This page contains updates about the SRI International Network and Resources Center (SRI-Rice)
(Go to the latest resources page for news about SRI from around the world)
- Uphoff Co-authors Research Confirming Increased Grain Yield and Quality by Combining Trichoderma and SRI, January 11
A study by Ram B. Khadka and Norman Uphoff published January 11, 2019, in the journal PeerJ has shown the significant potential of Trichoderma for increasing both rice grain yield and quality, especially in combination with SRI management practices. Experiments were conducted during 2015 and 2016 at the Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS) in Khajura, Banke district, Nepal, showed more effect with the landrace Tilki than with the HYV Sukha-5. The analysis also found the efficiency of Trichoderma to be greater with organic than with inorganic methods of cultivation. This effect in organic systems would be due to the more hospitable environment for Trichoderma build-up. The use of Trichoderma inoculation as a seedling treatment can help to enhance rice production and productivity in Nepal, especially in conjunction with SRI methods and even more so with organic fertilization, which in this integrated system of rice cultivation can reduce the use and cost of chemical fertilizer. In such a system under the prevailing soil and climatic conditions, an indigenous heirloom rice variety was also able to outperform in both agronomic and economic terms the more modern improved variety. [For more information, see the full PeerJ article.]
- YouTube Subscribers Reach 800! SRI-Rice Newsletter, Monthly Report and Statistics
for November Now Online, December 15
Our SRI-Rice Selected News Updates for November (on ScoopIt, shown at right) as well as the November website additions and statistics are now available. 2,945 unique visitors from 77 countries logged 3,693 sessions in which 6,174 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2,512 "likes"; the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 350 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 800 total followers, had 3,420 new views for our 89 uploads; 250 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account has 1,757 total followers. Slideshare had 12,748 views of our 515 uploads; 235 followers. There are 1,459 items (17 new this month) in our Zotero research database.
- SRI-Rice Newsletter, Monthly Report and Statistics
for October Now Online, November 15
Our SRI-Rice Selected News Updates for October (on ScoopIt) as well as the October website additions and statistics are now available. 3,077 unique visitors from 79 countries logged 4,047 sessions in which 7,237 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2,508 "likes," the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 350 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 781 total followers, had 3,564 new views for our 89 uploads; 307 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account has 1,748 total followers. Slideshare had 9,608 views of our 493 uploads; 235 followers. There are 1,442 items (7 new this month) in our Zotero research database.
SRI-Rice Participates in Final SRI Workshop For the Mekong River Basin's Four-Country SRI-LMB Project,, November 2
The SRI-Rice Assoicate Director for Communications was on eof 75 participants attending the Workshop for the Project on Sustaining and Enhancing the Momentum for Innovation and Learning on SRI in the Lower Mekong River Basin (SRI-LMB), which was held November 1-2, 2018, in Bangkok. While there, she gave a presentation entitled SRI Networks Around the World: Where to Next? She is shown at left with the two of the Malaysian team who evaluated the project, Anizan Isahak and Norida Mazlan. SRI-Rice is partner in the SRI-LMB Project, which is financed by the EU and led by the ACISAI Center of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). The four-country project, which ran from 2013-2018, was intended to enhance the resilience of rainfed farmers confronting climate change variability in the Lower Mekong River Basin (LMB) region. More than 15,000 farmers participated directly in the farmer-led field trials located in 33 districts of 11 provinces of Cambodia, Laos, Thailand nad Vietnam.
- SRI-Rice Co-Sponsors Workshop in Malaysia for National SRI Workshop to Work on SRI Regional Entity, October 20
A two-day workshop was held in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, on October 18-19, 2018, to share SRI experiences and to investigate opportunities to collaborate on scaling-up, multi-country research, value chain improvements, accessing resources, and capacity building of SRI networks. Lucy Fisher, along with SRI-Rice advisors Olivia Vent and Steve Leinau, represented SRI-Rice at the event, which which was attended by 50 participants from 17 countries (see photo). The workshop, which was organized by the Malaysian Agroecology Society (SRI-Mas), the Asian Centre of Innovation for ACISAI Centre at the Asian Institute of Technology, and SRI-Rice, allowed SRI network representatives and other stakeholders to share experiences and to investigate opportunities to collaborate on scaling-up, multi-country research, value chain improvements, accessing resources, and capacity building for SRI networks. The possibilities for forming an Asia Regional SRI Network from the ten Asian SRI networks that operating the region were maped out. The workshop also included representatives from the African and Latin American regional SRI networks and included a discusion about how the various regional entities could collaborate in the future. [Workshop presentations from many of the participants are available.]
SRI-Rice Sponsors SRI Research Side Event at the 5th International Rice Conference (5th IRC) in Singapore, October 17
SRI-Rice sponsored a side event entitled "SRI Research: What's New and What's on the Horizon" at 4:00-5:30 on October 16, 2018, the second day of the 5th IRC. Ten speakers from Asia, Africa, Latin America and the USA presented research overviews in three panel presentations on 1) plant and soil biology, 2) water/GHG/climate effects and 3) equipment and farmer engagement. Lucy Fisher presented an overview of the 1,400+ research items curated by SRI through the SRI Research Network over the past decade. SRI-Rice also co-sponsored a booth (see photo at right) together with Oxfam at the 5th IRC for the duration of the conference, October 15-17, 2018. [Logistical and design work for the booth was provided by Olivia Vent (Lotus Foods) and Steve Leinau (Earth Links, Inc.)]
- SRI-Rice Newsletter, Monthly Report and Statistics
for September Now Online, October 10
Our SRI-Rice Selected News Updates for September (on ScoopIt) as well as the September website additions and statistics are now available. 2,946 unique visitors from 87 countries logged 3,812 sessions in which 7,856 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2,504 "likes," the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 350 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 736 total followers, had 3,102 new views for our 89 uploads; 273 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account has 1,739 total followers. Slideshare had 5,078 views of our 491 uploads; 234 followers. There are 1,435 items (20 new this month) in our Zotero research database.
Min Huang Completes Year as Visiting Fellow with SRI-Rice, August 17
Dr. Min Huang, Associate Professor of Agronomy at Hunan Agricultural University, has completed his year at SRI-Rice as a Visiting Fellow with International Programs in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. He will return to China on August 18. During his one-year stay (September 2017-August 2018), he completed over 20 articles that relate related to rice production; he is first author on most of these articles! You can find his recent research articles on his ResearchGate page.
- SRI-Rice Newsletter, Monthly Report and Statistics
for July Now Online, August 17
Our SRI-Rice Selected News Updates for July (on ScoopIt) as well as the July website additions and statistics are now available. 4,045 unique visitors from 84 countries logged 4,823 sessions in which 7,869 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2,484 "likes," the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 348 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 676 total followers, had 5,120 new views for our 89 uploads; 273 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account has 1,739 total followers. Slideshare had 5,991 views of our 490 uploads; 232 followers. There are 1,400 items (27 new this month) in our Zotero research database.
Vibhu Nayar Presents SRI Seminar on World Bank project in Tamil Nadu, India, August 16
Vibhu Nayar, Principal Secretary in the Government of Tamil Nadu state and Project Director for the World bank-funded Irrigation Agriculture Modernization Project (IAMP), is visiting Cornell this month. On August 16, he presented an SRI seminar in 100 Mann Library entitled Up-Scaling of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Tamil Nadu, India: Results from a World Bank Project. The seminar was co-sponsored by SRI-Rice and the South Asia Program at Cornell.
JULY 2018
- SRI-Rice Newsletter, Monthly Report and Statistics
for June Now Online, July 14
Our SRI-Rice Selected News Updates for June (on ScoopIt) as well as the June website additions and statistics are now available. 2,967 unique visitors from 85 countries logged 3,809 sessions in which 6,746 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2,464 "likes," the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 349 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 620 total followers, had 4,355 new views for our 89 uploads; 267 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account has 1,729 total followers. Slideshare had 6,185 views of our 490 uploads; 231 followers. There are 1,373 items (22 new this month) in our Zotero research database.
JUNE 2018
- SRI-Rice Newsletter, Monthly Report and Statistics
for May Now Online, June 14
Our SRI-Rice Selected News Updates for May (on ScoopIt) as well as the May website additions and statistics are now available. 4,109 unique visitors from 94 countries logged 5,089 sessions in which 9,724 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2,458 "likes," the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 346 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 596 total followers, had 3,378 new views for our 89 uploads; 403 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account has 1,720 total followers. Slideshare had 6,617 views of our 489 uploads; 226 followers. There are 1,351 items (41 new this month) in our Zotero research database.
MAY 2018
SRI-Rice Students Wrap Up the Semester! May 31, 2018
The SRI-Rice students have completed their work for the Spring semester. Nina Lin, an info sciences major is spending the summer in San Francisco. Eurika Nzouatcham,a biological sciences major from Cameroon, and Genesis Miranda Soto, a senior in the IARD major, have received their bachelor's degrees. Hanzhou Yang completed her master's degree in public administration and returned to China. Veronika Vogel, an IARD student from Germany, is spending the summer working in a plant breeding program at Cornell. (Shown at right are Hanzhou, Genesis and Eurika).
- SRI-Rice Newsletter, Monthly Report and Statistics
for March Now Online, May 12
Our SRI-Rice Selected News Updates for April (on ScoopIt) as well as the April website additions and statistics are now available. 3,213 unique visitors from 87 countries logged 4,124 sessions in which 7,184 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2,440 "likes," the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 345 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 571 total followers, had 2,303 new views for our 88 uploads; 523 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account has 1,707 total followers. Slideshare had 6,285 views of our 488 uploads; 225 followers. There are 1,310 items (29 new this month) in our Zotero research database.
APRIL 2018
- SRI-Rice Newsletter, Monthly Report and Statistics
for March Now Online, April 14
Our SRI-Rice Selected News Updates for March (on ScoopIt) as well as the March website additions and statistics are now available. 3,022 unique visitors from 89 countries logged 3,839 sessions in which 6,728 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2,440 "likes," the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 343 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 560 total followers, had 2,139 new views for our 88 uploads; 306 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account has 1,700 total followers. Slideshare had 8,338 views of our 487 uploads; 225 followers. There are 1,310 items (29 new this month) in our Zotero research database.
SRI-Rice to Sponsor Side Event at the International Rice Congress during October in Singapore, April 5
The SRI-Rice proposal to hold a side event entitled The System of Rice Intensification (SRI): Research, Resilience and Scaling Up, was accepted by the organizing committee of the 5th International Rice congress to be held October 14-17 in Singapore. Two additional side events of interest to the SRI community will be sponsored by Oxfam: 1) Farmer voices: Smallholder farmers speak out about research priorities for rice improvement and 2) Feminization of Agriculture, rice-farming women's health, and implications for agricultural productivity. The speakers and agenda for these side events will be decided by July 31.
- SRI-Rice Represented at FAO Agroecology Symposium in Rome, April 6
Lucy Fisher attended the FAO Agroecology Symposium the FAO headquarters April 3-5, 2018, in Rome Italy. Plans were completed to formally link the CU Conservation Agriculture website with FAO's Smallscale Mechanization website. Also, FAO representatives agreed to increase their involvement in the SRI-Rice side event and the post-conference SRI Asia Alliance Workshop convened by SRI-Mas and ACISAI in Johor.
MARCH 2018
Regina Hansda to Present Talk on Gender and Labor Issues with SRI in India, March 17
Regina Hansda, Research Fellow at the Centre for Rural Economy, Newcastle University, UK, gave a seminar entitled The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and Questions of Gender and Labor at 4:00-5:00PM on March 22, 2018, in 100 Mann Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Dr. Hansda was in Ithaca to present her work at the Trans-Atlantic Rural Research Network (TARRN) Annual Meeting. Click on the photo of her publication at right to read her recent article in Gender, Technology and Development.
- Maymar Lim and Eugene Shu Visit Ithaca, March 13
Two visitors with aspirations to upscale SRI in Myanmar visited Ithaca on March Tuesday, March 13. In a meeting at Norman Uphoff's home, plans were solidified for an upcoming visit (April 23-28, 2018) by Maymar Lim, Yang Saing Koma (formerly with the Cambodian NGO CEDAC), and Humayun Kabir, who helped Myanmar's Metta Foundation bring SRI to farmers through farmer field schools. In Myanmar the group will meet with long-time SRI advocate and Yezin University professor U Thein Su and a number of government officials. The group will also visit several SRI projects throughout Myanmar.
- SRI-Rice Newsletter, Uploads Report and Statistics
for February Now Online, March 10
Our SRI-Rice Selected News Updates for February (on ScoopIt) as well as the February website additions and statistics are now available. 2,481 unique visitors from 77countries logged 3,149 sessions in which 6,188 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2,432 "likes," the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 344 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 531 total followers, had 1,884 new views for our 88 uploads; 221 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account has 1,685 total followers. Slideshare had 4,845 views of our 486 uploads; 223 followers. There are 1,281 items (24 new this month) in our Zotero research database.
- Bancy Mati Presents Talk on SRI in Kenya, February 1
Bancy Mati, Director, Water Research and Resource Center (WARREC), Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya gave a talk entitled Experience in Kenya with the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in the Context of Water Scarcity and Climate Stresses at 12:20 - 1:10PM on February 1, 2018, in 100 Mann Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Dr. Mati was in Ithaca for several to discuss SRI initiatives with the SRI-Rice Center.
- SRI-Rice Newsletter, Uploads Report and Statistics for January Now Online, February 10
Our SRI-Rice Selected News Updates for January (on ScoopIt) as well as the January website additions are now available. January 2017 statistics are as follows: 2,404 unique visitors from 76 countries logged 3,045 sessions in which 5,722 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2,40316 "likes," the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 342 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 523 total followers, had 2,284 new views for our 88 uploads; 188 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account has 1,681 total followers. Slideshare had 7,794 views of our 486 upload; 222 followers. There are 1,257 items (21 new this month) in our Zotero research database.

- SRI-Rice Senior Advisor Discusses the Science Behind SRI in IP/CAL Seminar Series, January 31
Norman Uphoff, SRI-Rice Senior Advisor, gave a talk on What Has Been Learned of Scientific Value through SRI Research and Experience on at 12:20 - 1:10PM on January 31, 2018, in 135 Emerson Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. This event is the first seminar of the IP/CALS seminar series on Perspectives in International Agriculture, Development and Nutrition. (See PowerPoint and video of the presentation)
- New and Returning Students Assist SRI-Rice Projects for the Spring 2018 Semester, January 23
Five students joined SRI-Rice for the Spring 2018 semester. Nina Lin, an info sciences senior who is heading up the SRI web migration project is being assisted by Eurika Nzouatcham,
a biological sciences student from Cameroon. Hanzhou Yang, who returned after a year in China, has resumed curating our Chinese SRI research collection. We also have two new students: Veronika Vogel, a freshman IARD student from Germany, is organizing our SCI collection, and Genesis Miranda Soto, a senior in the IARD major, works with our Latin America program to create Spanish language content and manage the Spanish language social media. (Shown at right are Hanzhou, Genesis and Eurika).
- SRI-Rice Newsletter, Uploads Report and Statistics
for December Now Online, January 10
Our SRI-Rice Selected News Updates for December (on ScoopIt) as well as the December website additions are now available. December 2017 statistics are as follows: 2,576 unique visitors from 72 countries logged 3,269 sessions in which 5,776 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2411 "likes," the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 340 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 505 total followers, had 2,284 new views for our 88 uploads; 286 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account has 1,675 total followers. Slideshare had 8,662 views of our 484 uploads; 222 followers. There are 1,236 items (16 new this month) in our Zotero research database.
SRI-Rice Webinar Sponsored by Catholic Relief Services, December 19
Norman Uphoff will present at PIQA-Ag webinar on December 19 entitled System of Rice Intensification (SRI) – a crop management methodology pioneered by a French Jesuit agronomist in Madagascar. This CRS event, which will take place 9-10AM (EST) is available to the public through Skype for business or phone. (See SRI-Rice events page for details).
- SRI-Rice Newsletter, Uploads Report and Statistics
for November Now Online, December 10
Our SRI-Rice Selected News Updates for November (on ScoopIt) as well as the November additions are now available. October 2017 statistics are as follows: 3,157 unique visitors from 93 countries logged 4,082 sessions in which 7,221 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2,403 "likes," the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 339 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 492 total followers, had 3,259 new views for our 88 uploads; 161 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account has1,665 total followers. Slideshare had 9,000 views of our 486 uploads; 220 followers. There are 1,215 items (17 new this month) in our Zotero research database.
- Norman Uphoff Speaks on Biofortification at Soil & Nutrition Conference, November
Norman Uphoff attended the Soil & Nutrition Conference, which will be held in Southbridge, Massachusetts, on November 29-20, 2017. He delivered an oral presentation entitled Biofortification of Staple Food Through Agronomic Means Rather than Varietal Changes. Mark Fulford, a well-known member of the SRI Community will also present at the conference. Brown bag SRI-Rice Seminar at the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, November 6
The SRI-Rice senior advisor led a brown bag talk on SRI and SCI at the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, 11:30-1:30 on Monday, November 6. Norman was joined by colleagues from Oxfam, IICA and Catholic Relief Services; Marguerite Uphoff, SRI-Rice Health and Nutrition Advisor; and former Peace Corps volunteers Hillary Mara and Craig Zarnosky, now with USDA/FAS, who arranged for the talk together with Devon Jenkins.
- SRI-Rice Newsletter, Uploads Report and Statistics
for October Now Online, November 3
Our SRI-Rice Selected News Updates for October (on ScoopIt) as well as the October additions are now available. October 2017 statistics are as follows: 3,117 unique visitors from 87 countries logged 4,005 sessions in which 7,533 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2,400 "likes," the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 341 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 474 total followers, had 2,544 new views for our 88 uploads; 348 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account has1,659 total followers. Slideshare had 7,616 views of our 471 uploads; 220 followers. There are 1,198 items (25 new this month) in our Zotero research database.
New SRI World Spread Map Now Available, November 2
Devon Jenkins, SRI-Rice Technical Advisor, has completed the 2017 SRI World Map, which is now accessible through the SRI-Rice home page and the 'About Us' page. The map (click on the map at right to enlarge) lists four levels of SRI development in the 58 countries for which SRI has been demonstrated.
- Min Huang Authors Paper on Single Seedling Transplanting in the Journal of Integrative Agriculture, November 1
Min Huang, visiting fellow with SRI-Rice, has published a paper in the Journal of Integrative Agriculture together with colleagues at Hunan Agricultural University. The article, entitled Why high grain yield can be achieved in single seedling machine-transplanted hybrid rice under dense planting conditions, suggests that improvement in seedling quality, panicle size, and dry weight per stem are critical to the high grain yield in single seedling machine-transplanted hybrid rice under dense planting conditions.
- SRI Presentations at the American Society of Agronomy Meeting, October 15
Norman and Marguerite Uphoff, together with Min Huang, SRI-Rice Visiting Fellow, attended the 2017 International Annual Meeting of ASA-CSSA-SSSA, held October 22-25, 2017, in Tampa, Florida. They were joined by Amod Thakur, ICAR-Indian Institute of Water Management, who gave an oral presentation on the Impacts of cultivation practices and water management in the post-vegetative stage on rice grain yield and water productivity. Norman made a presentation co-authored by Amod on Climate-Smart Agriculture: How modified crop/water management under the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) can contribute to more climate-resilience and higher factor productivity.
- SRI-Rice Newsletter, Uploads Report and Statistics
for September Now Online, October 14
Our SRI-Rice Selected News Updates for September (on ScoopIt) as well as the September additions are now available. September 2017 statistics are as follows: 2,996 unique visitors from 79 countries logged 3,869 sessions in which 6,491 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2,391 "likes," the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 341 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 460 total followers, had 2,417 new views for our 88 uploads; 317 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account has1,656 total followers. Slideshare had 6,997 views of our 469 uploads; 217 followers. There are 1,173 items (11 new this month) in our Zotero research database.
SRI-Rice Represented at Sustainable Rice Conference and Exhibition in Thailand, October 3-6
SRI-Rice was present as an official observer at the Sustainable Rice Platform meeting held at the United Nations Convention Centre (UNCC) in Bangkok on October 3. Lucy Fisher made a presentation, entitled Networks, Champions, Incentives and the Uptake of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI), at the 2017 Sustainable Rice Conference and Exhibition, October 4-6, 2017. Minh Le and Abha Mishra, shown at right with Lucy and Anizan Isahak, also gave presentations on SRI at the conference.
Min Huang Joins SRI-Rice as a Visiting Fellow September 17
Dr. Min Huang, Associate Professor of Agronomy at Hunan Agricultural University, has joined SRI-Rice as a Visiting Fellow with International Programs in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. During his one-year stay (September 2017-August 2018), he will be working on several papers that relate to the the use of single seedlings and other practices related to rice production. You can find his recent research articles on his ResearchGate page.
- SRI-Rice Newsletter, Uploads Report and Statistics
for August Now Online, September 7
Our SRI-Rice Selected News Updates for August (on ScoopIt) as well as the August additions are now available. August 2017 statistics are as follows: 3,584 unique visitors from 86 countries logged 4,655 sessions in which 8,462 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2,373 "likes," the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 341 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 440 total followers, had 2,911 new views for our 88 uploads; 221 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account has1,652 total followers. Slideshare had 7,734 views of our 469 uploads; 215 followers. There are 1,162 items (8 new this month) in our Zotero research database.
- SRI-Rice Newsletter, Uploads Report and Statistics
for July Now Online, August 15
Our SRI-Rice Selected News Updates for June (on ScoopIt) as well as the July additions are now available. July 2017 statistics are as follows: 3,501 unique visitors from 86 countries logged 4,458 sessions in which 8,384 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2,359 "likes," the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 342 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 422 total followers, had 4,238 new views for our 88 uploads; 376 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account has1,634 total followers. Slideshare had 8,862 views of our 469 uploads; 215 followers. There are 1,154 items (11 new this month) in our Zotero research database.
- SRI-Rice Visiting Fellow J.D. Choi Returns to Korea, August 15
Joongdae Choi, Visiting Fellow with SRI-Rice at International Programs/CALS, completed his three-month stay at Cornell University during August. While at Cornell, Dr. Choi worked on journal articles about SRI-related GHG issues and also authored an overview of SRI and Climate Change Mitigation for the SRI-Rice website.
JULY 2017
- Norman Uphoff Authors More Papers on SRI! July 17
The increasingly prolific Norman Uphoff has authored an article entitled SRI: An agroecological strategy to meet multiple objectives with reduced reliance on inputs, which is published in the journal Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems [41(7): 825-854]. He also co-authored an article during July with Febri Doni et al in the journal Organic Agriculture. the title is A simple, efficient, and farmer-friendly Trichoderma-based biofertilizer evaluated with the SRI Rice Management System.
- SRI-Rice Newsletter, Uploads Report and Statistics
for June Now Online, July 7
Our SRI-Rice Selected News Updates for June (on ScoopIt) as well as the June additions are now available. June 2017 statistics are as follows: 3,460 unique visitors from 89 countries logged 4,462 sessions in which 8,186 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2,353 "likes," the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 340 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 409 total followers, had 4,063 new views for our 88 uploads; 473 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account has1,625 total followers. Slideshare had 6,480 views of our 469 uploads; 214 followers. There are 1,143 items (14 new this month) in ou Zotero research database.
JUNE 2017
- SRI-Rice Newsletter, Uploads Report and Statistics
for May Now Online, June 7
Our SRI-Rice Selected News Updates for May (on ScoopIt) as well as the May additions are now available. May 2017 statistics are as follows: 3,665 unique visitors from 94 countries logged 4,854 sessions in which 8,842 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2,334 "likes," the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 335 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 376 total followers, had 3,123 new views for our 88 uploads; 331 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account has1,604 total followers. Slideshare had 5,222 views of our 466 uploads; 213 followers. There are 1,129 items (31 new this month) in our Zotero research database.
MAY 2017
SRI-Rice Greets New Students and Says Farewell to Others, May 27
Naadhira Ali (right), a graduate student in the International Agriculture and Rural Development Program at Cornell, has joined SRI-Rice to assist with the website migration and to curate English and French research for the SRI Research database. Nina Lin will stay at Cornell for the summer to help with the website transition as well. Eurika Nzouatcham is spending the summer at a hospital in Ghana. Hillary Mara has completed her MPA degree and moved to Baltimore to intern with Catholic Relief Services (CRS). Bella Culotta will spend the summer in Nepal as a Borlaug Ruan intern with ICIMOD working on solar-powered water pumps. Hanzhou Yang will be in China until the end of the year.
- SRI-Rice Articles Appear in Agronomy Journal and Food Tank, May 2017
On May 5, an article by Amod Thakur and Norman Uphoff entitled How the System of Rice Intensification can contribute to Climate-Smart Agriculture appeared in Agronomy Journal [109(4): 1-20. doi:10.2134/agronj2016.03.0162]. A second article by Norman Uphoff, The System of Rice Intensification’s role in hunger, climate change, and communities, was published on the Food Tank website on May 9.
- SRI-Rice Newsletter, Uploads Report and Statistics
for April Now Online, May 12
Our SRI-Rice Selected News Updates for April (on ScoopIt) as well as the April additions are now available. April 2017 statistics are as follows: 3,597 unique visitors from 87 countries logged 4,737 sessions in which 8,978 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2,309 "likes," the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 331 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 366 total followers, had 2,482 new views for our 88 uploads; 246 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account 1,594 total followers. Slideshare had 7,581 views of our 466 uploads; 212 followers. There are 1,098 items (7 new this month) in our Zotero research database.
APRIL 2017
- SRI-Rice Participates in Second Regional Review & Planning Workshop on SRI-LMB in Vietnam, April 25
Lucy Fisher represented SRI-Rice at the Second Regional Review & Planning Workshop on SRI-LMB, held April 23-25, 2017, in Hanoi, Vietnam. In addition to participating in future planning, she made a presentation on National, Regional and Global SRI Networks. (SRI-Rice is a partner of our-country SRI-LMB project.)
- SRI-Rice Newsletter, Uploads Report and Statistics
for March Now Online, April 12
Our SRI-Rice Selected News Updates for March (on ScoopIt) as well as the March additions are now available. March 2017 statistics are as follows: 3,859 unique visitors from 89 countries logged 4,806 sessions in which 8,677 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2,216 "likes," the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 322 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 360 total followers, had 2,201 new views for our 88 uploads; 319 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account 1,585 total followers. Slideshare had 7,805 views of our 466 uploads; 205 followers. There are 1,091 items (25 new this month) in our Zotero research database.
Roundtable on the Peace Corps Experience with System of Rice Intensification, April 28
Returned Peace Corps Volunteers at Cornell who promoted SRI during their service will lead a roundtable discussion on the Peace Corps experience with SRI to let prospective Peace Corps Volunteers know about opportunities to get involved with SRI. The event will take place April 28, 2017 (2:30 - 4:00PM) in 102 Mann Library, on the Cornell campus. Devon Jenkins and Hillary Mara (leading the training at right) are among the RPCV speakers at the event, which is sponsored SRI-Rice, Peace Corps Cornell, and IP/CALS. More information on the event can be found on the Cornell event calendar or the Facebook event page.
MARCH 2017
- SRI-Rice at the 2nd Agriculture and Climate Change Conference in Sitges, Spain, March 26-28
Several members of the global SRI Community attended the 2nd Agriculture and Climate Change Conference
e in Sitges, Spain, held March 26-28. Lucy Fisher presented a poster entitled the System of Rice Intensification (SRI): An eco-digital commons for knowledge sharing. Febri Doni, a member of the SRI-Mas Network in Malaysia, gave an oral presentation on the Physiological effects and transcriptomic profiling of rice plant-microbe interactions in a System of Rice Intensification (SRI) agroecosystem: Identifying phenotypical modifications to deal with climate change. His presentation was co-authored by N. Uphoff, C.M.Z. Radziah, A. Isahak, F. Fathurrahman, and W.Y.W. Mohtar. Erika Styger also presented a poster on a new conceptual framework for the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) for research and practice. Febri, Lucy and Erika are shown at right.
- SRI-Rice Has Two New Research Publications, March 20
Norman Uphoff co-authored an article with Anchal Dass and Subhash Chandra entitled Agronomic fortification of rice grains with secondary and micronutrients under differing crop management and soil moisture regimes in the north Indian plains. The article appeared March 11 in the journal Paddy and Water Environment. Uphoff also co-authored and article with Arun Balamatti entitled Experience with the System of Rice Intensification for sustainable rainfed paddy farming systems in India. The article, which appears in Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, was first published March 20, 2017.
- SRI-Rice Newsletter, Uploads Report and Statistics for February Now Online, March 1
Our SRI-Rice Selected News Updates for February (on ScoopIt) as well as the February additions are now available. February 2017 statistics are as follows: 3,686 unique visitors from 94 countries logged 4,902 sessions in which 9,137 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2,179 "likes," the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 317 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 339 total followers, had 2,313 new views for our 88 uploads; 255 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account 1,562 total followers. Slideshare had 8,553 views of our 462 uploads; 205 followers. There are 1,066 items (16 new this month) in our Zotero research database.
- Chinese Version of Uphoff's Book on Responses to Frequently Asked Questions
on SRI Published, February 15
"稻作革命 SRI (System of Rice Intensification)," the Chinese language version of Norman Uphoff's 2016 book "The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) - Responses to Frequently Asked Questions," was published in early 2017. The Chinese version, which has an extended section on SRI in Taiwan, was co-authored/translated by Zhang Yu Quan and Shan Lu Yong Si at the request of Yu Chuan Chang. The cost on the publication, which can be obtained on the PChomeUSA site, is US$21.49.
- SRI-Rice Newsletter Published, February 13
The SRI-Rice January Newsletter was published on February 13. The highlights included news from Bhutan, Cambodia, Guinea, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Liberia, Thailand, and the USA. The online news also included a link to the list of all the SRI items found online by SRI-Rice during 2016.
- Kendal at Ithaca Hosts Norman Uphoff's Presentation on SRI, February 8
SRI-Rice's Senior Advisor will gave a talk at Kendal in Ithaca, NY, at 7:15 on February 8. The title of the presentation was Reasons for Hope: Opportunities for Meeting World Food Needs with Lower Cost, Less Water, Less Adverse Environmental Impact, and with Resilience to Climate Change. The event is open to the public.
- January Website Report Now Online, February 1
The January website additions are now available online. January statistics are as follows: 3,386 unique visitors from 76 countries logged 4,395 sessions in which 8,014 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2,174 "likes," the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 314 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 327 total followers, had 2,424 new views for our 88 uploads; 404 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account 1,550 total followers. Slideshare had 8,062 views of our 461 uploads; 204 followers. There are 1,050 items in our Zotero research database.
- Olivia Vent Travels to India to Collect Footage for SRI Documentary Film, January 15
Olivia Vent, SRI-Rice Value Chain Advisor, traveled to Uttarakhand, India, during mid-January together with Sue Price and Declan McCormack of Flooded Cellar Productions. They are in India to collect footage for a video on SRI's impact on women that will be used for public education and for fundraising purposes for a new NGO focused on SRI and CA, with a special interest in women.
- SRI-Rice Newsletter, Uploads Report and Statistics
for December Now Online, January 11
Our SRI-Rice Selected News Updates for December (on ScoopIt) as well as the December additions are now available. December statistics are as follows: 3,199 unique visitors from 87 countries logged 4,154 sessions in which 7,582 pages were viewed. Our primary Facebook page now has 2,166 "likes," the SRI Equipment Innovators Exchange has 306 members and our primary YouTube channel, which now has 315 total followers, had 2,783 new views for our 88 uploads; 380 views of our 41 playlists. The twitter account 1,538 total followers. Slideshare had 9,343 views of our 461 uploads; 203 followers. There are 1,047 items (8 new) in our Zotero research database.
Eurika Nzouatcham Joins the SRI-Rice Communications Team, January 12
Eurika Nzouatcham, a junior studying biological sciences at Cornell, has joined SRI-Rice to help out out with the new SRI-Rice website. She will be working with Bell Culotta to redesign the 55+ country pages for our Drupal website which will be completed in 2017.
- Progress on the Conservation Agriculture Website and Research Highlights, January 10
Cornell's Conservation Agriculture Knowledge Resources website, which is managed by SRI-Rice, has made significant progress in migrating the existing website to a new Drupal platform. The CA Group has also published the January edition of the CA Research Highlights.
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