February 2015 - Additions to the SRI-Rice Website
(Links to online material)
- Latest Research
- New Uploads (Our site)
• SRI-Rice Statistics for February 2015: 3,956 unique visitors (3,896 last month) from 90 countries (85 last month) viewed 9,980 pages (9,526 last month) on the SRI website. Total Facebook views: 1,191 (4,118 last month) with 1,537 all-time likes. Twitter followers: 1,028 (28 new this month). Total YouTube views: 46,180 (1,146 new this month). Slideshare: 426 slideshow and poster presentations uploaded and 159 subscribers. There are 676 items in our Refworks research database. (These also appear in the Mendeley SRI Research Network site.) We now have 163 (7 new) members of the SRI Equipment Exchange as of the end of Febuary!
• For additional global news see: our News page, Latest Additions, Twitter, News and Views blog, LinkedIn, YouTube (global), YouTube (India), Slideshare and Picasa photo gallery, or, see news by country
• For news about our program see: SRI-Rice Center news
• SRI-Rice web pages updated during February: SRI-Rice web pages updated during Feburary: Benin, Burundi, Cambodia, India general articles, Indonesia, Iraq, Liberia, Mali, Tanzania, Equipment Workshop presentations, 2013 and 2014 monthly news pages, 2015 news/resources, main page, India news, India research, journal articles, events, SRI-Rice staff and activities news, videos, weeders, projects.
News from past months
In the Press - Febuary 2015
- B’ngir farmer honoured for record yield
February 25, 2015, The Pioneer (Odisha, India) - World Bank team checks progress of projects [WB check up on the Tamil Nadu Irrigated Agriculture Modernisation and Water Bodies Restoration and Management project, which has a large SRI component.]
February 21, 2015, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu, India) - Petani enggan bertani model SRI [Farmers differ on SRI's advantages]
February 21, 2015, Jateng Pos (Central Java, Indonesia) - WAAPP collaborates with agric graduates on rice production
February 17, 2015, The Tribune (Nigeria) - Popularising SRI through competition [Ag.Department is organising a State-level competition to popularise SRI.]
February 16, 2015, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu, India) - DAR signs agreement with state universities and colleges [Projects to include adoption of SRI cum palay trading and establishment of organic agricultural supply.]
February 10, 2015, Philippine Information Agency, RP (Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines) - BKP3 Bantul terus lakukan penyuluhan [SRI among methods recommended by for govt.rice production extension in Bantul Regency.]
February 9, 2015, Kedaulatan Rakyat (Jogjakarta, Indonesia) - Vedanta's pilot project in Korba increases crop yield by 41% [BALCO's SRI efforts benefit 17 farmers by 41% yield increase in pilot in Korba district.]
Feburary 4, 2015, Newssuperfast (Chhatishgarh, India) - Albatan, solusi pendongkrak produksi beras [Food Security Agency (BKP3) use "albantan" marking tool for SRI in Bantul Regency.]
February 4, 2015, Kedaulatan Rakyat (Jogjakarta, Indonesia) - Padangpanjang sudah swasembada pangan [Govt. program to expand rice production in PandanPanjang already uses SRI.]
February 2, 2015, Posmetro Padang (West Sumatera, Indonesia)
Blog Posts and Website Articles - acquired during February 2015
- 2015. Finalists announced for Olam Prize for Innovation in Food Security. Olam website. February 27. [SRI/SCI is one of two finalist innovations for this prize by Olam in partnership with the Agropolis Fondation. The winner will be announced on March 16, 2015, at the Global Science Conference for Climate-Smart Agriculture in Montpellier, France]
- Sharma, Devinder. 2015. Bharat Ratna C Subramaniam’s dream of transforming agriculture needs a push. Agrinsight.org website. February 24.
- Rus, Jennifer. 2015. Battling climate change in the Himalayas, one woman at a time. Buddhist Global Relief website. February 22. [Buddhist Global Relief-sponsored project in Uttarakhand, India, promotes SRI/SWI.]
- Purohit, Makarand. 2015. A way to minimise agricultural problems in India. India Water Portal. February 24. [Links to a video on SRI in Chhattisgarh, India]
- 2015. Odisha Farmer to receive the Krishi Karman award from Prime Minister Narendra Modi. OdishaDiary. February 17. [Nirakara Dharua, a farmer of Balangir district, will receive the Krishi Karman award for achieving highest paddy production the state of Odisha.] [See similar story in I am in dna of Bhubaneswar website.]
- MOA. 2015. Community of Hope Agriculture Project (CHAP) hosts National Workshop on the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Liberia website. February 15. [See similar article by Elvis Sirleaf on the WAAPP website.]
- Besliu, Raluca. 2015.Famine from droughts? Never again, says Calvince Okello. Digital Journal. February 12. [Kenyan social entrepreneur creates M-shamba, a platform using mobile phones, which has reached 6,000 rice farmers to help them adopt SRI.]
- 2015. Impact on nursery seeding density, nitrogen, and seedling age on yield and yield attributes of fine rice - Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 71, No. 3. Bioline News Blog. February 11. [The bioline blog reviews this 2011 article in light of what they read about SRI recently in the Guardian.]
- MacMillan, Andrew. 2015. Going against the grain. Global Food Security blog. February 2. [Scientists and economists should avoid being prisoners of present knowledge, says former FAO agricultural economist Andrew MacMillan.]
- Rodenburg, Jonne. 2014. Creating awareness in Tanzania on labour-saving technologies for weed control in rice. Africa Rising website. Posted December 10. [This article is also carried in Rice Today, vol. 14 no.1) [accessed February 2, 2015]
- McLeod, Samantha. 2015. Rice and water are essential to a gluten free life. The Province blog. February 2.
Latest Research / Journal Articles / Theses - links acquired during February 2015
(in order of acquisition. See also complete alphabetized list of journal articles.)
[Note: • Red dot indicates the publication is freely available.]
- Srivastava, V. K., J. K. Singh, J. S. Bohra, and S. P. Singh. 2014. Effect of fertilizer levels and organic sources of nitrogen on production potential of hybrid rice (Oryza sativa) and soil properties under system of rice intensification. Indian Journal of Agronomy 59(4): 607-612. [accessed Feb. 28, 2015]
- • Hassan, D. and R. R. Upasani. 2015. Effect of crop establishment and weed control methods on productivity of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of Crop and Weed 11 (special issue): 228-230. [accessed Feb. 28, 2015]
- Babu, Subhash, Raghavendra Singh, et al. 2014. Production potential, economics and energetics of rice (Oryza sativa) genotypes under different methods of production in organic management conditions of Sikkim Himalayas. Indian Journal of Agronomy 59(4): 602-606. [accessed Feb. 28, 2015]
- Chaudhary, S.K., Shiveshwar Pratap Singh, Y. Singh, and Dharminde. 2014. Influence of integrated use of fertilizers and manures on SRI grown rice (Oryza sativa) and their residual effect on succeeding wheat (Triticum aestivum) in calcareous soil. Indian Journal of Agronomy 59(4): 527-533 [accessed Feb. 28, 2015]
- • Haque, Muhammed Maksudul, Ratna Rani Majumder, Tapas Kumer Hore, and Md. Romel Biswash. 2015. Yield contributing characters effect of submerged water levels of boro Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Scientia Agriculturae 9(1): 23-29. doi:110.15192/PSC P.SA.201 [accessed Feb. 13, 2015]
- Mohanty, Tushar Ranjan, Swapan Kumar Maity and Pravat Kumar Roul. 2015. Response of rice to establishment methods and nutrient management practices in medium land. ORYZA- An International Journal on Rice 51(2): 136-142. [accessed Feb. 13, 2015]
- Palanisami, Kuppanan, Krishna Reddy Kakumanu, C. R. Ranganathan, and Nagothu Udaya Sekhar. 2015. Farm-level cost of adaptation and expected cost of uncertainty associated with climate change impacts in major river basins in India. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 7(1): 76-96. doi:10.1108/IJCCSM-04-2013-0059 [accessed Feb.13, 2015]
- • Verma, Anil K., N. Pandey, and G. K. Shrivastava. 2014. Production potential and economics of hybrid rice under System of Rice Intensification and its manipulation. SAARC Journal of Agriculture 12(2): 71-78. [accessed Feb. 15, 2015]
- • Prasad, C. Shambu. 2015. A green economy of permanence: Innovation insights from grassroots knowledge. International Journal on Green Growth and Development 1(1): 53-36. [accessed Feb. 15, 2015]
- Roy, Shyamashree, P. S. Bisht, P. C. Pandey, et al. 2015. Assessment of age of seedling and weed management practices on rice yield under System of Rice Intensification. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B: Biological Sciences pp. 1-7. doi:10.1007/s40011-015-0487-z [accessed Feb. 15, 2015]
- • Karhale, S. S., S. P. Lambe, and P. S. Neharkar. 2015. Mechanical weed control by conoweeder in SRI method of paddy production. International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering 4(2): 744-752. [accessed Feb. 10, 2015]
- Ram, Hardev, J .P. Singh, J.S. Bohra, A. S. Yadav, and J. M Sutaliya. 2015. Assessment of productivity, profitability and quality of rice (Oryza sativa) under System of Rice Intensification in eastern Uttar Pradesh. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 85(1): 38-42.
- Dass, Anchal, Subhash Chandra, Anil K. Choudhary, et al. 2015. Influence of field re-ponding pattern and plant spacing on rice root-shoot characteristics, yield, and water productivity of two modern cultivars under SRI management in Indian Mollisols. Paddy and Water Environment 13(1): 1-15. doi:10.1007/s10333-015-0477-z [accessed Feb. 1, 2015]
New Documents Uploaded to the SRI-Rice Website (February 2015)
- Guindo, Hamidou. 2015. Final Report, Grant to 3A - Sahel from SRI Global Inc- 2014. SRI-Rice website. February. [English translation from French by Edward Baxter. Summary of the French language final report on an SRI project near Douentza, Mali. The project was a grant from SRI Global , Inc., which was granted the NGO 3A-Sahel with funding from the Bridging Peace Foundation. The French version will apprear next month.]
Videos / Audiofiles (February 2015 Additions to SRI-Rice Playlists)
- Video: 2015. (February 23). SRI in Chhattisgarh: A new hope for farmers. Produced by Markhand Purohit. 5:50 min. India Water Portal channel, YouTube. [Jacob Nellithanam talks about the value of organic SRI in Chhattisgarh, India, to help increase productivity, reduce costs and to preserve to both traditional varieties and traditional markets.]
- Video: 2015. (February 10). 2 Testimonies from FRB's India Patharkhmah Program. Produced by Markhand Purohit. 4:44 min. FoodResoucesBank channel, YouTube. [Farmers in NEICORD/World Renew's India-Patharkhmah progam talk about SRI and other innovations in this mountainous tribal area of Northeast India.]
- Video: 2013 (November 26). Using the Rotary Weeder in Lowland Rice. 17.48 min. africaricecenter channel, YouTube. [acquired February 2, 2015]
- Video: 2014 (November 3). Rice Weeding in Tanzania: Innovations From the Field. 3:26 min. Produced by Feed the Future program for USAID. [Accessed Feb. 1, 2015]
Slide Presentations (Primarily PowerPoint) - February 2015 uploads
- Hameed, Khidir Abas. 2014. Iraq's Strategy for Innovative Rice Irrigation and Water Management in Iraq. Presented at the Iraq’s Integrated Drought Risk Management Framework: The Validation Workshop, Amman, Jordan, March 2-5, 2014. 11 slides. [uploaded Feburary 10, 2015]