverty alleviation in Zamfara State, Nigeria: A mixed method analysis. Agricultural Systems 213: 103805. doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2023.103805
- • Siéwé, François, Henry Egwuma, et al. 2023. A Best-Bet System of Rice Intensification for sustainable rice (Oryza sativa L.) production in Northwestern Nigeria. Agronomy 13(8): 2049. doi:10.3390/agronomy13082049
- • Subaraj, R., L. Pradheeban, and K. Thanusan. 2023. Effect of different planting methods on growth and yield of paddy variety Bg 360. AGRIEAST: Journal of Agricultural Sciences 17(2): 13-21. doi:10.4038/agrieast.v17i2.123
- • Tey, Yeong Sheng, Mark Brindal, and Poppy Arsil. 2023. Upgrading smallholders through “farmer-to-consumer” entrepreneurial model? Implications of rice value chain interventions in Indonesia and Malaysia. Journal of Rural and Community Development 18(2): 152-167.
- • Thakur, Amod, 2023. Do System of Rice Intensification practices produce rice plants phenotypically and physiologically superior to conventional practice? Agronomy 13(4): 1098. doi:10.3390/agronomy13041098.
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- • Uphoff, Norman. 2023. SRI 2.0 and beyond: Sequencing the protean evolution of the System of Rice Intensification. Agronomy 13(5): 1253. doi:10.3390/agronomy13051253
- • Valdiviezo Freire, E. W., R. E. Celi Herán, R. E., and M. L. Vivas Vivas, M. L. 2023. Impacto del sistema intensivo de cultivar arroz (SICA) en el Ecuador. Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar 7(2): 11198-11213. doi:10.37811/cl_rcm.v7i2.6197
2022 ARTICLES (• = free access)
- Abdulkadir, A., et al. 2022. Effects of alternate wetting and drying water levels and planting methods on performance of rice (Oryza Sativa L.) and selected soil properties in a Nigerian Sudan savanna. Journal of Rice Research 15 (Special issue): 77-80. doi:10.58297/YKBR1159
- • Agustina, H., et al. 2022. Subsurface evapotranspiration irrigation system design in System of Rice Intensification (SRI) salibu paddy cultivation. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences 10(1). doi: 10.24203/ajas.v10i1.6891
- • Arsil, Poppy, et al. 2022. Perceived attributes driving the adoption of system of rice intensification: The Indonesian farmers’ view. Open Agriculture 7(1): 217-225. doi:10.1515/opag-2022-0080
- • Baul, Tushi,Dean Karlan, Kentaro, and Kathryn Vasilaky. 2022. Improving smallholder agriculture via video-based group extension. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4307353
- • Beumer, Koen, Harro Maat, and Dominic Glover. 2022. It's not the market, stupid: On the importance of non-market economies in sustainability transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 42: 429-441. doi:10.1016/j.eist.2022.02.001
- • Candra, A., F. Farida, and H. Sulaiman, H. 2022. Prototype sistem kontrol pengairan sawah meggunakan metode Sistem of Rice Intensification berbasis mikrokontroller. Jurnal Teknoif Teknik Informatika Institut Teknologi Padang 10(2): 62–68. doi:10.21063/jtif.2022.V10.2.62-68
- Chiu, Hsin-Piao, et al. 2022. The assessment of rill irrigation and perforated pipes for Lowland paddy rice under the system of rice intensification (SRI). Paddy and Water Enviroment. doi:10.1007/s10333-021-00879-y
- • Didal, Vijay Kumar, et al. 2022. Effect of nitrogen management practices on SPAD values and NDVI readings of rice crop. Pharma Innovation 11(2): 367-371.
- • Doni, Febri,et al. 2022. Microbial contributions for rice production: From conventional crop management to the use of ‘Omics’ technologies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(2): 737. 10.3390/ijms23020737
- Effendi, Arman. 2022. The effect of oil palm empty fruit bunches on rice production (Oryza sativa L.) with a flood height of 10 cm below soil surface. JUATIK 4(1): 177-190.
- • Elita, Nelson. 2022. Identifikasi molekuler Trichoderma spp. indigenous dari rizosfer beberapa varietas padi asal Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota dan Kota Payakumbuh. Agroteknika 5(1): 1-13.
- Gangopadhyay, S., R. Banerjee, S. Batabyal, et al. 2022. Carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions for different rice cultivation practices. Sustainable Production and Consumption (online first Sept. 6, 2022) doi:10.1016/j.spc.2022.09.001
- Gangopadhyay, Sohini, et al. 2022. Intensification and no till system are efficient nitrogen allocators in rice crops, Journal of Plant Nutrition doi:10.1080/01904167.2022.2072334
- • Harahap, Ananda Muhammad Hidayah, A. Ardi, and Zulfadly Syarif. 2022. Efikasi herbisida etil pirazonsulfuron10% terhadap gulma dan hasil padi sawah (Oryza sativa L.) metode SRI dan convernsional. Jurnal Pertanian Agros 24(3) 141-1422.
- • Jena, Pooja, Manoher Saryam, et al. 2022. Assessment of NGOs activities for disseminating SRI technique among paddy growers. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences 18: 31-35.
- Katti, Gururaj, and Padmavathi Ch. 2022. Impact of rice cultivation methods on insect pest incidence and their management. Journal of Rice Research 15 (special issue): 84-89. doi:
- • Kesh, Hari, Khushi Ram Battan, Deepesh Kumar, and Prashant Kaushik. 2022. Genotype and environment interaction analysis for quality traits in Basmati rice. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 21(4): 905-911. doi:10.56042/ijtk.v21i4.31416
- Kesh, Hari, et al. 2022. Identification of adaptable rice genotypes under diverse production environments using a multivariate statistical model. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 34:(3)
- • Khadka, Ram Bahadur. 2022. Microbial inoculation can enhance SRI performance and reduce biotic and abiotic stresses in rice. Journal of Rice Research 15 (Special issue) 77-80. doi:10.58297/YKBR1159
- Kharim, Muhammad Nurfaiz Abd., et al. 2022. Predictive zoning of pest and disease infestations in rice field based on UAV aerial imagery. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science 25(3): 831-840. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrs.2022.08.001
- • Kichu, S., and Jahanara. 2022. Extent of knowledge and adoption of System of Rice Intencification (SRI) cultivation practices among rice growers in Kohima District of Nagaland, India. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics and Sociology 40(8): 110–123. 10.9734/ajaees/2022/v40i830944
- Koutenaei, Norrolah Jalali. 2022. Evaluation of the effect of different cultivation systems on water productivity, yield and yield components of two improved and native rice cultivars. Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage 16(1):135-147.
- • Marhawati. 2022. Analisis perbandingan pendapatan usahatani padi Organik Sri (System of Rice Intensification) dan padi anorganik di Kecamatan Wasuponda Kabupaten Luwu Timur. Journal of Economic Education and Entrepreneurship Studies 3(2): 351-364
- • Marpaung, David S. M., Nova Anika, an d Yazid Bindar. 2022. Strategi peningkatan produktivitas padi melalui Sistem Salibu Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan. 16(1): 1-7.
- • Mboyerwa, Primitiva Andrea, et al. 2022. Lowering nitrogen rates under the system of rice intensification enhanced rice productivity and nitrogen use efficiency in irrigated lowland rice. Heliyon 8(4): e09140
- • Mboyerwa, P.A., K. Kibret, P. Mtakwa, and A. Aschalew. 2022. Greenhouse gas emissions in irrigated paddy rice as influenced by crop management practices and nitrogen fertilization rates in eastern Tanzania. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 6: 868479. doi:10.3389/fsufs.2022.868479
- • Meesala, K., and S. Rasala. 2022. Potential of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) to contribute to the policy objectives: Paradigm of three-tier approach in southern Telangana - A case study of Narayanpet. Agricultural Sciences 13(4): 542-554. doi: 10.4236/as.2022.134036.
- Midde, Sai Kumar, Perumal, M. S., G, Murugan, and R. Sudhagar. 2022. Performance of different sources of nitrogen under different establishment methods of rice (Oryza sativa). Crop Research 57(5&6): 292-296. doi:10.31830/2454-1761.2022.CR-873
- Mohapatra, S., et al. 2022. Evaluation of fertilizer doses under different planting methods of rice (Oryza sativa) in west central table land zone of Odisha. Indian Journal of Agronomy 67(2): 123-128.
- • Mosha, D.B, and G. Boniface. 2022. The impact of rice commercialisation on livelihoods in Kilombero Valley, Tanzania: anybody left behind? Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences 21(1): 252-262
- Murugaraj, G. ,S.S.Kumar, et al. 2022. Implementation of in-row weeding robot with novel wheel, assembly and wheel angle adjustment for slurry paddy field. Materials Today: Proceedings 65: 215-220. doi: 10.1016/j.matpr.2022.06.118
- Mwidege, Asheri. 2022. Adoption dynamics of the System of Rice Intensification by smallholder farmers in Tanzania: A case of Mkindo Irrigation Scheme. International Journal of Adaptive and Innovative Systems 3(3): (online first). doi: 10.1504/IJAIS.2022.10050551
- Nayaka G.V, Venkataravana, et al. 2022. Nutrient dynamics of rice cultivars under different irrigation regimes and systems of cultivation. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis
- • Nazir, A, et al. 2022. Comparative analysis of rice and weeds and their nutrient partitioning under various establishment methods and weed management practices in temperate environment. Agronomy 12(4): 816. doi:10.3390/agronomy12040816
- • Nguyen, Hang Thi Thuy, and Pham Xuan Hung. 2022. Determinants of System of Rice Intensification adoption and its impacts on rice yield in the upland region of Central Vietnam. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development 12(4): 306-315. doi:10.55493/5005.v12i4.4677
- • Nihayah, B., B. D. A. Nugroho, and N A. I. Hasanah. 2022. Model denitrification decomposition (DNDC) untuk estimasi emisi gas CH4 pada budidaya padi metode SRI. Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Pertanian Dan Biosistem 10(1): 116–128. doi: 10.29303/jrpb.v10i1.278
- • Nihayah, Badi’atun, Bayu Dwi Apri Nugroho, and Nur Aini Iswati Hasanah. 2022. Model denitrification decomposition (DNDC)untuk estimasi emisi gas Ch4 pada budidaya padi metode System of Rice Intensification (SRI). Jurnal Riset Daerah 21(3): 3988-4002
- • Oladejo, Ajibola Mujidah. 2022. Economic implications of environmentally smart System of Rice Intensification in Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Development 15(6): doi:10.5539/jsd.v15n6p1
- • *Padesur, Shashikala, Padmaja Bhimireddy, et al. 2022. ‘Guni’ method (System of Ragi Intensification) for enhanced yield, nutrient uptake and economics in finger millet. Biological Forum – An International Journal 14(2): 320-326.
- • Palanisamy, Jeevanand, et al. 2022. Unravelling the growth potential of rice under modified rice cultivation System in Tamil Nadu, India. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 34(18): 250-258. doi:10.9734/ijpss/2022/v34i1831077
- *• Pandit, Tapas Kumar, Shyamashree Roy, and Bimal Das. 2022. Optimization of intra-row spacing for yield enhancement in System of Mustard Intensification (SMI) techniques. 13(11): 1170-1175. doi:/10.23910/1.2022.2960
- • Patra, Bishnupriya, Satyananda Jena and Amit Phonglosa. 2022. Date of planting, spacing and integrated nutrient management practices improves soil microbial populations and soil fertility status under rice-arhar cropping system in acidic soils of Eastern India. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (online first Nov. 16, 2022). doi:10.1080/00103624.2022.2146133
- Saha, Anuradha, and Vijay Bharti. 2022. Influence of crop-establishment methods and weed-management practices on weeding efficiency and productivity of basmati rice (Oryza sativa). Indian Journal of Agronomy 67(3): 233-239
- Sahu, Gunasagar, and Hifjur Raheman. 2022. Development of a solar energy operated weeder for wetland paddy crop. Journal of Renewable Energy and Environment (online first July 2022). doi:10.30501/jree.2022.304080.1255
- Sai, M. Vikram, et al. 2022. Influence of different age of seedlings and micro nutrient management practices on growth and yield attributes of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under System of Rice Intensification. Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika. 37(1):76-79. doi: 10.18805/BKAP411
- • Santoso, Untung, Riza Adrianoor Saputra, et al. 2022. Pengenalan budidaya padi System of Rice Intensification (SRI) di Desa Sungai Rangas Kabupaten Banjar. Jurnal Pengabdian ILUNG (Inovasi Lahan Basah Unggul) 1(3): 114-121. doi: 10.20527/ilung.v1i3.4343
- • Shahane, Amit Anil, et al. 2022. Effect of crop establishment methods and microbial inoculations on augmenting the energy efficiency and nutritional status of rice and wheat in cropping system mode. Sustainability 14, 5986. doi:10.3390/su14105986
- • Sigalla, O.Z., R.M.J. Kadigi, and J.R. Selemani, 2022. Assessment of variation in marginal productivity value of water in paddy farming systems in times of water stress. Water 14: 3459. doi:10.3390/w14213459
- • Suryawanshi, Vijay Singh, S.B. Agrawal, and Poornima Malviya. 2022. Assessment of yield and yield attributes of rice under different crop establishment methods and nutrient management. Pharma Innovation 11(7): 2373-2376.
- • Sreeni, K. R. 2022. Sarvathobhadram-Organic Initiative: Cooperative model for resilient agriculture by adopting System of Rice Intensification. Journal of Rice Research 10(12): 1000337.
- • Thakur, Amod Kumar. 2022. How System of Rice Intensification conserve resources, benefits environment and resilient to climate change. Journal of Rice Research 15 (Special issue) 106-109. doi:10.58297/BSIG2426
- • Thu, Tran. 2022. A systemic review of System of Rice Intensification journey and System of Crop Intensification development in the rice sector of Viet Nam. Journal of Rice Research 15 (Special Issue)
- • Tong, Lan Anh, Mehmet Ali Ulubaşoğlu, and Cahit Guven. 2022. Growing more rice with less water: the System of Rice Intensification and water productivity in Vietnam. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 59: 1–31 (online early) doi:10.1111/1467-8489.12477
- • Valentino, Valentino. 2022. Budidaya padi sawah organik untuk pemulihan kesehatan tanah dan pengurangan residu pestisida pada produk hasil pertanian. Jurnal PkM Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 5(5): 591-587.
- • Waris, Amtul. 2022. Adept to adapt: Closing the gender capacity gaps for scaling up System of Crop Intensification. Journal of Rice Research 15(special issue): 231-234. doi:10.58297/MJDW2273
2021 ARTICLES (• = free access)
- • Abankwah, Vincent, and Lucy A. Tutu. 2021. Rice production under the System of Rice Intensification and conventional methods: Which is more profitable in Ghana? Journal of Experimental Agriculture International 43(1): 75-83. doi:10.9734/jeai/2021/v43i130633
- • Adounkpe, J., O. Ahoudji, and B. Sinsin. 2021. Assessment of the contribution of flooded rice cultivation systems to methane emissions in the Lower Ouémé Valley in Benin Republic. Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment 10: 327-344. doi:10.4236/jacen.2021.103021
- • Al-Hasani, L. N. H., A. J. Musa, and S. B. Salem. 2021. Influence of irrigation and tillage patterns on yield and its components for five rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.) under the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). Euphrates Journal of Agriculture Science 13(2): 17-32.
- • Andriambahoaka, Lydie C., et al. 2021. Mecanisation artisanale du repiquage et valorisation des dechets plastiques en riziculture. Recherches pour Developpement Série Sciences Technologiques N° 6: 121 2021
- • Arif, Chusnul, et al. 2021. Performances of sheet-pipe typed subsurface drainage on land and water productivity of paddy fields in Indonesia. Water 13(1): 48. doi:10.3390/w13010048
- • Behera, Abhishek Kumar, et al. 2021. Response of black rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties to organic amendments under SRI method of cultivation. The Pharma Innovation Journal 10(10): 1101-1103.
- Biswas, Amit, Damodhara Rao Mailapalli, and Narendra Singh Raghuwanshi. 2021. Modelling the effect of changing transplanting water footprints for paddy under System of Rice intensification. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. (Online first March 1, 2021). doi:10.1002/jsfa.11186
- • Borna, Samina Nasrin, et al. 2022. Influence of rice establishment methods on water productivity, methane emissions and rice grain heavy metals content from irrigated rice paddies in Bangladesh. European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 4(5): 112-119. doi:10.24018/ejfood.2022.4.5.586
- Diedhiou, Pierre C.C. 2021. Intensification (SRI) and traditional practices (TP) in Ziguinchor District, Senegal. Forestry & Agriculture Review 2(1): 22-36. doi:10.47285/far.v2i1.64
- • Nasamu, Michael A., and Ali Garba. 2020. Productivity of irrigated and rainfed rice (Oryza sativa L.) as influenced by seedling age and row spacing in Kuru Plateau State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch 5(1): 71-84. doi: 10.35410/IJAEB.2020.5461
- • Doni, Febri, et al. 2021. Associations of Pantoea with rice plants: Friends or foes? Agriculture 11(12): 1278 doi: 10.3390/agriculture11121278
- • Er, Ah Choy, Habibah Ahmad, and Azima Abdul Manaf. 2021. Comparative cost benefit analysis of conventional farming and agroecological farming for paddy cultivation in Bachok, Kelantan. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 12(6): 181-187.
- Fadairo, Olushola Samuel, and Moussa Sanguiana Keita. 2021. The West Africa Agricultural Productivity Programme (WAAPP): Smallholder paddy productivity and market linkages in Kindia Prefecture, Guinea, Afrika Focus 34(1): 127-154.doi:10.1163/2031356X-34010003
- • Fayama, Tionyélé. 2021. Determinants l'adoption ou non du Systeme de Riziculture Intensive (SRI) dan la Vallee de Karfiguela a Banfora - Burkina Faso. Revue des Etudes Multidisciplinaires en Sciences Economiques et Sociales 6(2): 44-65. doi: 10.48375/IMIST.PRSM/REMSES-V6I2.24655
- • Ginigaddara, G. A. S., and S.L. Ranamukhaarachchi. 2021. Varied responses of System of Rice Intensification to medium and short-aged rice and types of planting material in Central Plains of Thailand. Asian Journal of Emerging Research 3(1): 12-18.
- • Ginting, Yulisa Andriani, and Leo Rio Ependi Malau. 2021. Analisis pendapatan dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerapan System of Rice Intensification (Sri) di Desa Trasan Kecamatan Bandongan Kabupaten Magelang --(Income and affecting factors analysis of System Rice of Intensification (SRI) application in Trasan Village Bandongan Subdistrict Magelang District). Jurnal Manajemen Agribisnis 9(1): 303-314
- • Ha, Tuan M., and Ho Van Bac. 2021. Effects of Climate-Smart Agriculture adoption on performance of rice farmers in northeast Vietnam. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development 11(4): 291-301. doi:10.18488/journal.ajard.2021.114.291.301
- Graf, Sarah Lena, and Carlos Oya. 2021. Is the system of rice intensification (SRI) pro poor? Labour, class and technological change in West Africa. Agricultural Systems 193: 103229. doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2021.103229
- • Hasanah, N.A., et al. 2021. Economic valuation of SRI paddy. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 622: 012050. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/622/1/012050
- Hosseinpour, S., H. Moghadam, and H. Pirdashti. 2021. Evaluation of yield and yield components of rice cv. ‘Tarom Hashemi’ in System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and conventional systems. Journal of Agricultural Science and Sustainable Production (in press). doi:10.22034/saps.2021.36888.2376
- Htwe, Than, et al. 2021. Energy use efficiency and cost-benefits analysis of rice cultivation: A study on conventional and alternative methods in Myanmar. Energy 214: 119104. doi:10.1016/
- Htwe, T., et al. 2021. Grain yield and environmental impacts of alternative rice establishment methods in Myanmar. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 19(1): 507-524.
- • Ires, Idil. 2021. Intensive agriculture as climate change adaptation? Economic and environmental tradeoffs in securing rural livelihoods in Tanzanian river basins. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9: 531.
- • Isnawan, Bambang Heri, et al. 2021. Primary macro nutrient content, root growth, and crop growth analysis of local rice varieties with intermittent and continuous flooding irrigation. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 709: 012063. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/709/1/012063
- • Jumar, Riza Adrianoor Saputra, and Siti Raudatul Jannah. 2021.Effect of fish amino acid application on growth and N-uptake in plants rice using the System of Rice Intensification method. Tropical Wetland Journal 7(1): 25-30. doi: 10.20527/twj.v7i1.91
- • Kaloi, Francis Kadipo, et al. 2021. Determinants influencing the adoption of rice intensification system among smallholders in Mwea Irrigation Scheme, Kenya. Advances in Agriculture (online first Feb. 24 2021). doi: 10.1155/2021/1624334
- • Kesh, H. et al. 2021. Adaptability and AMMI biplot analysis for yield and agronomical traits in scented rice genotypes under diverse production. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 20(2); 550-562.
- • Khalid, Farhan, et al. 2021. Evaluating direct dry-seeding and seed-priming used with the system of rice intensification vs. conventional rice cultivation in Pakistan. Journal of Crop Improvement (online first March 30, 2021) doi: 10.1080/15427528.2021.1910094
- Kumar, Pramod, et al. 2021. Effect of different crop establishment methods and nitrogen levels on the performance of kharif season rice (Oryza sativa) in the Indo-Gangatic plains of eastern Uttar Pradesh. Crop Research 56: 1&2: 1-7. doi: 10.31830/2454-1761.2021.001
- • Kumar, Rahul, et al. 2021. Impact of SRI Components on growth and productivity of conventional and transplanted rice. Biological Forum –An International Journal 13(3): 196-199.
- • Lee, Jong-Mun Lee, Hyun-Cheol Jeong, et al. 2023. Effects of water management practices on methane emissions and rice yields in East Asian paddy fields: A regional-scale meta-analysis. Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer Article 56(4): 313-324.
- • Lyu, Jun. 2024. High yield strategies in rice cultivation: Agronomic practices and innovations. Bioscience Evidence14(6): 270-280 (doi:10.5376/be.2024.14.0028)
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- • Midya, Ashim, et al. 2021. Crop establishment methods and integrated nutrient management improve: Part I. Crop performance, water productivity and profitability of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in the Lower Indo-Gangetic Plain, India. Agronomy 11(9): 1860. doi:10.3390/agronomy11091860
- Mishra, Abha, Jan Willem Ketelaar, Norman Uphoff and Max Whitten. 2021. Food security and climate-smart agriculture in the lower Mekong basin of Southeast Asia: evaluating impacts of system of rice intensification with special reference to rainfed agriculture. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability doi:10.1080/14735903.2020.1866852
- • *Mishra, J. S., et al. 2021. An impact of agronomic practices of sustainable rice-wheat crop intensification on food security, economic adaptability, and environmental mitigation across eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains. Field Crops Research 267: 108164 (online first May 6, 2021). doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2021.108164
- Nayaka, Venkataravana GV, G. Prabhakara Reddy, and R. Mahender Kumar. 2021. Productivity and economics of rice cultivars under different irrigation regimes and systems of cultivation. Oryza 58(4): 540-554
- • Nazir, Aijaz, et al. 2021. Effect of crop establishment methods and weed management practices on yield and yield attributes of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under temperate conditions of Kashmir. Applied Biological Research 23(2): 171-178. doi:10.5958/0974-4517.2021.00023.9
- • Nihayah, B. et al. 2021. Methane (CH4) emission flux estimation in SRI (System of Rice Intensification) method rice cultivation using different varieties and fertilization. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 757(1): 012001
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- • Potkile, S.N. 2018. Influence of Planting methods and varieties on yield and economics of paddy. International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience 6(6):202-206. doi:10.18782/2320-7051.6668
- • Quynh, Vu Duong, and Mai Van Trinh. 2018. Assessment of economic, ecological efficiency and resistant ability to unforable climate condition of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in comparison with conventional rice cultivation in Bihn Dinh province. Journal of Vietnam Agricultural Science and Technology 6(91): 27-34.
- • Rozen, Nalwida. 2018. Response of two rice varieties grown using SRI method in two different locations. JERAMI Indonesian Journal of Crop Sciences 1(1), 39-45.
- Salgotra, R. K., et al. 12018. Morphological and grain quality analysis of basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.) under different systems in north-west plains of Himalaya. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 9(3): 1146-1156. doi: 10.5958/0975-928X.2018.00143.6
- Sen, Dhiman, et al. 2018. Studies on nutrient uptake of crop and residual soil fertility affected by planting time, organic sources of nutrient and LCC based N application under SRI. Research on Crops 19(2): 163-168. doi:10.5958/2348-7542.2018.00025.6
- Shahane, Amit Anil, and Yashbir Singh Shivay. 2018. Effect of rate and sources of nitrogen, phosphorus and zinc fertilization on potassium nutrition of rice in different cultivation methods. International Journal of Bio-Resource & Stress Management 9(4): 460-467.
- • Shamshiri, Redmond Ramin, et al. 2018. An overview of the System of Rice Intensification for paddy fields of Malaysia. Journal of Agricultural Studies 6(1):133-156. doi: 10.5296/jas.v6i1.1253
- • Sharma, Ravi Chandra, Nobuhiko Fuwa, and Pabitra Banik. System of Rice Intensification verses conventional rice system: Off-farm field studies. NASS Journal of Agricultural Sciences 1(1): 7-17.
- • Silitonga, Yusnita Wahyuni. 2018. Pengaruh beberapa jenis bahan organik terhadap pertumuhan vegetatif tanaman padi (Oryza sativa L) metode SRI (the System of Rice Intensification). Jurnal AGROHITA 2(2): 20-29.
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- • Soentoro, Edy Anto, et al. 2018. Optimization of irrigation water use to increase the benefit of agricultural products. MATEC Web of Conferences 159. doi:10.1051/matecconf/201815901026. [Presented at the 2nd International Joint Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (IJCAET 2017) and International Symposium on Advanced Mechanical and Power Engineering (ISAMPE 2017)]
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- • Toungos, Mohammed Dahiru. 2018. Comparative analysis on the cropping System of Rice Intensification and traditional method of rice production in Mubi North, Adamawa State, Nigeria. International Journal of Innovative Agriculture & Biology Research 6(2): 7-26.
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2017 ARTICLES (• = free access)
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- Balamatti, Arun, and Norman Uphoff. 2017. Experience with the System of Rice Intensification for sustainable rainfed paddy farming systems in India. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (online first March 20, 2017) doi:10.1080/21683565.2017.1308898
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- • Hasanah, Nur Aini Iswati, Budi Indra Setiawan, Chusnul Arif, and Slamet Widodo. 2017. Muka air optimum pada System of Rice Intensification (SRI). Jurnal Irigasi 12(1): 55-64.
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- • Hasanah, Nur Aini Iswati, Budi Indra Setiawan, Masaru Mizoguchi, Gary Robert Sands, Chusnul Arif and Slamet Widodo. 2017. Triangle graphs development for estimating methane and nitrous oxide gases emission from the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 10(4): 206-214. doi:10.3923/jest.2017.206.214 Muka air optimum pada System Of Rice Intensification (SRI). Jurnal Irigasi 12(1): 55-64.
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- • Kesh, Hari, Ali Akhtar, et al. 2017. Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management and plant geometry on growth and quality of rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties under SRI technique. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 6(10): 2503-2515. doi:10.20546/ijcmas.2017.610.294
- • Kesh, Hari, Khushi Ram, and Kuldeep Jangid. 2017. System of Rice Intensification: A review on resource conserving method of rice crop establishment. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 6(11): 2315-2328. doi:10.20546/ijcmas.2017.611.275
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- Kumari, Tulika, and O. P. Singh. 2017. A comparative economics of System of Rice Intensification and conventional method of paddy cultivation in Gumla District of Jharkhand. Indian Journal of Economics and Development 13(3): 581-585. doi:10.5958/2322-0430.2017.00220.7
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- • Pisante, Michele, and Amir Kassam. 2017. Sustainable crop production intensification. AIMS Agriculture and Food 2(1): 40-42. doi: 10.3934/agrfood.2017.1.40 (Editorial for special edition on sustainable crop intensification.
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- • Rk, Rajesh Krisnan. 2017. Corroborating the ecological and economic sustainability of SRI in changing climate. Journal of agrometeorology 29(special issue): 303-307.
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- Salgotra, R. K., et al. 2018. Morphological and grain quality analysis of basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.) under different systems in north-west plains of Himalaya. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 9(3): 1146-1156. doi: 10.5958/0975-928X.2018.00143.6
- • Sanou, G., D. Dakouo, and I. Ouedraogo. 2017. Influence du systeme de riziculture intensif (SRI) sur les attaques des principaux insectes depredateurs dans les perimetres rizicoles irrigues de Karfiguela et de la vallee du Kou au Burkina Faso. Agronomie Africaine 29(2): 125-136.
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2015 ARTICLES (• = free access)
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- • Suryadi, Y., D. Susilowati, A. Akhdiya, T. S. Kadir, and B. Wibowo. 2013. Efficacy of consortium bacteria for control rice diseases under System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in West Java - Indonesia. Albanian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 12(1): 143-147.
- Suryavanshi, Priyanka, Y. V. Singh, R. Prasanna, Arti. Bhatia, and Y. S. Shivay. 2013. Pattern of methane emission and water productivity under different methods of rice crop establishment. Paddy and Water Environment 11(1-4): 321-329. doi:10.1007/s10333-012-0323-5
- • Sushant. 2013. Impact of climate change in eastern Madhya Pradesh, India. Tropical Conservation Science 6(3): 338-364.
- Takahashi, K. 2013. The role of risk and ambiguity in the adoption of the system of rice intensification (SRI): Evidence from Indonesia. Food Security 5(4): 513-524. doi:10.1007/s12571-013-0270-z
- Thakur, Amod K., Rajeeb K. Mohanty, Dhiraj U. Patil, and Ashwani Kumar. 2013. Impact of water management on yield and water productivity with system of rice intensification (SRI) and conventional transplanting system in rice. Paddy and Water Environment (Springer Link September 2013). doi:10.1007/s10333-013-0397-8
- Uphoff, Norman. 2013. Rethinking the concept of 'yield ceiling' for rice: Implications of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) for agricultural science and practice. Journal of Crop and Weed 9(1): 1-19.
- • Uphoff, Norman, Amir Kassam, and Amod Thakur. 2013. Challenges of increasing water saving and water productivity in the rice sector: Introduction to the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and this issue. Taiwan Journal of Water Conservancy 61(4): 1-13.
- Thakur, Amod K., Sreelata Rath, and Krishna G. Mandal. 2013. Differential responses of system of rice intensification (SRI) and conventional flooded-rice management methods to applications of nitrogen fertilizer. Plant and Soil 370(1-2): 59-71. doi: 10.1007/s11104-013-1612-5.
- • Watanarojanaporn, N., et. al. 2013. Effect of rice cultivation systems on indigenous arbuscular mycorrhiza fungal community structure. Microbes and Environments 28(3): 316-324. doi:10.1264/jsme2.ME13011
- Xu, Xiaopeng, Yanli Liu, Yunchang Shi, and Luo Pan. 2013. Discourse analysis of the plight of the extension of the new style modern agricultural technology-take the extension of the System of Rice Intensification(SRI) in Y Village, Sichuan Province as an example - 新型现代农业技术推广困境的话语分析—以水稻强化栽培体系(SRI)在四川省Y村的推广为例. China Agricultural University Journal of Social Sciences Edition-中国农业大学学报(社会科学版) 30(1).
- Yang, Zhiyuan, Yongjian Sun, Xu Hui, Qin Jian, Jia Xianwen, and Ma Jun. 2013. Effects of different cultivation methods on accumulation and transformation of assimilation products and lodging resistance of stem-sheaths of no-tillage rice -不同栽培方式对免耕水稻茎鞘物质积累转运与抗倒伏能力的影响. Chinese Journal of Rice Science - 中国水稻科学 7(5): 511-519.
- Yang, Zhiyuan, Yongjian Sun, Xu Hui, Qin Jian, Jia Xianwen, and Ma Jun. 2013. Influence of Cultivation Methods and No-Tillage on Root Senescence at Filling Stage and Grain-Filling Properties of Eryou 498-栽培方式与免耕对杂交稻Ⅱ优498灌浆期根系衰老和籽粒灌浆的影响. Scientia Agricultura Sinica-中国农业科学 46(7): 1347-1358.
- Zhu, Conghua, Zou Dai, Fengjun Zhang, et al. 2013. Effects of different paddy field drainage degrees and panicle nitrogen fertilizer managements on photosynthetic productivity and nitrogen utilization of rice under Triangle-Planted System of Rice Intensification - 晒田强度和穗肥运筹对三角形强化栽培水稻光合生产力和氮素利用的影响. Acta Agronomica Sinica-作物学报 39(4): 735-743.
- • Amiri Larijani, Bahman, and Sayed Jalal Hoseini. 2012. Comparison of integrated chemical and organic fertilizer management on rice growth and yield under system of rice intensification (SRI). International Journal of Agronomy and Plant Production 3(S): 726-731.
- Avasthe, R. K., S. Verma, Ashok Kumar, and H. Rahman. 2012. Performance of rice (Oryza sativa) varieties at different spacing under system of rice intensification (SRI) in mid hill acid soils of Sikkim Himalayas. Indian Journal of Agronomy Year 57(1): 32- 37.
- Babar, S. R. and A. Velayutham. 2012. Weed management practices on weed characters, plant growth and yield of rice under System of Rice Intensification. Madras Agricultural Journal 99(1-3): 46-50.
- • Babar, S. R. and A. Velayutham. 2012. Weed management practices on nutrient uptake, yield attributes and yield of rice under System of Rice Intensification. Madras Agricultural Journal 99(1-3): 51-54.
- • Bagayoko, M. 2012. Effects of plant density, organic matter and nitrogen rates on rice yields in the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in the "Office du Niger" in Mali. ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science 7(8): 620-632.
- Baskar, P., K. Siddeswaran, N. Thavaprakaash, and P. Muthukrishnan. 2012. Performance of nursery methods and crop geometry of rice varieties under rice low lands. Madras Agricultural Journal 99 (7/9): 563-566.
- Basu, Soutrik, Cees Leeuwis. 2012. Understanding the rapid spread of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Andhra Pradesh: Exploring the building of support networks and media representation. Agricultural Systems 111: 34-44. doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2012.04.005
- Chang, Y., R. Chen, Y. Li, and H. Lu. 2012. SRI- The choice for paddy rice system in dealing with water deficiency and land shortage- 灌溉稻系統在面對水與耕地短缺下的選擇--稻作強化栽培體系. Water Resource Management Society Journal - 水資源管理會刊 14(1): 38-44.
- Chowdhury, M. R., V. Kumar, and K. Brahmachari. 2012. Effect of different water and nutrient management practices on rice grown under SRI. Journal of Crop and Weed 8(2): 36-39.
- • Dahal, Khem R., and Ram B. Khadka. 2012. Performance of rice with varied age of seedlings and planting geometry under System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in farmer's field in western Terai, Nepal. Nepal Journal of Science and Technology 13(2): 1-6. doi:10.3126/njst.v13i2.7706
- Damodaran, V., B. K. Saren, N. Ravisankar, and N. Bommayasamy. 2012 Influence of time of planting, spacing, seedling number and nitrogen management practices on productivity, profitability and energetics of rice (Oryza sativa) in island ecosystem. Madras Agricultural Journal 99(7): 538-544.
- Dass, Anchal, and Chandra Subash. 2012. Effect of different components of SRI on yield, quality, nutrient accumulation and economics of rice (Oryza sativa) in tarai belt of northern India. Indian Journal of Agronomy 57(3): 250-254.
- Deb, Debal, Jörg Lässig and Marius Kloft. 2012. A critical assessment of the importance of seedling age in the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Eastern India. Experimental Agriculture 48(3): 326-346. doi:10.1017/S001447971200004X
- Deshmukh, Ghanshyam, and R. K. Tiwari. 2012. Impact of weeders for weed management in system of rice intensification (SRI). Indian Journal of Weed Science 43(3/4): 243-244. [Hardcopy was published in 2011, the online 11/9/12]
- Durga, K. K. 2012. Influence of seedling age and spacing on productivity and quality traits of rice under System of Rice Intensification. Madras Agricultural Journal 99(4/6): 301-304.
- Gehring, C., et al. 2012. Ecological intensification of rice production in the lowlands of Amazonia – Options for smallholder rice producers. European Journal of Agronomy 4(46): 25-33. doi:10.1016/j.eja.2012.11.006 [acquired 1/8/13]
- Ghritlahre, S. K., A. K. Sarial, M. Ram, D. R. Aneja, and R. Singh. 2012. Genetic yield potential of rice (Oryza sativa) through water saving and high-yielding SRI technology. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 82(3): 260-3 [Link accesses abstract only; check for pdf in short communication section of subscription link]
- • Gopalakrishnan, S., et al. 2012. Plant growth-promoting traits of biocontrol potential bacteria isolated from rice rhizosphere. SpringerPlus 1(1): 71-84. doi:10.1186/2193-1801-1-71
- Gopalakrishnan, S., P. Humayun, S. Vadlamudi, R. Vijayabharathi, R. K. Bhimineni, and O. Rupela. 2012. Plant growth-promoting traits of Streptomyces with biocontrol potential isolated from herbal vermicompost. Biocontrol Science and Technology 22(10): 1199-1210. doi:10.1080/09583157.2012.719151
- Hoffmaister, Juan P., Mikael Román. 2012. Pursuing the link between development and climate change adaptation: The case of rice production in Mozambique. Climate and Development (pp.1-15., early printing). doi: 10.1080/17565529.2012.698591
- Keen, A., N. Hall, P. Soni, M. D. Gholkar, S. Cooper, and J. Ferdous. 2012. A review of the tractive performance of wheeled tractors and soil management in lowland intensive rice production. Journal of Terramechanics. In press. doi:10.1016/j.jterra.2012.08.001.
- • Kasli, and A. R. Arman Effendi. 2012. Effect of various high puddles on the growth of aerenchyma and the growth of rice plants (Oryza sativa L) in pot. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 11(5): 461-466.
- Kayande, N. V., N. S. Kute, L. A. Katre, and P. V. Sawant. 2012. Influence of seedling age and spacing on yield of rice variety pkv hmt. BIOINFOLET 9(4): 470-472.
- • Khumairoh, U., J. C. J. Groot, and E. A. Lantinga. 2012. Complex agro-ecosystems for food security in a changing climate. Ecology and Evolution 2(7): 1696-1704. doi:10.1002/ece3.271
- Krupnik, Timothy J., Jonne Rodenburg, Van Ryan Haden, Doudou Mbaye, and Carol Shennan. 2012. Genotypic trade-offs between water productivity and weed competition under the System of Rice Intensification in the Sahel. Agricultural Water Management 115: 156-166. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2012.08.016
- Krupnik, Timothy J., Carol Shennan and Jonne Rodenburg. 2012. Yield, water productivity and nutrient balances under the System of Rice Intensification and recommended management practices in the Sahel. Field Crops Research 130: 155-167. doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2012.02.003
- Krupnik, Timothy J., Carol Shennan, William H. Settle, Matty Demont, Alassane B. Ndiaye and Jonne Rodenburg. 2012. Improving irrigated rice production in the Senegal River Valley through experiential learning and innovation. Agricultural Systems 109: 101-112. doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2012.01.008
- Liu, Shubin, Xuyi Li, Yuanming Xu, and Jun Ma. 2012. Comparative study on Triangle System of Rice Intensification (SRI) with square System of Rice Intensification, throwing-transplanted rice, and traditional cultivation - 水稻三角形强化栽培与正方形强化栽培、抛秧栽培、常规栽培的比较研究. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin - 中国农学通报 28(21): 38-45.
- Ly, Proyuth, Lars Jensen, Thilde Bruun, Dominik Rutz, and Andreas de Neergaard. 2012. The System of Rice Intensification: Adapted practices, reported outcomes and their relevance in Cambodia. Agricultural Systems 113: 16-27. doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2012.07.005
- Mishra, Abha, and Norman Uphoff. 2012. Morphological and physiological responses of rice roots and shoots to varying water regimes and soil microbial densities. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science (pp. 1-27, iFirst article). doi: 10.1080/03650340.2012.669474
- Mishra, Abha, Prabhat Kumar and Andrew Noble. 2012. Assessing the potential of SRI management principles and the FFS approach in Northeast Thailand for sustainable rice intensification in the context of climate change. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability (published online early by iFirst). doi:10.1080/14735903.2012.658648
- Mohapatra, P. C., M. Din, B. C. Parida, S. P. Patel and P. Mishra. 2012. Effect of mechanical planting and weeding on yield, water-use efficiency and cost of production under modified system of rice intensification. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 82(3): 280-3 [Check for pdf under short communications in subscription link]
- • Ndiiri, J. A., B. M. Mati, P. G. Home, B. Odongo, and N. Uphoff. 2012. Comparison of water savings of paddy rice under System of Rice Intensification (SRI) growing rice in Mwea, Kenya. International Journal of Current Research and Review 4(6): 63-73
- Noltze, M., S. Schwarze, and M. Qaim. 2012. Farm Diversity and Heterogeneous Impacts of System Technologies on Yield, Income and Poverty: The System of Rice Intensification in Timor Leste. Selected Poster Prepared for Presentation at the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) Triennial Conference, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. pp. 1-24.
- Noltze, Martin, Stefan Schwarze and Matin Qaim. 2012. Understanding the adoption of system technologies in smallholder agriculture: The system of rice intensification (SRI) in Timor. Agricultural Systems 108: 64-73. doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2012.01.003\
- Nyamai, M., B. M. Mati, P. G. Home, B. Odongo, R. Wanjogu, and E. G. Thuranira. 2012. Improving land and water productivity in basin rice cultivation in Kenya through System of Rice Intensification (SRI). Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal 14(2):1-9.
- • Parashivamurty, S. Rajendraprasad, R. Siddaraju, and J. Lakshmi. 2012. Study the effect of promising varieties and methods of cultivation on growth, seedyield and quality parameters in rice (Oryza sativa L.). The Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences 46(3): 529-537.
- Pasha, M. L., L. Krishna, D. Bhadru, and R. B. M. Naik. 2012. Comparative performance of different weed management practices in system of rice intensification. Madras Agricultural Journal 99(7): 473-475.
- Pathak, Mahesh, R. C. Shakywar, Dinesh Sah, Shyam Singh. 2012. Prevalence of insect pests, natural enemies and diseases in SRI (System of Rice Intensification) of rice cultivation in North East Region. Annals of Plant Protection Sciences 20(2): 375-379.
- • Rani, S., and P. Sukumari. 2012. Growth and yield of medicinal rice Njavara as influenced by nutrient sources under different management systems. Madras Agricultural Journal 99(10-12): 786-788. doi:10.29321/MAJ.10.100195
- Revathi, M., N. K. Prabhakaran, C. Chinnusamy, and S. Meena. 2012. Influence of establishment methods and weed management practices on nutrient removal by weeds and uptake by rice in puddled lowland. Madras Agricultural Journal 99(7): 496-499.
- Roy, A. K., S. Chakrabarty, H. D. Chuadali, and B. C. Mahato. 2012. System of rice intensification (SRI): An experiment in Purulia under NAIP. Environment and Ecology 30(4): 1280-1284.
- • Roy, Shyamashree, and P. S. Bisht. 2012. System of Rice Intensification: A possible way to sustainable rice production. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology 5(2): 177-184.
- • Sathish, H. S., Nagaratna Biradar, J. G. Angadi, S.D. Kololgi and S. Hemalatha. 2012. A study on profile of system of rice intensification (SRI) paddy growers of Karnataka. Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25(4): 450-454.
- Senthilkumar, T. and V. K. Thilagam. 2012. Comparative study on improved TNAU drum seeder with SRI and conventional methods of transplanting. Madras Agricultural Journal 99(7): 629-630.
- Sharma, Y., J. Prabhakara, D. Kachroo, and A. Samanta. 2012. Influence of puddling intensity and organic amendments on water productivity under SRI and conventional transplanting of rice and their residual effect on succeeding wheat crop. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research 46(1): 75-79.
- Singh, N., D. Kumar, O. V. S. Thenua, and V. Tyagi. 2012. Influence of spacing and weed management on rice (Oryza sativa) varieties under System of Rice Intensification. Indian Journal of Agronomy 57(2): 138-142.
- Sowmya, Ch., and Ramana M. Venkata. 2012. Performance of hybrids/high yielding varieties and nutrient management in System of Rice Intensification - A review. Agricultural Reviews 33(1): 1-15.
- Sowmyalatha, B. S., C. Ramachandra, and B. R. Jagadeesh. 2012. Effect of methods of cultivation and fertility levels on nutrient uptake of rice hybrids. Environment and Ecology 30(3): 978-981.
- Sowmyalatha, B. S., C. Ramachandra, N. Shivakumar, and K. B. Manjunatha. 2012. Effect of methods of cultivation and fertility levels on growth and yield of rice hybrids. Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences 46(1): 171-173.
- Sridevi, V. and V. Chellamuthu. 2012. Advantages of SRI cultivation in the tail end of Cauvery delta. Journal of Crop and Weed 8(2): 40-44. [pdf of full article has problems loading.]
- Sridevi, V., and V. Chellamuthu. 2012. Influence of System of Rice Intensification on growth, yield and nutrient uptake of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Madras Agricultural Journal 99(4/6): 305-307.
- Subari, S., M.D. Joubert, H.A. Sofiyuddin, and J. Triyono. 2012. Pengaruh perlakuan pemberian air irigasi pada budidaya SRI, PTT dan konvensional terhadap produktivitas air. Jurnal Irigasi 7(1): 28-42. doi:10.31028/ji.v7.i1.28-42
- Sumberg, J., A. Jens, K. Giller, and J. Thompson. 2012. Response to "Combining sustainable agricultural production with economic and environmental benefits." The Geographical Journal (unpaginated). doi:10.1111/j.1475-4959.2012.00472.x (response to a commentary)
- Sumberg, J., J. Thompson, and P. Woodhouse. 2012. Why agronomy in the developing world has become contentious. Journal of the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society: 1-13. doi:10.1007/s10460-012-9376-8
- Sun, Y., et. al. 2012. Relationship between culm lodging resistance and population quality of hybrids under Triangle-Planted System of Rice Intensification at different nitrogen application rates and planting densities – 不同施氮量和栽插密度下三角形强化栽培杂交稻抗倒伏性与群体质量的关系. Chinese Journal of Rice Science-中国水稻科学 26(2): 189-196. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-7216.2012.02.008
- • Swaminathan, M. S., and P. C. Kesavan. 2012. Agricultural research in an era of climate change. Agricultural Research 1(1): 3-11. doi:10.1007/s40003-011-0009-z
- Tann, Huyly, Chaiwat Makhonpas, Aram Utthajadee, and Kasem Soytong. 2012. Effect of good agricultural practice and organic methods on rice cultivation under the system of rice intensification in Cambodia. Journal of Agricultural Technology 8(1): 289-303.
- • Uphoff, N. 2012. Supporting food security in the 21st century through resource-conserving increase in agricultural production. Agriculture & Food Security 1: 18-30. doi:10.1186/2048-7010-1-18 (review article)
- Uphoff, N. 2012. We are not alone: Messages from inner space. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 10(4): 263-267. doi:10.1080/14735903.2012.690957
- Comments to D. Glover's 2011 article in NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences: 'The System of Rice Intensification: Time for an empirical turn':
+ Uphoff, N. 2012. Comment to 'The System of Rice Intensification: Time for an empirical turn', [NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 57 (2011) 217-224]. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 59(1-2): 53-60. doi:10.1016/j.njas.2012.02.001
+ Glover, D. 2012. Reply to Comment to: ‘The System of Rice Intensification: Time for an empirical turn’, by D. Glover. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 59(1-2): 61-62. - Veeramani, P., R. Durai Singh, and K. Subrahmaniyan. 2012. Studies on different planting pattern (using rolling marker) in System of Rice Intensification (SRI) through hybrid rice CORH 3. International Journal of Research in Chemistry and Environment 2(1): 58-61.
- Veeramani, P., R. D. Singh, and K. Subrahmaniyan. 2012. Study of phyllochron-System of Rice Intensification (SRI) technique. Agricultural Science Research Journal 2(6): 329-334.
- Veeraputhiran, R., R. Balasubramanian, B. J. Pandian, M. Chelladurai, R. Tamilselvi, and V. G. Renganathan. 2012. Influence of System of Rice Intensification on yield, water use and economics through farmers' participatory approach. Madras Agricultural Journal 99(4/6): 251-254.
- Wen, Jing, Wei Dai, Xinxue Hou, Xiang Song, Tingjian Li, Jianming Luo, and Zhuolin Xie. 2012. Effect of planting density and nitrogen on N absorption,utilization and yield of Rice under Triangle System of Rice Intensification (TSRI) - 三维立体强化栽培密度和氮肥管理对水稻产量及氮素吸收利用的影响. Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences - 西南农业学报. 25(1): 183-187.
- Yang, Zhiyuan, Rong Hu, et al. 2012. Effects of nitrogen fertilizer management on yield and nitrogen use efficiency of Eryou 498 in Triangle-Planted System of Rice Intensification – 三角形强化栽培模式下氮肥运筹对II 优498产量及氮肥利用的影响. Acta Agronomica Sinica–作物学报 38(6): 1097-1106. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2012.01097.
NOTE: There is a special issue (March 2011, volume 9) of the Journal of Paddy and Water Environment (PWE) entitled Paddy and Water Management with the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). SRI articles are included on pages 3-180. (see table of contents.) The articles are also included in the 2011 research articles listed below.
- • Adusumilli, Ravindra, and S. Bhagya Laxmi. 2011. Potential of the system of rice intensification for systemic improvement in rice production and water use: the case of Andhra Pradesh, India. Paddy and Water Environment 9(1): 89-97. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-037X.2010.00421.x [NOTE: Erratum to this article have been published during Feb. 2011 at doi:10.1007/s10333-011-0255-5]
- • Alizadeh, M. R. 2011. Field performance evaluation of mechanical weeders in the paddy field. Scientific Research and Essays 6(25): 5427-5434.
- • Anas, Iswandi, O. P. Rupela, T. M. Thiyagarajan and Norman Uphoff. 2011. A review of studies on SRI effects on beneficial organisms in rice soil rhizospheres. Paddy and Water Environment 9(1): 53-64. doi:10.1007/s10333-011-0260-8
- • Anas, Iswandi, Joeli Barison, Amir Kassam, et al. 2011. The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) as a beneficial human intervention into root and soil Interaction. Jurnal Tanah Dan Lingkungan 13(2): 72–88.
- • Anitha, S. and Mani Chellappan. 2011. Comparison of the system of rice intensification (SRI), recommended practices, and farmers' methods of rice (Oryza sativa L.) production in the humid tropics of Kerala, India. Journal of Tropical Agriculture 49(1-2): 64-71.
- • Barison, Joeli and Norman Uphoff. 2011. Rice yield and its relation to root growth and nutrient-use efficiency under SRI and conventional cultivation: an evaluation in Madagascar. Paddy and Water Environment 9(1):65-78. doi:10.1007/s10333-010-0229-z
- Barla, Sheela and S. S. Kumar. 2011. Evaluation of rice establishment techniques on Jharkhand plateau. ORYZA 48(1).
- • Ceesay, Mustapha. 2011. An opportunity for increasing factor productivity for rice cultivation in The Gambia through SRI. Paddy and Water Environment 9: 129-135. doi:10.1007/s10333-010-0235-1
- Chapagain, T., A. Riseman, and E. Yamaji. 2011. Achieving more with less water: Alternate wet and dry irrigation (AWDI) as an alternative to the conventional water management practices in rice farming. Journal of Agricultural Science 3(3):3-13. doi:10.5539/jas.v3n3p3
- Chapagain, Tejendra, Andrew Riseman, and Eiji Yamiji. 2011. Assessment of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and conventional practices under organic and inorganic managements in Japan. Rice Science 18(4): 311-320. doi:10.1016/S1672-6308(12)60010-9
- • de Laulanié, H. 2011. Intensive rice farming in Madagascar. Tropicultura 29(3):183-187 (technical notes section). [The Tropicultura editors included this article because it is the 30th anniversary of Laulanié's work with SRI; the original article published in their journal appeared in 1993.]
- Dewangan, Devendra, A. P. Singh, H. Nirala and M. VermaI. 2011. Effect of different weed management practices on weed density and weed dry matter production in system of rice intensification (SRI) . Indian Journal of Weed Science 43 (3&4) : 217-221.
- Escasinas, Ruth O., and Oscar B. Zamora. 2011. Agronomic response of lowland rice PSB Rc 18 (Oryza sativa L.) to different water, spacing and nutrient management. Philippine Journal of Crop Science 36(1): 37-46.
- Ferichani, I. M., and D. A. Prasetya. 2011. Institutionalization of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Indonesia: Socio-economic aspects. Journal of Crop and Weed 7(1): 12-16.
- Geethalakshmi, Velliangiri, Thanakkan Ramesh and Azhagu Palamuthirsolai. 2011. Agronomic evaluation of rice cultivation systems for water and grain productivity. Archives of Agronomy & Soil Science 57(2): 159-166. doi:10.1080/03650340903286422
- Ghritlahre, S. K., and A. K. Sarial. 2011. G x E interaction and adaptability of rice cultivars in SRI and normal production systems. Cereal Research Communications 39(4):589-597. doi:10.1556/CRC.39.2011.4.14
- Glover, Dominic. 2011. A system designed for rice? Materiality and the invention / discovery of the System of Rice Intensification. East Asian Science, Technology and Society 5(2): 217-237. doi:10.1215/18752160-1273080
- Glover, Dominic. 2011. Science, practice and the System of Rice Intensification in Indian agriculture. Food Policy 36(6): 749-755. doi:10.1016/j.foodpol.2011.07.008
- • Glover, Dominic. 2011. The System of Rice Intensification: Time for an empirical turn. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 57(3-4): 217-224. doi:10.1016/j.njas.2010.11.006
- • Hameed, Khidhir Abbas, Abdul-Kadhim Jawad Mosa and Flayeh Abed Jaber. 2011. Irrigation water reduction using System of Rice Intensification compared with conventional cultivation methods in Iraq. Paddy and Water Environment 9(1): 121-127. doi:10.1007/s10333-010-0243-1
- • Hameed, K. A., F. A. Jaber, A. Y. Hadi, J. A. Elewi, and N. Uphoff. 2011. Application of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) methods on productivity of Jasmine rice variety in southern Iraq. Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 7(3): 474-481.
- He, Yangdong, Ping Tong, Jun Ma, Yuanyuan Sun, Yongjian Sun, Shujin Liu, et al. 2011. Effects of different seedling-ages and planting densities on physiological characteristics and grain yield of hybrid rice Ⅱ You 498 under triangle-planted System of Rice Intensification during filling stage - 三角形强化栽培条件下移栽秧龄和密度对杂交稻Ⅱ优498结实期生理和产量的影响. Chinese Journal of Rice Science - 中国水稻科学 25:508-514. doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-7216.2011.05.009; CNKI:SUN:ZGSK.0.2011-05-010.
- • Johnson, B. and K. Vijayaragavan. 2011. Diffusion of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) across Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh in India. Indian Research Journal of Extension Education 11(3): 72-79.
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- Zhang, Jia, Biwu Xie, Chengxing Yan, Renjun Huang, Jianguo Tan, Chengduan Li, et al. 2008. Effects of fertilizer application on grain quality of hybrid rice under cultivation of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) - 强化栽培条件下施肥对杂交水稻主要米质性状的影响. Hybrid Rice - 杂交水稻 23:57-62. doi:CNKI:SUN:ZJSD.0.2008-03-025
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- • Islam, M. S., G. J. U. Ahmed and A. W. Julfiquar. 2005. Effect of the system of rice intensification on hybrid rice performance and yield. International Rice Research Notes. 30:43-45.
- • Latif, M. A., M. R. Islama, M. Y. Alia, and M. A. Saleque. 2005. Validation of the system of rice intensification (SRI) in Bangladesh. Field Crops Research 93(2-3):281–292. doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2004.10.005
- Li, Jingyong, Guanping Yu, Yongqun Tang, Ming Wen, Yao Lu, Guangming Wang, et al. 2005. Study on the yield-increasing effects of different measures of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) for Hybrid Rice - 杂交水稻强化栽培不同措施的增产效应研究. Journal of Southwest Agricultural University - 西南农业大学学报 doi:cnki:ISSN:1000-2642.0.2005-06-013
- Lin, Xianqing, Weijun Zhou, Defeng Zhu and Yubing Zhang. 2005. Effect of SWD irrigation on photosynthesis and grain yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Field Crops Research 94: 67-75. doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2004.11.007
- • Lin, Xianqing, Weijun Zhou, Defeng Zhu, Yuping Zhang, Guohua Yang, 林贤青, et al. 2005. Photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency of leaves at different positions during panicle initiation stage under the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) - 强化栽培下水稻穗分化期叶片光合速率与水分利用率的研究. Chinese Journal of Rice Science - 中国水稻科学 19:132-136. doi:cnki:ISSN:1001-7216.0.2005-02-007
- Long, Xu, Jun Ma, Fengying Xu, Hezheng Wang, Qinglong Huang, Zhixiang Yuan, et al. 2005. Study on the seedling-age and planting density in SRI - 水稻强化栽培的适宜秧龄和栽植密度研究. Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University - 四川农业大学学报 373. doi:cnki:ISSN:1000-2650.0.2005-03-023
- Lu, Yao, Jingyong Li, Jichun Wang, Yongqun Tang, Guanping Yu, 卢瑶, et al. 2005. Effects of SRI on dry matter production and grain yield of Yuyou 11 - 强化栽培对杂交水稻渝优11号干物质积累及其产量的影响. Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences - 西南农业学报 18:719-723. doi:cnki:ISSN:1001-4829.0.2005-06-010
- • Neung, T., S. N. Thanwalee, T. E. Janice and B. Nantakorn. 2005. Comparison of bacterial activities involved in nitrogen cycling between conventional rice cultivation and the system of rice intensification (SRI). Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment 41:322-322.
- Panda, D. 2005. Chemistry of nitrogen transformation in submerged soil and scientific management of urea fertilizer for higher rice productivity. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 53:500-513.
- • Reddy, V. R., P. P. Reddy, M. S. Reddy and D. S. R. Raju. 2005. Water use efficiency: a study of system of rice intensification (SRI) adoption in Andhra Pradesh. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 60:458-472.
- • Sheehy, J. E., T. R. Sinclair and K. G. Cassman. 2005. Curiosities, nonsense, non-science and SRI. Field Crops Research 91:355-356.
- Stoop, W. A. and A. H. Kassam. 2005. The SRI controversy: A response. Field Crops Research 91(2-3):357-360. doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2004.07.023
- Vijayakumar, M., S. D. Sundar Singh, N. K. Prabhakaran, and T. M. Thiyagarajan. 2005. Effect of SRI (System of Rice Intensification) practices on the yield attributes, yield and water productivity of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Acta Agronomica Hungarica 52(4):399-408. doi: 10.1556/AAgr.52.2004.4.9
- Xu, Fengying, Jun Ma, Hezheng Wang, Huiyuan Liu, Qinglong Huang, Wenbo Ma, et al. 2005. Rice quality under the cultivation of SRI - 水稻强化栽培下的稻米品质. Acta Agronomica Sinica - 作物学报 31:577-582. doi:cnki:ISSN:0496-3490.0.2005-05-007
- Yu, Aiying, Zengqi Wu, Xianqing Lin, Guiping Zhu, Naidi Zhou, Donglian Chen, et al. 2005. Optimization of high-yield cultural practice under the System of Rice Intensification - 水稻强化栽培体系(SRI)优化配套技术探讨. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin - 中国农学通报 21:162-164. doi:cnki:ISSN:1000-6850.0.2005-07-050
- Yuan, Qianhua, Bing Cao, Xinggui Lu, Kemin Yao, 袁潜华, 曹兵, et al. 2005. Yield formation characters of a hybrid rice variety under SRI cultivation and its ecological factors - 强化栽培水稻产量形成特点及其生态因素研究. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture - 中国生态农业学报 13:75-78. doi:cnki:ISSN:1671-3990.0.2005-01-021
- Zeng, Xiang, Yuzhu Zhang, Naimei Tu, Guoying Xiao, Lijun Zhou, Jianhong Xie, et al. 2005. Studies on roots and leaves characteristics of different populations under System of Rice Intensification after flowering stage in hybrid rice - 强化栽培条件下水稻不同群体生育后期的根叶特性研究. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin - 中国农学通报 21:193-196. doi:cnki:ISSN:1000-6850.0.2005-05-057
- Zhou, Lijun, Xiang Zeng, Yunkai Liu, Xingxia Yang, Xinghuai Zhang, Jianhong Xie, et al. 2005. Demonstrative performance of sparse direct seeding SRI (System of Rice Intensification) of Liangyou Peijiu - 两优培九稀直播强化栽培技术示范表现. Hybrid Rice - 杂交水稻 20:46-48. doi:cnki:ISSN:1005-3956.0.2005-04-022
- Barrett, Christopher B., Christine M. Moser, Oloro V. McHugh, and Joeli Barison. 2004. Better technology, better plots, or better farmers? Identifying changes in productivity and risk among Malagasy rice farmers. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 86(4): 869-888. doi:10.1017/S0014479709990548.
- Doberman, A. 2004. A critical assessment of the system of rice intensification (SRI). Agricultural Systems 79(3):261-281. doi:10.1016/S0308-521X(03)00087-8
- He, Yangdong, Jun Ma, Wanrong Wei, 贺阳冬, 马均 and 魏万蓉. 2004. Effect of different kinds of fertilizers on the yield and grain quality in the SRI - 不同肥料种类对水稻强化栽培产量及稻米品质的影响. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin - 中国农学通报 20:177-181. doi: cnki:ISSN:10006850.0.2004-06-056
- He, Yingfei, Feng Jian, Shansheng Ou, Shaojun Huang, Li Lin, Yuexiu Chen, et al. 2004. Trial System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and its prospect in Guangxi - 水稻强化栽培体系及其在广西的应用前景初探. Guangxi Agricultural Science - 广西农业科学 doi:cnki:ISSN:1002-8161.0.2004-05-007.
- Liang, Yingming, Xianqing Lin, Yongfei Sun, Defeng Zhu, Guoan Shi, 梁尹明, et al. 2004. Study on yield and its components of Xieyou 9308 under the System of Rice Intensification - 水稻强化栽培下协优9308的产量及穗粒结构研究. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin - 中国农学通报 20:84-86. doi:cnki:ISSN:1000-6850.0.2004-03-029.
- • Lin, Xianqing, Weijun Zhou, Defeng Zhu, Yuping Zhang, 林贤青, 周伟军, et al. 2004. Effect of water management on photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency of leaves in paddy rice - 稻田水分管理方式对水稻光合速率和水分利用效率的影响. Chinese Journal of Rice Science - 中国水稻科学 18: 333-338. doi:cnki:ISSN:1001-7216.0.2004-04-008.
- Liu, Huaizhen, Qing Huang, Xiuming Lu, and Jun Liu. 2004. The impact of SRI planning manner on tillering, panicle formation and panicle characteristics - 水稻强化栽培插植规格对茎蘖成穗和穗部性状影响的研究. Guangdong Agricultural Science - 广东农业科学(1): 12-15. [acquired 3/12/13]
- Lu, Shihua, Guangjun Ren, Xiangzhong Zeng, Xuejun Liu, Fusuo Zhang, 吕世华, et al. 2004. Effect of different transplanting periods on the growth and yield of high-quality hybrid rice in the System of Rice Intensification - 不同移栽期对强化栽培优质杂交水稻生长及产量的影响研究. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture - 中国生态农业学报 doi:cnki:ISSN:1671-3990.0.2004-02-043
- Lu, Xiuming, Qing Huang, Liu Jun, Liu Huaizhen, 陆秀明, 黄庆, et al. 2004. Research of the experiment on the System of Rice Intensification - 水稻强化栽培试验研究. Journal of South China Agricultural University - 华南农业大学学报(自然科学版). 25:5-8.
- • Sasaki, Ryouji. 2004. Characteristics and seedling establishment of rice nursling seedlings. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly (JARQ) 38 (1): 7-13.
- Series on SRI controversy in Nature:
- Surridge, C. (March 25, 2004) Rice cultivation: Feast or famine? Nature 428:360-361.
- Hengsdijk, H. and & P. Bindraban (June 24, 2004) Rice: Location is vital in crop management Nature 429: 803.
- Satyanarayana, A. (June 24, 2004) Rice, research and real life in the field. Nature 429: 803. - Sheehy, J. E., S. Peng, A. Dobermann, P. L. Mitchell, A. Ferrer, J. C. Yang, et al. 2004. Fantastic yields in the system of rice intensification: fact or fallacy? Field Crops Research 88:1-8.
- • Sinclair, T. R., and K. G. Cassman. 2004. Agronomic UFOs. Field Crops Research. 88:9-10.
- Tao, Shishun, and Jun Ma, 陶诗顺 and 马均. 2004. Studies on the yield structure characteristics of hybrid rice under the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) - 杂交水稻强化栽培穗粒结构特点研究. Hybrid Rice - 杂交水稻 19:39-41. doi:cnki:ISSN:1005-3956.0.2004-06-015
- Wang, Yifan, Zhongpeng Min, Shougui Hou, Youfen Wang, Guangxing Yu, Riling Gao, et al. 2004. Discussions on System of Rice Intensification techniques - 水稻强化栽培技术体系的探讨(2). Reclamation and Rice Cultivation - 垦殖与稻作 doi:cnki:ISSN:1007-5003.0.2004-05-006.
- Xu, Fuxian, Hong Xiong, Yongchuan Zhu and Guixiong Wang. 2004. Effect of System of Rice Intensification on grain plumpness in association with source-sink ratio in mid-season hybrid rice. Chinese Journal of Rice Science - 中国水稻科学 11:269-273. doi:cnki:ISSN:1672-6308.0.2004-Z1-008.
- Xu, Fuxian, Hong Xiong, Yongchuan Zhu, Rong Xie, Guixiong Wang, 徐富贤, et al. 2004. Effect of the System of Rice Intensification on grain plumpness in association with ratio of source to sink in mid-season hybrid rice - 强化栽培对杂交中稻籽粒充实度的影响及其与源库结构的关系. Chinese Journal of Rice Science - 中国水稻科学 18:522-526. doi:cnki:ISSN:1001-7216.0.2004-06-008
- Yu, Aiying, Zengqi Wu, Guiping Zhu, Donglian Chen, Huiqin Zhang, Yunxian Ying, and Yimin Shen. 2004. Preliminary report of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) experiment result in Xianju County - 仙居县水稻强化栽培试验示范结果初报. China Rice - 中国稻米 (5): 39-40.
- Yu, Aiying, Guiping Zhu, Donglian Chen, Yimin Shen, Yunxian Ying, 俞爱英, et al. 2004. Effect of different transplanting seeding ages on grain yield in System of Rice Intensification (SRI) - 水稻强化栽培体系不同秧龄移栽对产量的影响. Hybrid Rice - 杂交水稻 19:53-54. doi:cnki:ISSN:1005-3956.0.2004-02-020.
- Zhang, Wanli, Zaizhi Yang, and Tingchang Liao. 2004. Preliminary study on the application of System of Rice Intensification in Fenggang County - 凤冈县水稻强化栽培初探. Tillage and Cultivation - 耕作与栽培 (2): 39-40.
- Zhang, Z., et. al. 2004. Effects of transplant age in System of Rice Intensification on rice yield and economic characteristics - 秧龄对强化栽培水稻产量及经济性状的影响. Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural Sciences – 浙江农业科学 (2): 78-79.
- Zheng, Jiaguo, Xianjun Lu, Xinlu Jiang, Chongde Li, 郑家国, 陆贤军, et al. 2004. Testing modifications for the system of rice intensification (SRI) to achieve super-high-yield in the Sichuan basin - 水稻强化栽培的引进创新与
- 四川盆地超高产的技术实践. Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences - 西南农业学报 17:169-173. doi:cnki:ISSN:1001-4829.0.2004-02-009.
- Zhu, GuiPing, AiYing Yu, PeiYan Zhang, ZeHua Zhou, YunXian Ying and DongLian Chen. 2004. A preliminary study on suitable transplanting density in system of rice intensification (SRI). Hybrid Rice 19:45-46.
- Ao, H., Y. Zou, and Q. Tang. 2003. Study of SRI techniques for super hibrid rice - 超级杂交稻强化栽培技术研究. Tillage and Cultivation - 耕作与栽培 (2):12-13.
- Chen, F., Z. Yan, B. Ge, T. Jin, H. Chen, J. You, and S. Shen. 2003. A study on the optimal fertilizer rate and unit transplants density for Liangyou 363 - 两优363最佳施肥量与栽插株数研究. Tillage and Cultivation - 耕作与栽培 (5): 15-17.
- • Labonite, Marina A., Jose Labonite, and Severeno Salera. 2003. Yield response of Philippine Seed Board rice cultivars (PSC RC) to System of Rice Intensification (SRI) technology under irrigated alkaline soil condition. Kaplag 1(1): 30-36.
- Li, L., Z. Yin, T. Lei, X. Peng, and Q. Tang. 2003. Preliminary report on the relationship between the transplant density of super rice seedlings and yield - 超级稻乳苗稀植不同密度与产量的关系初探. Hunan Agricultural Sciences – 湖南农业科学 (4): 34-35.
- • Hossain, M. Z., S. M. A. Hossain, M. P. Anwar, M. R. A. Sarker and A. A. Mamun. 2003. Performance of BRRI Dhan 32 in SRI and conventional methods and their technology mixes. Pakistan Journal of Agronomy 2:195-200.
- Lin, Xianqing, Defeng Zhu, Weijun Zhou, YuPing Zhang, 林贤青, 朱德峰, et al. 2003. Relationship between specific leaf weight and photosynthetic rate at panicle initiation stage in super hybrid rice - 超级杂交稻穗分化期叶片比叶重与光合速率的关系. Chinese Journal of Rice Science - 中国水稻科学 17:281-283. doi:CNKI:SUN:ZGSK.0.2003-03-018 (See English abstract)
- Liu, Guohua, Liyun Chen, Yinghui Xiao, Wenbang Tang, Yidong Cai, Huabing Deng, et al. 2003. Comparison of the yield differences between rice hybrids under SRI and TCM - 杂交水稻强化栽培与常规栽培的组合间产量性状比较. Journal of Hunan Agricultural University - 湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版) 29:89-91. doi:cnki:ISSN:1007-1032.0.2003-02-001.
- Lu, Chuangen, and Jiangshi Zou, 吕川根 and 邹江石. 2003. Comparative analysis on plant type of two super hybrid rice and Shanyou63 - 两个超级杂交稻与汕优63光合株型的比较分析. Scientia Agricultura Sinica - 中国农业科学 36: 633-639. doi:cnki:ISSN:0578-1752.0.2003-06-005
- Mao, G. 2003. SRI and its future application in Zhejiang Province - SRI及其在浙江的应用前景. China Rice – 中国稻米4: 10-11.
- Moser, Christine M., and C. B. Barrett. 2003. The disappointing adoption dynamics of a yield-increasing, low external-input technology: The case of SRI in Madagascar. Agricultural Systems 76:1085-1100.
- Peng, Jiming, and Xuehua Wang. 2003. Use of Chinese hybrid rice with modified SRI in Guinea. Hunan Agricultural Science & Technology Newsletter 4:13-15. doi:cnki:ISSN:1009-4229.0.2003-03-002
- Tao, Shishun, and Jun Ma, 陶诗顺 and 马均. 2003. Improvement of the System of Rice Intensification(SRI) and its application in medium hybrid rice of the double cropping system - 水稻强化栽培体系在两熟制杂交中稻上的改进应用初探. Hybrid Rice - 杂交水稻 18:47-48. doi:cnki:ISSN:1005-3956.0.2003-04-018
- Uphoff, N. 2003. Higher yields with fewer external inputs? The system of rice intensification and potential contributions to agricultural sustainability. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 1(1):38-50.
- Wang, Shaohua, Weixing Cao, Yanfeng Ding, Yongchao Tian and Dong Jiang. 2003. Interactions of water management and nitrogen fertilizer on nitrogen absorption and utilization in rice. Agricultural Sciences in China 2:1091-1096. doi:cnki:ISSN:1671-2927.0.2003-10-004
- • Wang, Shaohua, Weixing Cao, Dong Jiang, Tingbo Dai, Yan Zhu, 王绍华, et al. 2003. Effects of SRI technique on physiological characteristics and population development in rice - 水稻强化栽培对植株生理与群体发育的影响. Chinese Journal of Rice Science - 中国水稻科学 17(1):31-36. doi:cnki:ISSN:1001-7216.0.2003-01-006
- Xiao, G. and P. Yuan. 2003. Preliminary report on the root-enhancing circular transplanting ridge system for super rice – 超级稻垄体环型健根稀植栽培法研究初报. Hunan Agricultural Sciences – 湖南农业科学 (4): 31-32.
- Xu, Fengying, Jun Ma, Hezheng Wang, Huiyuan Liu, Qinglong Huang, Wenbo Ma, et al. 2003. The characteristics of roots and their relation to the formation of grain yield under the cultivation by System of Rice Intensification (SRI) - 强化栽培条件下水稻的根系特征及其与产量形成的关系. Hybrid Rice - 杂交水稻 18:61-65. doi:cnki:ISSN:1005-3956.0.2003-04-023
- Yu, Haigen, Fangqian Zhu, Chaolin Wang, 余海根, 朱芳前 and 王朝林. 2003. A preliminary report of the application of the high- yielding techniques of SRI in single cropping hybrid rice - 单季杂交水稻强化栽培高产技术试验初报. Hybrid Rice - 杂交水稻 18:33-35. doi:cnki:ISSN:1005-3956.0.2003-06-014
- Zheng, J. and X. Jiang. 2003. Intensification - the breakthrough technique for boosting rice yield - 水稻超高产的突破技术--强化栽培. Sichuan Grain and Oil Technology – 四川粮油科技 2: 8-9.
- Zhong, Haiming, Aiming Huang, Jianping Liu, Jican Li, Fangbin Wu, Fengping Ouyang, et al. 2003. Analysis on the yield-increasing effect and economic benefits of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in hybrid rice - 杂交水稻强化栽培增产效果及经济效益分析. Hybrid Rice - 杂交水稻 18:45-46. doi:cnki:ISSN:1005-3956.0.2003-04-017
- Stoop, W. A., N. Uphoff, and A. Kassam. 2002. A review of agricultural research issues raised by the system of rice intensification (SRI) from Madagascar: Opportunities for improving farming systems for resource-poor farmers. Agricultural Systems 71:249-274.
- Tian, Yanhua, Jinyi Mou, Jun Ma, Nanshan Liang, Daiyin Liu, 田彦华, et al. 2002. A preliminary study on application of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in medium maturing hybrid rice - 杂交水稻中熟组合强化栽培体系(SRI) 研究初报. Hybrid Rice - 杂交水稻 17:34-35.doi:cnki:ISSN:1005-3956.0.2002-06-015
- Uphoff, Norman T. 2002. System of Rice Intensification (SRI) for enhancing the production of land, labour and water. Journal of Agricultural Resource Management 1(1): 43-49. (not online)
- Yan, Zongbu, Yu Gan, Saoshu Cao, Feng Chen, Biqing Ge, 严宗卜, et al. 2002. Culture test of high quality two-line hybrid rice Liangyou 363 under the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) - 优质杂交稻两优363强化(SRI)栽培试验. Guizhou Agricultural Sciences - 贵州农业科学 30:13-16. doi:cnki:ISSN:1001-3601.0.2002-06-005
2000-2001 ARTICLES
- Lu, Shihua, Guangjun Ren, Xiangzong Zeng, Yingwei Ai, Xuejun Liu, Fusuo Zhang, et al. 2001. The growth and yield characteristics of high quality hybrid rice Xiangyou 1 under the system of rice Intensification (SRI) - 优质杂交水稻香优1号在强化栽培下的生长与产量表现. Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences - 西南农业学报 doi:cnki:ISSN:1001-4829.0.2001-03-029.
- Yuan, Longping. 2001. The System of Rice Intensification - 水稻强化栽培体系. Hybrid Rice - 杂交水稻 16:1-3. doi:cnki:ISSN:1005-3956.0.2001-04-000.
- Yuan, Longping. 2000. Super hybrid rice. Chinese Rice Research Newsletter 8:13-15. doi:CNKI:SUN:SDKE.0.2000-01-012
- • de Laulanié, Henri. 1993. article in Tropicultura 13:1. [An English translation of a longer technical paper by Laulanié is available from this website]
- Uphoff, Norman. 1999. Agroecological implications of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Madagascar. Environment, Development and Sustainability 1(3/4):297-313. doi:10.1023/A:1010043325776
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