This page contains updates about the SRI International Network and Resources Center (SRI-Rice)
(Go to the latest resources page for news about SRI from around the world)
December 2013
- SRI-Rice Provides Training Materials and Technical Advice for Liberian SRI Workshop
SRI-Rice provided training materials and technical advice for a National Training of Trainers Workshop on SRI that was hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture. The event took place Decembet 16-19, 2014, in Kakata City, Margibi County, Liberia. (See agenda and WAAPP press release.)
Amir Kassam Speaks at Cornell on SRI convergence with Conservation Agriculture, December 16
Amir Kassam, Visiting Professor at the Unviersity of Reading, UK, and adviser with FAO on sustainable production intensification will present a seminar on The Convergence of Conservation Agriculture and the System of Rice Intensification: Potential for Expansion in Sustainable Food Production on December 19 in 135 Emerson Hall, Cornell University.
- SRI-Rice Senior Research Fellow Speaks on SRI at European Events, December 11-14
Shambu Prasad, Professor of Rural Management and Development at Xavier Institute in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, and Fulbright fellow with SRI-Rice at Cornell, presented a seminar entitled Transformations in Agriculture: Understanding Agency and Innovation in SRI in India on December 13 at the workshop on Cultivating Futures Ethnographies of Alternative Agricultures in (South) Asian Landscapes of Crisis in Heidelberg, Germany. On December 11, he joined the workshop at Wageningen University in The Netherlands to share the preliminary findings of NWO-WOTRO project on the System of Rice Intensification as a socio-technical movement in India.
- Norman Uphoff Presents Agroecological Strategies at ECHO Conference, December 10
SRI-Rice Senior Advisor Norman Uphoff presented a paper entitled Agroecological Strategies for Raising Crop Productivity with Reduced Inputs, with Less Water Requirement, and with Buffering of Climate-Change Stresses at the ECHO 20th Annual Agricultural Conference, held in Ft. Myers, Florida on December 10.
- SRI-Rice Facebook Hits 1000 "Likes"; November Additions to SRI-Rice Website Available, December 3
During December, the SRI-Rice Facebook hit 1000 "Likes!" During November, our main website was visited by 882 unique visitors from 89 countries who made 10,800 visits. We also uploaded the November 2013 new acquistions list. Among others, there were press/blog articles from India (Goa, Jharkhand, and Sikkim), Indonesia, Myanmar, Tanzania; a new online publication on Vietnam by CTA; and 7 primarily positive research articles on nutrient management, varieties, weeding, and social factors (India, Indonesian and Malaysia); We uploaded new material as well: 2 PowerPoints by our November SRI-Rice speakers (Ganguly and Harris-White); the Peace Corps West Africa training report completed recently by Devon Jenkins; several photo album additions - Afghanistan (from M. Ali Ramzi) and Guinea (church group new to SRI). (In addition to the November web additions, you can find SRI information from all of 2013 on the New Resources page.
November 2013
- Jeevika Development Society Executive Director Speaks at Cornell University, November 25
Dolon Ganguly, Executive Director of the Jeevika Development Society, chaired an interactive discussion with the SRI-Rice Group and others in the Cornell Community on the Benefits to Rural Women Farmers Practicing SRI in West Bengal, India, on November 25 in Cornell University's Mann Library. Dolon Ganguly is executive director of the Jeevika Development Society, an organization promoting livelihoods and women’s interests in rural West Bengal. The event was cosponsored by SRI-Rice and International Programs / CALS. (see PowerPoint presentation.)
Oxford University Professor Speaks to Cornell Community on Rice-Related Climate Change Issues, November 18
Barbara Harriss-White, Emeritus Professor of Development Studies at Oxford University in the UK, gave a seminar entitled Climate Change and Materialities: The Case of Rice in India at on November 18 in 120 Mann Library on the Cornell Campus. The event, which included positive SRI evaluations, was sponsored by SRI-Rice and International Programs / CALS. (see presentation and flyer).
- Amod Thakur, Fulbright Fellow, Departs for India, November
Amod Thakur, Senior Scientist at the Directorate of Water Management (ICAR), Bhubaneswar, India, spent the past 8 months at Cornell University as a Fulbright Senior Research Fellow working on the System of Wheat Intensification (SWI) and SRI. After becoming a valuable part of the SRI-Rice team at Cornell, we were reluctant to say good-bye to him as he retuned to India on November 14, 2013.
- SRI-Rice Shares SRI Information at Argritechnica in Hannover, Germany, November 15
On November 11-15, SRI-Rice was present at the Special Exhibit/Event on Rice Production at the Agritechnica, which is the largest international exhibition for agricultural machines and equipment. Erika Styger and two FAO experts on Conservation Agriculture served as resource persons to introduce interested visitors to SRI and and discuss the needs/adjustments for mechanization to respond to CA and SRI planting methods. (See SRI equipment poster, one of several items presented at the exhibit.)
- SRI-Rice Visits Rice Fields in Louisiana, November 9
Lucy Fisher visited Cajun Grains in Kinder, Louisiana, to talk to Kurt Unkel about the recent SRI trials on his 30 acre rice farm, the only organic rice grown in in the state. His small 2013 plots showed good grain quality and reduced inorganic arsenic levels with SRI, so he plans to expand his trials in the coming year. (The recent interest in arsenic in rice in the USA, especially in baby food, has increased interest in SRI, which generally results in lower inorganic arsenic levels through reduced flooding of fields.)
October 2013
- Ezra's Round Table/Systems Seminar at Cornell University to Focus on SRI, October 17
Norman Uphoff, SRI-Rice Senior Advisor and Director of the Cornell Institute for Public Affairs (CIPA), gave a seminar entitled The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Systems Perspective: Nested and Convergent Systems at 12:00 PM on October 25 in 253 Rhodes Hall on the Cornell Campus. [more....]
SRI-Rice Participation in Third Africa Rice Congress in Cameroon, October 24
Erika Styger participated in the Third Africa Rice Congress October 21-24, 2013, in Yaoundé, Cameroon. A SRI-Rice poster entitled Improving on and Scaling up the System of Rice Intensification in West Africa was shown in the CORAF / WECARD section of the poster sessions. (See also French language poster.)
- Article by Norman Uphoff on Fine-tuning the New Green Revolution Published in SciDev.Net, October 16
New approaches are needed for another Green Revolution, an article written by Norman Uphoff, was published on October 16 on the SciDev.Net website, which is known for features scientific advances from around the world.
- SRI-Rice and SRI Global Visit Student SRI Weeder Design Teams at Alfred State University, October 9
An Ithaca contingent representing SRI-Rice at Cornell and the NGO SRI Global traveled to Alfred State University on October 9 to review SRI weeder designs made by fourth-year student teams as a part of a course taught by Prof. Matt Lawrence. The four Alfred student teams are working together with SRI Global and SRI-Rice on improved SRI weeder prototypes that can be used in both lowland and drier rainfed conditions. The Ithaca group visiting Alfred included Erika Styger, Amod Thakur, Shambu Prasad, Lucy Fisher and Devon Jenkins.
- Devon Jenkins Returns to SRI-Rice at Cornell, October 1
Devon Jenkins returned to Cornell in October from a 14-month service as a Peace Corps Response Volunteer, based at the Songhaï Center in Porto Novo, Benin, and will now be working primarily on West Africa projects for SRI-Rice.
September 2013
- Norman Uphoff Talks about SRI and SCI in the Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Blog, September 27
An article entitled What Does "Intensification" of Agricultural Production Look Like at Landscape Scale? was published on September 27 in the Landscapes for People, Food and Nature blog, which is an effort of Ecoagriculture Partners in association with various conservation and development groups worldwide. The article is also referenced in a subsequent post on their blog (A New Frame for Agricultural Intensification).
SRI-Rice Seminars in Nanjing, China, September 23-24
On September 23, Erika Styger, SRI-Rice Director of Programs, presented a SRI seminar at the Nanjing Agricultural University and a lecture on September 24 at Nanjing University of Finance and Economics for students and faculty. Ed Baxter (SRI Global) and Erika were hosted by Wei Fen Qui (at right.) Norman Uphoff made a plenary keynote presentation on September 23 on Agroecological Strategies for Raising Crop Productivity with Reduced Inputs, Less Water Requirement, and More Buffering of Climate-Change Stresses: A Progress Report at the 3rd World Congress of Agriculture held in Hangzhou, China. After the congress, he made additional SRI presentations at China Agriculture University in Beijing, Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, and the China National Rice Research Institute in Hangzhou.
- SRI-Rice Launches SRI Interviews Playlist on YouTube, September 20
The SRI-Rice channel on YouTube has a new playlist to highlight our growing library of videos primarily shot by SRI-Rice staff and students while in the field. Thus far, the SRI Interviews from Around the World playlist contains video interviews from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Madagascar, ten West African nations, and the USA.
August 2013
SRI-Rice Welcomes Shambu Prasad as a Fulbright Nehru Senior Research Fellow, August 28
Shambu Prasad (right), Professor of Rural Management and Development at Xavier Institute in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, is joining SRI-Rice for the next eight months as a Fulbright Nehru senior research fellow. During his stay at the Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development, he will continue working on his project "Social shaping of agricultural innovation: The Case of SRI in India."
Visit to APPOLI Farmers Associate in Central Java, August 27
Lucy Fisher visited the APPOLI Farmer Association in Boyolali, Central Java, on August 22. The association had achieved its IMO organic and fair trade certifications in January 2013 and is now (August 2103) beginning to export it SRI rice to Belgium and Germany under BloomAgro's Sunria brand name. While in Boyolali, she also interviewed Nana Suhartana from the NGO VECO that helped the farmers through the certification process.
- SRI-Rice Finalizes SRI Project with CORAF/WECARD and CNS/Rice in West Africa, August 4
Erika Styger and Tom Archibald traveled to Saly, Senegal, July 30 - August 2 to participate in the finalization and launch of a SRI project with CORAF/WECARD and CNS/Rice in West Africa. The project, Improvement and Scaling Up of SRI in West Africa, will include 13 participating ECOWAS countries.
July 2013
- Interview with SRI-Rice Director of Programs Published, July 22
On July 22, K. McDonald recently published An Interview with Cornell’s Dr. Erika Styger about the System of Crop Intensification (SRI-Rice) on the Big Picture Agriculture website. The interview is also noted in the Cornell CALS blog that talk about Jim Carrey's work with SRI-Rice in Haiti.
- SRI Network Analysis Poster at IAALD Conference
Lucy Fisher presented a poster on the Development of National, Regional and Global SRI Networks at the IAALD 2013 World Congress, held in Mann Library at Cornell University, July 21-24, 2013.
- SRI Presentation at International Institute for Environment and Development, July 5
Norman Uphoff presented an SRI seminar at the International Institute for Environment and Development in London on July 4. A July 5 article in the Gordon Conway's blog One billion hungry: Can we feed the world? discusses some of the issues raised during the presentation.
June 2013
SRI-Rice Welcomes Summer Research Assistants, June-July
Ellen Stapleton, who spent the academic year in Switzerland, is back with SRI-Rice for the summer working on both the research collection and a rainfed SRI project. Sidney Madsen worked during June/July on Conservation Agriculture (CA) social media and building the Spanish section of the SRI website. She is now on her way to an internship with FAO in Cuba to study how CA and SRI can fit into the Cuban context. Xingyu Luo, a rising senior at Cornell, will begin working on the SRI and CA research collections during the summer while carrying out his maize breeding project. Jeevan Gyawali (right), the SRI-Rice social media assistant and web/computer technology specialist, will return from his summer in Nepal to lend his skills to SRI-Rice in August. -
SRI-Rice Presentations in the Philippines and Thailand, June 4-13
Lucy Fisher, SRI-Rice Director of Communications, visited SE Asia during June to get partner input on the SRI Global Research Network and the SRI-Rice Equipment Initiative. In the Philippines, she made presentations on June 4 at the SRI Research Roundtable and the CBSUA lecture series held at Central Bicol State University of Agriculture in Pili, Camarines Sur, Philippines, and on June 6, at the Agricultural Training Center in Manila. She also participated in a food security panel and presented a talk on System of Rice Intensification Network Around the World (see video of presentation) at the 2nd National SRI Conference which was held June 11-13 in Lumut, Malaysia.
- Farewell to SRI-Rice Students, June 8
Pratyaya Jagannath, MPS-IARD, and Shipra Singh, MPA, have finished their master's programs and returned to India. They will soon be heading for Ethiopia to see how SRI and SCI are progressing there. Aside from valuable contributions to SRI-Rice's research and extension materials, Pratyaya's MPS project included a meta-analysis of water use and water use efficiency in SRI. Zhoucen Feng, research assistant and SRI China collection specialist, has graduated with a BS in Agriculture and is working for the summer on an organic farm in near Monticello, New York.
SRI-Rice Leads SRI Training of Trainers in Haiti, June 7
Erika Styger lead a long-awaited SRI Training of Trainers program in Haiti's Coronel - Dubre region. Seventeen Haitians achieved Level 1 Training of Trainers status and eight farmers were recognized as SRI Growers. Five demonstration plots were planted in Coronel and Dubre as part of the training. The event is an initiative of the iF Foundation in collaboration with the Better U Foundation. (See articles in Cornell Chronicle, Haiti Libre and on iF Foundation website).
May 2013
Peace Corps Volunteers Headed to Their Posts Receive SRI Training at Cornell, May 21
Nine students and others from the Ithaca area who are headed for "the field" this summer took part in a one-day training on on the System of Rice Intensification at Cornell. The May 20 training session, which was initiated by and primarily attended by Peace Corps volunteers, was led by Erika Styger, SRI-Rice director with assistance by several members of the CU community with SRI field experience. -
ANGRAU Professor Presents Seminar on Farmer Innovation with SRI in Andhra Pradesh, India, May 21
Dr. R. Vasantha, Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture, ANGRAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, India, presented a seminar to the SRI Group at Cornell University on May 21, 2013. Her talk was entitled "Can Farmers' Innovations Sustain SRI? Experiences from Andhra Pradesh, India." Dr. S. Kiran, who works on millet with the Revitalising Rainfed Agriculture Network (RRA Network) and the AP-based NGO WASSAN, also visited SRI-Rice May 20-21. -
SRI-Rice Poster at the Water for Food Global Conference, May 7
Pratyaya Jagannath, a graduate student at Cornell who works at SRI-Rice, attended the Water for Food Global Conference in Lincoln, Nebraska, May 5-8, and presented a poster entitled "System of Rice Intensification - More Crop per Drop." -
Cornell Chronicle Article Notes SRI Success in Cambodia, May 2
A May 2 article in the Cornell Chronicle covers Norman Uphoff''s participation in the 4th National Farmers' Conference in Cambodia in which the Minister of Agriculture reported that SRI has resulted in 50 to 100 percent higher yields for paddies using SRI. (Left to right are Minister of Agriculture Chan Sarun, N. Uphoff, and Y. S. Koma, head of the NGO CEDAC.) -
SRI-Rice Articles Appears in Baobab and LEISA China Magazines, May 1
Two regional issues of the AgriCultures Network's magazines carried articles by SRI-Rice. Chinese language articles by Erika Styger (水稻强化栽培体系是如何形成的?我们能从中学到什么?) and Norman Uphoff (水稻强化栽培体系给尼泊尔洪水多发地区 带来了新的希望, coauthored by Ram B. Khadka) appeared in the March 2013 edition of LEISA China magazine, which is devoted to SRI. An article by Erika Styger (SRI 2.0: How is SRI evolving, and what are we learning? ) also appeared in the March issue of Baobab magazine (vol. 66, issue 1). (SRI-Rice articles can also be found in the Spanish and global versions of the AgriCultures Network's agricultural magazine.) -
April SRI-Rice Website Additions Posted, May 1
News items, videos, research articles and presentations that were added to the SRI-Rice website during April 2013 are now listed on the April Website Additions page. During March, 5,395 visitors from 120 countries made 7,219 visits to our SRI-Rice website!
April 2013
SRI-Rice Participates in Peace Corps SRI Trainings in West Africa, April 30
Erika Styger, SRI-Rice Director of Programs, trained participants at the second of two SRI trainings for Peace Corps Volunteers and their counterparts in West Africa. The event took place on April 29 - May 1, in Kakanitchoé, Benin.
- Interview with SRI-Rice Senior Advisor Appears in Indian Publication, April 23
The April edition of Agriculture & Industry Survey magazine (vol. 23, issue 4) includes an interview with Norman Uphoff entitled "System of Rice Intensification is a way of human resource development, not just rice modification technique." See pages 20-21.
SRI Presentation at the "Rock Stars in the Future of Food" Event in South Carolina, April 19
The Carolina Gold Rice Foundation's Rock Stars in the Future of Food event, held April 19 at the US Vegetable Laboratory in Charleston, South Carolina, featured presentations and a panel by Erika Styger, Susan McCouch and Anna McClung. Styger's talk was entitled System of Rice intensification (SRI): How a crop management approach lets farmers preserve and improve productivity of indigenous rice varieties in Asia and Africa. (See Erika's presentation video). - Jorge Acosta to Facilitate SRI-Rice Communications in Latin America April 14
Beginning in April 2013, Jorge Orlando Acosta Buitrago (right) will be facilitating Spanish language outreach in Latin America for Cornell's SRI-Rice Center. He is also currently a graduate student at Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE) in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Jorge also recently wrote an article, El SICA orgánico en Colombia, which was published in the magazine LEISA revista de agroecología.
SRI-Rice Article Appears in LEISA Revista de Agroecología Magazine, April
A Spanish language article by Erika Styger, SICA 2.0: ¿cómo está evolucionando el SICA y qué estamos aprendiendo?, appeared in the April issue of LEISA revista de agroecología (vol. 29, issue1). (Articles in other magazines in the AgriCultures Network can be found on our recent SRI-Rice News and Views blog post.) -
March SRI-Rice Website Additions Posted, April 15
News items, videos, research articles and presentations that were added to the SRI-Rice website during March 2013 are now listed on the March Website Additions page. During March, 5,395 visitors from 120 countries made 7,219 visits to our SRI-Rice website! - Article on SRI Published in Mother Nature News, April 15
Sami Grover's Mother Nature Network article, How small-scale farmers are growing more rice with less water and fewer chemicals, is based upon an interview with Norman Uphoff.
Bangkok Visits: Planning Workshop at AIT and Presentation FAO's Asian Regional Office, April 8-12
Norman Uphoff participated in an Inception and Planning Workshop at the Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok, Thailand, April 8-12. This launched a five-year, four-country action research project with substantial EU finding for ‘Sustaining and Enhancing the Momentum for Innovation and Learning around the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in theLower Mekong River Basin.' On April 11, Uphoff together with Dr. Amir Kassam, visiting professor at the University of Reading, UK, and convener for FAO's Conservation Agriculture CoP, made presentations on SRI and CA at the Asian regional office of FAO in Bangkok. The seminar was presided over by Dr. Hiroyuki Konuma, Assistant Director-General of FAO for Asia and the Pacific. (see SRI PowerPoint presentation.)
Uphoff Visits Cambodia and is Recognized by the Minister of Agriculture for SRI Support and Cooperation, April 5
On April 4-6, Norman Uphoff visited the Cambodian Center for Studies and Development in Agriculture (CEDAC) and attended a national workshop of SRI farmer-promoters associated with the Farmer-Nature-Network (FNN). On April 5, he addressed the closing session of the 4th National Farmers' Conference held at the Royal University of Agriculture. Uphoff presented the Minister of Agriculture with a certificate of appreciation from Cornell for his "leadership in the promotion and understanding of SRI in Cambodia," and the Minister in turn presented Uphoff with a letter of appreciation for his "support and good cooperation in the development and implementation of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) with fruitful results in Cambodia." - Two Publications Cover SRI Mali Project
The recent issue of PeriodiCALS magazine (vol. 3, issue 1) has an article about the 3A Sahel Mali project that SRI-Rice cosponsors together with the NGO SRI Global. "Reaping Success in War-Torn Mali" appears on page 4. The March 2013 issue of Farming Matters magazine also has a box about the Mali project at the end of the in the article "New Initiatives in Madagascar and Mali."
March 2013
India Council of Agricultural Research Scientist to Work on SWI at Cornell, March
Dr. Amod Kumar Thakur, Senior Scientist (Plant Physiology) at the Directorate of Water Management (ICAR), Bhubaneswar, India, is now a Fulbright Senior Research Fellow at Cornell University. During his eight month stay in Ithaca, he will be working on the System of Wheat Intensification (SWI) - more specifically, understanding the physiological mechanisms of assimilate partitioning and nitrogen uptake during grain-filling in wheat under different plant densities. -
Better U Foundation Senior Advisor Visits SRI-Rice, March 22
John Jolliffe, Senior Advisor to the Better U Foundation (BUF) is visiting the SRI-Rice Center at Cornell University on Friday, March 22. BUF, which has supported the Center since its inception in 2010, has also collaborated on SRI initiatives in Madagascar, Haiti and Mali. [Photo at right shows John (left) together with Erika Styger (center, SRI Director of Programs) and Jim Carrey (right, BUF founder) on a trip to support SRI projects in Haiti.] -
March Issues of Farming Matters and LEISA India Magazines Feature SRI-Rice Articles, March 19
The March issues of Farming Matters and LEISA India magazines have been dedicated to SRI. Both include an interview with Norman Uphoff by Jorge Chavez Tafur entitled "SRI is something unprecedented" (see Farming Matters article and LEISA India article). Erika Styger also had an article in the Farming Matters entitled "SRI 2.0: How is SRI evolving, and what are we learning?" -
February SRI-Rice Website Additions Posted, March 8
News items, videos, research articles and presentations that were added to the SRI-Rice website during February 2013 are now listed on the February Website Additions page. -
Seminar on West African Rice Production at Cornell University, March 11
Dr. Gaoussou Traoré, head of the National Center of Specialization (NCOS) on rice in Mali, presented a seminar in Cornell's Mann Library on March 11 entitled The West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program: Partnerships and strategies for disseminating rice innovations across the region. Traoré visited the SRI-Rice Center at Cornell March 11-15. -
Poster on Gender and SRI Presented at International Women's Day Event, March 8
A poster Gender Dimensions in Agriculture: Sustainable Rice Innovations Make an Impact) waspresented by Lucy Fisher and Rupa Laxmi Shah at the panel on The Feminization of Agriculture: Truths and Consequences held at Cornell University on International Women's Day.
Presentation at the World Bank, March 7
Erika Styger, SRI-Rice Director, and Gaoussou Traoré, Scientific Coordinator of the Institute of Rural Economy of Mali and Head of the Regional Center of Specialization for Rice, Bamako, Mali, gave a presentation, The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Initiative for West Africa at the World Bank on March 7, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM. -
SRI-Rice Director Visits EARTH University in Costa Rica, March 3-6
Erika Styger visited EARTH University in Liberia, Costa Rica, where she learned about the past SRI trials, provided technical advise on theupcoming mechanized SRI trials, and discussed potential collaboration opportunities between EARTH University and SRI-Rice. During her visit she met with Mark Ohrstrom, president of the EARTH University's board of directors, Jorge Acosta, who had introduced SRI to Columbia and is now pursuing his masters degree in CATIE, and others at the university's research farm.
Article about about Norman Uphoff in the Press, March 2
Jonathan Specht wrote an article about the SRI-Rice advisor which appears on the Food Tank website. Food hero series: Dr. Norman Uphoff, agricultural development leader begins with a line from a 2008 New York Times article about Uphoff: "If we can't solve the problems of peoples' food needs, we can't do anything.” Read more on how he's working to do just that.
February 2013
Presentation on SRI Extension in Mali, February 20
Erika Styger made a presentation on Participatory Approaches to Introducing SRI to Mali to the Cornell course IARD 7830 Farmer-Centered Research and Extension. -
SRI-Rice Collaborates on New Video Series on SRI Adoption in Africa, February 17
A new video series on SRI adoption in Southern and Eastern Africa has finally been released! The collaboration between IFAD, SRI-Rice and Flooded Cellar Videos resulted in a set of five videos, each available in English, French and Malagasy. Based on experiences in IFAD-funded projects in Burundi, Madagascar and Rwanda, the videos cover the adoption of SRI by farmers who learned from and teach other farmers like themselves [more...] -
SRI Article and Audio-Slideshow Appear in the Guardian, February 15/16
SRI-Rice Advisor Norman Uphoff narrated an audio-slideshow entitled India's Rice Revolution that appeared in the global development section of the Guardian's website on February 15. Produced by John Vidal and Jim Powell, the audio-slideshow reviewed SRI's success in Bihar and elsewhere. On February 16, an article accompanying the audio program was published in The Guardian and The Observer. A follow-up article by Vidal helped address some of the feedback generated by the Feb. 15 article. -
Dr. Biksham Gujja Visits SRI-Rice -- Presents Seminar to SRI Group and Cornell Community, February 9
Biksham Gujja, founder and director of AgSri Agricultural Services Pvt. Ltd. in Andhra Pradesh, India, visited SRI-Rice February 7-9, 2013. While at Cornell, he presented a seminar entitled "More with Less" - The Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative (SSI) in India and Beyond: Experience & Future Directions, which explained his work in refining and promoting SSI and SRI for the past decade in India and elsewhere. -
SRI-Rice Center News and Monthly SRI-Rice Website Additions Now Available on the SRI-Rice Website, February 4
As of 2013, you no longer have to wait for our annual report to see what is happening with SRI-Rice staff and projects! The SRI-Rice Center News page is now available on our main website. For monthly updates on global news and events from around the world, check our new monthly SRI-Rice Website Additions page. -
SRI West Africa Regional Training of Trainers Report Published, February 1
A new report on the recent SRI West Africa Regional Training of Trainers in Benin is now available. The event, which was jointly organized by the West Africa Food Security Partnership (Peace Corps and USAID), SRI-Rice, and the West African Rice Farmers Network, the took place September 11-13, 2012, at the Solidarité Agricole Integrée (SAIN) teaching farmer and research center in Kakanitchoé, Ouémé. SRI-Rice was the technical partner for the training. The report also follows up on plans and accomplishments by the participants from Benin, Senegal, Guinea, and Togo in the months since the workshop.
January 2013
New Faces at SRI-Rice, January 31
SRI-Rice welcomed several new additions to our office in Mann Library at Cornell: Rupa Laxmi Shah, our new public relations intern, and Jeevan Gyawali, a sophomore studying economics, math and computer science at Cornell. Returning this semester are Pratyaya Jagannath, a graduate student in International Development from Cornell University; Carrie Young, a recent graduate of the Cornell Institute for Public Affairs (CIPA) and two Cornell undergraduates: Zhoucen Feng, our research database assistant, and Christine Ly, who maintains our contacts database.-
Visit to Dominican Republic, January 24-26
Norman Uphoff made the following presentations during a trip to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
1) Agroecological Crop Management for Increased Productivity -- Experience with Rice and Other Crops, presented at the 6th International Seminar on Agricultural Policies, Instituto Interamericano de Cooperation para la Agricultura (IICA).
2) Insights into Plant-Microbial Symbiosis and Implications for Sustainable Agriculture -- Giving Attention to 'Inner Space', presented at the National Institute for Agricultural and Forestry Research (IDIAP).
Mali Project in the News, January 22
Farmers succeed despite war in Mali, an article in the Cornell Chronicle documents how a project cosponsored by SRI-Rice and SRI Global and carried out by the local NGO 3A-Sahel continued to operate successfully in Mali despite occupation by the Islamic jihadists who swept down from the north. Yields increased 4.3 to 8 tons per hectare [...more]